Transmigrated as a Ghost Chapter 451 Homecoming (3)

As Volos looked at Lyra, his astonishment was evident on his face. But after nearly a minute he recomposed himself and said, “I always knew that you would be back one day Jadzia. When I heard you had joined the rebellion, I was certain that you would come to reclaim your home. Though I did not expect you to be here so soon.”

Volos then turned his head in the direction of where his wife and kids were asleep and said, “I understand that you are going to kill me. But I would beg you to spare my wife and kids. They are innocent in this all and have been dragged into this by me.”

However, as Volos said this Lyra rolled her eyes and responded saying, “There is no need to be so dramatic. I have not come here to kill you but ask for your help. Though if you make things difficult, I will be forced to take action.”

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Hearing this Volos’ face brightened up since in al honesty he thought Lyra had come back to execute him as revenge for her parents whose place he had taken.

“No, I do not plan to make anything difficult for you. Now tell me what you want?”

“I have come to take my place as duchess and ruler of this city and the territory that used to be under my parents’ control. I would like if you would publicly abdicate your position to me and show your support to the rebel army and allow us to occupy the city unabated. We will be taking this as our territory to fight back against the king and his tyranny, and to place the rightful ruler on the throne.”.

Once she had finished stating her major demands, Volos looked conflicted in what he should do in response.

“So, you wish to bring war to your home? You must realize that the king and those that follow him will not back down once you take this city. They will send armies to kill you and the rebels, and the battle could wipe out the city. Surely you can see that this will cost millions of lives.” Volos said, obviously opposed to this.

Yet Lyra just said, “It has already been decided that this will be our course of action. If you do not help us, it will just mean that more lives will likely be lost. Anyway, as the rebel army is now, we are strong enough to fight against the kingdom and defend this city. I to want as few as possible to die. And I believe that if I take over with the backing of the rebel army, that will be what is best. The people here already protest the king’s policies and what happened to my parents. How long until the kingdom’s soldiers who now march the streets in droves begin killing thousands of people to make an example.”

Wincing, Volos knew that Lyra was correct, as the king had already told him to get the population under control, or he was going to resort to more drastic measures.

And while it had not been spelled out in specifics, Volos could tell that the king was becoming more frantic every day that went by.

As the rebel army grew in power and compiled more victories, the civil unrest in the kingdom continued to soar, and the only place that could truly be considered stable was the royal capital.

Of course, this had less to do with the capital being better governed, and more that people there were far more afraid.

Taking a deep breath Volos looked at Lyra with a resolute expression and said, “Is Princess Daniela real, or are you just using her name?”

Smiling Lyra said, “She is the genuine article. She escaped to Borealia when her brother was thinning out his competition, but has come back to support us now that she has a chance to make a difference. You and I both know that this kingdom has begun to fall into a downward spiral after the king executed my parents and many other popular nobles. It is time that we have new leadership, and I can promise you that Princess Daniela will make this kingdom better than it has ever been.”

Looking deep into Lyra’s eyes, Volos was doing his best to read her, and soon came to the conclusion that she believed everything she had just said.

“Very well, if Princess Daniela truly is backing your rebellion, then I will join behind you. I have sworn to follow the crown, but that does not mean I approve of the current king. Princess Daniela has just as much, if not more right to the throne than her brother. Now where do we begin?

Having received Volos’ support, Lyra who had been deadly serious this entire time, smiled and hugged her cousin.

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Truthfully, he was the only real family she had left, and she was very grateful that she would not have to kill him.

“Thank you. I promise you will not regret this. It may be tough in the beginning, but I promise by the end of it all, this kingdom will be a better and safer place for our family.”

Lyra then pulled back away from Volos and was about to tell him the finer details of their plan, when a loud knock was heard at the door to his suite.

“Your Grace, the food you asked for has arrived.”

Confusion written all over his face, Volos had no recollection of requesting a meal.

“Sorry one of my companions took you over for a minute to distract the guards. If you would not mind quietly retrieving the food ‘you’ asked for?” Lyra said to try and smoothing things along.

Though when she said that someone had been controlling him, Volos’ face twisted into a ghastly expression, since it was truly terrifying to realize that someone had been controlling you.

Still with Lyra’s promptings, he momentarily shook off his astonishment and went to the door to receive the meal that had been ordered by Marcus while possessing his body.

“Here you are your grace. The chef prepared an herb roasted chicken breast along with mashed yams and some sautéed vegetables for you.”

Taking the tray in almost a daze, Volos began walking back to his office, before stopping himself and turning around to properly thank the guard.

‘Looks like I do not need to get involved.’ Marcus thought as Volos walked away.

He had been posed to strike with his scythe should Volos have rated Lyra out and tired to call for help.

Fortunately, this did not happen, and Volos walked back to where Lyra was, and haphazardly placed the tray of food down onto his desk completely disregarding it.

And before Lyra could begin speaking again, Volos said, “So you have not come alone, and you have someone who can control other people among you?”

Frankly Volos was stunned to hear this, since magics or skills that controlled people against their wills were some of the most terrifying and deplorable that existed.

Ripping away someone’s free will in many cases could be worse than death, and more often than not, it was not the most savory individuals that had such abilities.

However, before he could say anything else Marcus revealed his presence and said, “Yes, she is not alone, and I am the one that took control of you. You can consider me her guardian spirit and I would never do anything against her wishes. Now we do not have much time. You can be shocked later, so let us get down to business.”

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