Transmigrated as a Ghost Chapter 430 - Loaded Up

As soon as the meeting finished up, and everyone was set on the plan to break everyone out of the Sky Citadel. Each of the participating captains went off to gather the respective members from their teams.

This was going to be a large operation, and a powerful force was going to be necessary even if Marcus was successful in sowing chaos within the prison.

Unfortunately, the location of the citadel being high up in the mountains made it impossible for a large, concentrated force to attack, so a strike team of only a few hundred was being assembled.

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Still, the men and women that were being gathered were some of the strongest in the rebellion and none were below level forty.

Quickly all the preparation were well underway, and Marcus especially was loaded up with all manner of items to help him in his mission.

Not only did he have the five sets of armor and weapons for the great knights, but Tesia had given him staffs and robes for the elite mages, and for the other prisoners, he had a cache of mithril weapons to hand out.

"Here take this as well. In the worst-case scenario this should disrupt any magic formations within thirty feet for around five minutes. If you cannot free Argus any other way this should be effective, but I would ask that you not use it unless absolutely necessary. I only have the one and replacing it would be near impossible, since I would need the brain stem of a powerful and rare monster called a Balbala that can disrupt magic."

Taking the magic device that looked like a grenade, Marcus stored it into his item box with a greedy expression in his eyes.

This was quite the item, and he was thinking that he might try to keep it if he did not use it.

Naturally Tesia saw this, but she disregarded it and handed Marcus a dozen items that looked like beads.

"These are spell absorbers, they can absorb the power of most spells they come into contact to, but do not expect them to work fully on anything above tier five. After that one will only dimmish a spell’s power, and I imagine it would take at least five to stop a tier six spell. And even if you used all of them, they might have difficulty stopping a tier seven spell. As for a tier eight spell, well hopefully my brother will not even think about using such dangerous magic inside a building."

Tesia then took out a number of talismans that she had created and sealed spells within.

However, as she pulled out the last one that was golden in color, she hesitated to hand it over to Marcus.

"This one holds the tier nine healing magic spell, miracle of life. In truth this is the most valuable item that I have, and I am reluctant to hand it over. However, I believe that it will be best if you have it. This spell can heal any and everyone within your view completely, and even bring them back to life as long as they have not been dead more than a minute."

Hearing this Marcus’ eyes went wide. He had to this point not heard anything about magic that could bring people back from the dead.

But as he thought about it more, he actually had a similar ability in his unique skill deny destruction, and the blade armed demon had also restored itself completely after dying.

Though this also brought up another question to Marcus’ mind.

Tesia said that she that she had made all of these talismans which meant that she should be able to cast this spell as well.

And when Marcus asked her about this, she nodded her head and said, "Yes, I can cast this spell, but it takes all of my mana and leaves me in a weakened state for a week. This spell would normally be beyond me, but my blessing allows me to jump above the normal limits that most would experience for healing and sacred magic. Currently my healing magic is at level nine and my sacred magic is at level eight."

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"I see." Marcus said a bit taken aback by the power that Tesia had.

Still, he was also similar with iron, darkness, and light magic, being able to get his skill levels up higher easier than most thanks to his blessings.

But this made him realize something else.

"Does Teivel have a level nine magic skill as well."

As she hesitated for a moment, Marcus could see that Tesia did not want to tell him.

Under his probing stare though, Tesia knew she could not lie and said, "Yes, his death magic is at level nine, and he has a similarly powerful spell. I did not tell you because I was afraid that you would back out of the mission. I truly want to save my brother, and this is my best chance to do so."

Seeing Tesia who was normally collected acting so desperate, Marcus could definitely understand her feelings.

If Lilia or Mrazivy suddenly ended up on an opposing side to him, he would want to do everything in his power to make sure they did not die. Even if it meant tying them up and dragging them back to their senses.

"Well, it should be fine. Remember I am not a humanoid, but a spirit. Death magic should not really work on me, and I have a natural resistance to dark magic, so everything should work out." Marcus said confidently.

Of course, he was not one hundred percent certain death magic would not work against him, but since he was technically undead, he felt there was a good chance it would be ineffective.

As for darkness magic, there he had no worry thanks to his ruler of darkness race ability that made him immune to any form of darkness unless it came from another ruler.

"I suppose that I know little about spirits. If you truly believe that you will be okay than I want to thank you in advance for going along with my selfish requests." Tesia said, bowing her head.

Waving his hand, Marcus motioned for her to raise her head and said, "Hey I am doing all of this to help a friend. So, you wanting to protect your brother is not much different. Anyway, I doubt I could kill him anyway, so you sealing him is probably the best bet we have. Plus, you are giving me all of these cool and powerful items. This is the least I can do to repay you."

"Um you mean borrow. Any that you do not use I want back." Tesia said with a worried look on her face.

"Oh, would you look at the time. I need to go and meet up with Lyra and Marek. See you around."

Marcus then disappeared going into his ghost form and floating away.

It was at this moment that Tesia realized that she would likely not be getting back any of the items she was letting Marcus use.

Still, she could only sigh and brush it off.

’It will all be worth it as long as I can make sure my brother survives.’

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