Transmigrated as a Ghost Chapter 363 - 363 End Of The Kingdom’s Meeting

Soon the next day came and as before Marcus attended the meeting with the royal family sitting down at the front next to Mrazivy.

And just like the other two days, the third day had a theme and that was foreign relations.

The kingdom of Borealia, while only bordered by one other kingdom, still did trade with many of the kingdoms to the south, and some that were on the continent to the west.

This day also dealt heavily with the adventurers guild which was almost like a foreign nation in and of itself.

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"That is why I will be giving mine and the adventures guild’s backing to Frostine Borealia." Leonard said, endorsing Frostine at the end of his speech.

Hearing this many nobles began clamoring amongst each other, and looking over Marcus could see the distressed look on Reigen’s face.

’Looks like everything is shaping up nicely for Frostine to be the next ruler.’ Marcus thought.

However, as the day continued on someone Marcus recognized came up to speak.

"Hello everyone as many of you know I am Viscountess Bianca Skalbeck, and the current ambassador of the Ice Elf City, Gleann Reota."

After giving her introduction and saying a few pleasantries, Bianca looked out seriously and said, "I know that in the past our two civilizations fought, and it has taken decades of hard work for us to build back up what was lost. But myself, and the leaders of my village have decided to take another step forward. We believe it is time that the kingdom be allowed to once again have a representative within our city. For many years there has simply been an ambassador from our city to the kingdom, but now it is time for it to go both ways. Thus, I, along with the leaders of my city have chosen someone that both myself and the kingdom deems as trustworthy. Therefore, I would like to ask that Irene Geist be appointed the kingdom’s representative to Glenn Reota."

As she finished her statement, Viscountess Bianca scanned around the room looking for "Irene" but did not find her.

In fact, she had been looking since the first day but found that her target was elusive.

Still, she believed that she had picked out the best person for the job, as they were a noble that had no ties to any political faction, seemed to be an upright and loyal person, and it was quite possible they would become family in the future.

Unfortunately, she had not really passed any of this by anyone else, decided to make it a surprise announcement.

All she had told the king was that she planned to announce a noble that she trusted to be the representative to her city, and of course wanting to foster good relations he gave her the go ahead.

However, if he had known who she was going to choose he would have tried to stop her, or at the very least given Marcus some heads up.

Except now as everyone looked around for "Irene Geist." The king looked conflictedly at Marcus.

’Go ahead and accept for me. Tell her that Irene had some business to take care of but that she definitely will agree. Though obviously I will not be able to stay in the city all the time so it will be in a limited capacity.’ Marcus telepathically communicated to the king.

Nodding his head in acknowledgement, the king got up and went over to Bianca and said, "I am afraid that Lady Geist is currently attending to some personal matters and is not currently in attendance. However, I am certain that she will agree to your proposal, even if she is only able to be there part of the time."

Frowning Bianca did not seem to have received the answer she wanted but let it go for now until she could talk to "Irene" in person.

The king and Bianca, then discussed a few other things, before she went back to her seat what she wanted to accomplish completed.

’Looks like thing are going to become more complicated, but from what I have heard from Lilia, she made up with Alaric and the two are closer than ever. So, as the older sibling I need to do what I can to make sure that she ends up happy, even if it means spending a couple of weeks every now and then being a representative for the kingdom to the ice elf city.’

The meeting then continued on for a few hours, as ambassadors from foreign nations talked about this and that, making promises and demands, though Marcus did not really care.

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Soon the talks of foreign policies came to an end and the floor was opened up for any noble to speak.

Many of them came up to the front to argue about how they had been mistreated or some other grievance. And of course, one of them was Marquis Krenston, but after his little outburst the day before he revived little support, and ultimately ended with the king offering him a bit of compensation for breaking the engagement of his son and Mrazivy.

Of course, Marquis Krenston did not take the king’s offer saying that it would be a slight on his family’s honor to roll over.

In fact, apparently his son was now suffering from emotional distress from having his future wife taken away, and Krenston demanded that Mrazivy, be given back, along with compensation.

Still it was not like Krenston’s tantrum was getting him anywhere, and in the end the king got tired of his whining and told him he could return to his seat or be escorted out.

Scoffing, Krenston stormed out of the grand hall all the while thinking about getting back at the king somehow.

’Just you wait. You will soon see that Loursend is far to valuable for you to upset me. Let us see how the kingdom functions without the majority of its forging trade.’

Once Krenston had exited, the mood in the room had definitely dropped but nonetheless the meeting continued.

Eventually, as the day wound down and was nearing the end, the king came up to the speaking podium once again to make a much-anticipated announcement.

"I would once again like to thank everyone here for attending our kingdom’s meeting. We have accomplished much and worked together to continue to allow this nation to prosper. However, my time as ruler is nearing its end, and it is time that I choose a suitable heir. So, after much consideration I have finally chosen which of my children shall become the next monarch of this kingdom. I have decided that my heir is to be Prince James, or at least that was who I had first chosen. Unfortunately, he wishes to cede his right to the throne, and forcing someone who does not have the want nor will to be king is how nations fall. Nevertheless, Prince James did give his support to another of my children and have deiced that he is right that they would be the next best choice. Therefore, from this day forth, my heir with be Third Princess Frostine Borealia."

The king then beckoned for Frostine to join him on stage, and getting up with a victorious smile she walked forward and stood with her father.

She began giving a quick speech about how she was honored to be the next ruler of the kingdom, and that she would do her best to see it prosper.

After that some of the nobles stood up and called obviously happy to see Princess Frostine become the next ruler, while others sat still not happy about the choice.

Of course, there was nothing they could do, but it was also not like everything was over yet. There would still be a few years before the king gave up the throne and, in that time, it was possible that Frostine might had an "accident" or one of his other children could become more suitable.

"Now that concludes this kingdom’s meeting. It has been a fruitful endeavor for all, and for any who wish the royal family will be hosting a grand feast after this."

With that the kingdom’s meeting came to a close, and many began getting prepared to depart to return to their own territories while others went to the feast planning to stay a few more days and enjoy the royal capital.

’Ahh that was some good food. Now time to take a long relaxing bath to wash away the fatigue of these last few days.’

Finishing up at the feast Marcus had returned with Mrazivy to her room, and for the first time in a few days decided to take the time for a nice bath.

’Yep, the warm water feels great, and is replenishing my weary soul. And now that the kingdom’s meeting is over, I can finally get back to accomplishing some of my goals. Though I suppose I will need to go and see Bianca soon, to figure out my new role, but if its for Lilia’s sake, I would do almost anything. Oh, I also cannot forget to visit Aria. Heh heh, soon I will have plenty more spells under my fingertips.’

Giddy to have everything going his way, and distracted by the flowing warm water, Marcus did not notice when the door to the bathroom slowly opened and closed again.

However, the person who had entered soon made their presence known as they stood in front of him.

"Would you mind if I joined you.." Mrazivy said to Marcus, surprising him as he looked up and saw that she was not wearing anything.

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