Transmigrated as a Ghost Chapter 356 - 356 Uproar

Hearing his name called Marcus walked out onto the stage, having switched his from over and changed into a high-quality suit.

Smiling he walked right towards the king confidently and as he passed by gave a wink to Mrazivy.

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He then made his way over to the king and gave a quick bow before saying, "Thank you for inviting me here your majesty."

"No, it is I who should be thanking you for bringing us all of the evidence we needed to once and for all pull off the leech known as Permafrost." The king said bowing himself.

Seeing this a number of the nobles gasped, since it was no small gesture for the king to bow to someone.

’Who is that? They look very familiar… Wait, are they?’

Looking intently at Marcus, one of the nobles in the crowd recognized him.

Standing up abruptly Marquis Krenston, shouted, "Your Majesty, that man is a wanted criminal. He is in possession of a very dangerous item that could bring ruin to the kingdom. We need to have him arrested right now."

As Marquis Krenston yelled this out loud many of the attending nobles looked confused, having no idea what Krenston was saying or why he was suddenly accusing the man the king had personally brought to commend of being a criminal.

However, there were others that also began to recognize Marcus having seen his wanted poster, and in an even small minority were the ones that knew exactly why Marcus was wanted.

After that, a number of nobles stood up as well, and began throwing out commands for knights and guards to apprehend Marcus, especially the ones that knew that he was in possession of a magical beast egg of a mythic grade beast at the peak of power.

Confused most of the knights and guards made no action especially in the presence of the king, but a few of the more loyal and stupid ones followed the commands of their superiors.


Yelling out, the king quieted the entire room with one word and all of the knights and guards that had been on the move stopped in their tracks.

"Marquis Krenston, do you think me so stupid as to not know all of the details of a person I have personally called here. I am well aware of the item that this young man had in his possession, but you need not worry, he has peacefully handed it over to the kingdom, and his wanted status and bounty have been revoked. He is now a free man once again and a hero to the kingdom. His help was invaluable for bringing down Permafrost, not to mention that he has in the past saved my daughter’s life."

After saying this the king looked at Marquis Krenston sternly telling him to back down, but to his surprise the Marquis remained standing and said, "Your majesty, while I would normally not question you, in this case the security of the entire kingdom is at stake. That man Marcus Ferrous was in possession of a mythic grade magical beast egg of the highest caliber, and I know that he had successfully formed a mutual seal with it. Even if you say he has handed it over, that means that it is still exists and could one day destroy the kingdom. I ask that the egg or if it has hatched the creature within be brought before us and destroyed."

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Stating his demands Marquis Krenston did not seem to be willing to back down.

And following him a number of nobles stood up, some being afraid of a coming disaster brought on by a calamitous beast, others not wanting the royal family to gain the power of this beast, and finally some that were simply followers of those already standing.


A resounding sound burst through the grand hall, causing an insufferable ringing in the ears of the dissenters, and forcing many of them to sit back down.

"All of you children need to calm down and listen. How long has the royal family protected this kingdom and allowed it to prosper. Now all of you be quiet and allow the king to finish before whining like babies." Aria said having seemingly appeared out of nowhere and taking place center stage.

With Aira’s intervention, the nobles that had been making an uproar, clamed up, and sat there obediently, not wanting to be on the receiving end of Aria’s magic again.

"Good, now that order has been restored, allow me to finish. The egg in question that Marquis Krenston has just disclosed information about even though he was forbidden to talk of it, has indeed hatched. However, know that it along with Marcus here have been placed under a magical contract preventing it from attacking the kingdom. And for those that wish us to destroy this beast, I tell you that would bring ruin to our kingdom. Marcus here has told us, and we have independently confirmed that this beast has two parents that would destroy our kingdom should we kill their child. Luckily Marcus and his companion have already shown their resolve and worth to the kingdom by brining us the evidence that was necessary to expunge Permafrost and their collaborators. On my authority as king I guarantee there is no threat."

Waiting patiently the king scanned around the room looking for anyone to oppose him, and when his gaze landed on Marquis Krenston, the man stayed seated, knowing there was nothing he could really say.

However, there was one person that decided not to backdown and stood up, and said, "Your Majesty, how are we to believe any of this without proof. This is a matter that concerns the entire kingdom. For us to simply roll over without evidence and accept everything you said is not possible in this situation."

Scowling the king looked at the man who had decided to oppose him, and said, "Are you saying that the word of your king is not enough, Duke Fealltoir.

"In this instance yes. You say many things, about how this man here helped the kingdom greatly, how him and his beast companion are under your control, and how to destroy this mythic grade beast we know next to nothing about would bring its parents down upon us. How are we to know that any of these claims are true without proof?" Duke Fealltoir said, a serious expression on his face.

And along with him, many of the nobles that had earlier been silenced were starting to rile up again, getting ready to jump on the bandwagon now that a powerful duke was spearheading the opposition.

Except a moment later, two people walked in and one of them said, "If you want proof I have it for you."

Looking for the source of the voice, when the nobles found the speaker, many of them shuddered seeing who they were.

Entering the room and walking around like she owned the place was head Royal Investigator Alexandra Olympia and along with her was Wade.

Seeing her arrive even Duke Fealltoir felt a sense of unease since while she may look like a harmless young rabbit beastwoman, underneath she was the most cunning and underhanded person within the kingdom.

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