Transmigrated as a Ghost Chapter 469 Lyra and Mrazivý

As Lyra looked at Mrazivy like she was a ticking timebomb, Mrazivy said with a smug expression, “I really could not care less about any incident I might cause by being here. As much as Marcus wants to make sure his friend does not die, I want to do the same for him. He is free to do all of the crazy and stupid things that he wants, and I am free to follow right behind him to pull him out whenever he gets caught up in something over his head.”

Hearing this, Marcus could only sigh, since Mrazivy could have worded that a bit more diplomatically, but instead she had been entirely brazen.

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As for Lyra, she just stood there flabbergasted, not sure what to say in response to Mrazivy’s declaration.

“Anyway, Marcus already said that he would support me staying. All I need is a disguise, and right now just changing my hair color was enough for you not to know who I am. I doubt there are many people in this kingdom that could recognize me just off of my face, and I have an artifact that prevents my status from being read by most. So, I am staying no matter what, so you will just have to get used to me being around. Also, I can carry my weight. I do not mean to boast, but I am pretty strong now.” Mrazivy said stating her case.

Looking towards Marcus for his support, since she was still not onboard with the princess from another kingdom join them, Lyra unfortunately found that he would not meet her gaze showing his unwillingness to help her out here..

He knew that when Mrazivy wanted to be stubborn, there was little he could do to dissuade her.

Of course, he was pretty similar in this regard, making it even more difficult for him to tell her to go back home because it was not safe, since she was just doing the exact same thing he was.

Rubbing her face, Lyra could see that this situation was not going to go her way, and said, “Okay. Princess Mrazivy I will accept your help, just please try to keep a low profile and do not tell anyone else who you are.”

Smiling, Mrazivy thanked Lyra for her approval, since she knew that it would make things much easier in the long run.

“Now that we have settled that. I am going to get some sleep. I am exhausted after using my full power and I would like to get some rest. I am sure you are tired as well Lyra, so we can all talk again later.” Marcus said, the crushing fatigue of using all of his strongest skills weighing on him.

Even he had his limits and he had pushed them as far as he could, and now he needed just a bit of rest to recover.

Naturally having his stats quartered from using soul burst also did not help in this regard, as it gave him an ever-present sense of weakness.

However, contrary to his expectations, Lyra said, “No I am not tired at all. I drank that elixir you gave me, and it brought me back up to full strength and then some. Why do you not go get some sleep while I talk to Mrazivy here.”

Panic on his face, Marcus was not sure if he wanted to leave his lover alone with a girl that used to be almost like a second big sister to him when they both still lived on Earth.

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The last thing he needed was for her to tell embarrassing childhood stories about himself to Mrazivy.

Sadly, it looked like he was not going to be able to stop these two girls that had come to know him at different times from talking.

“Fine, do whatever you want, I am going to sleep.” Marcus said with resignation in his voice.

After that, he left to go to the nearest bed where he found Roxene passed out, similarly exhausted.

Carefully getting into the bed so as to not disturb her, Marcus laid his head down, and shut his mind down like a computer before falling asleep.

Once Marcus had gone off, Lyra and Mrazivy simply stared as each other, until after around a minute Mrazivy sat down on one of the nearby chairs and said, “So you knew Marcus back when he was still alive on Earth?”

Nodding her head and siting down as well, Lyra said, “Yeah, I did, until he was fifteen. Our families lived close by, and his sister was the same age as I was, so we naturally became friends. We all knew each other for a long time, and I must say that Marcus was kind of like a little brother with how much time we all spent together. Though he has certainly changed since when I knew him before I died. He has gotten a lot more reliable and sure of himself, though I guess that might just be because he grew up.”

“But from what he told me, you two are actually lovers, and judging by out interaction earlier I am sure he places you higher than me.”

Hearing this Mrazivy smiled, obviously pleased, and said, “You are probably right about that, but he definitely still values you quite highly. Marcus is fiercely loyal to those that he truly cares about. He was willing to sacrifice a bit of his own freedom in order to give me mine back, took down an entire syndicate when they threatened his little sister, and now he is fighting a war that has nothing to do with him just to make sure that you survive.”

Letting her ears flop down, at some point Lyra had thought of Marcus’ presence as natural, but now that Mrazivy had blatantly pointed it out, Marcus was selflessly risking his life just to make sure she survived.

Though seeing this, Mrazivy said, “Hey, there is no need to feel bad about it. Marcus is doing this because he wants to, not because he feels forced. Take it from someone who has been in your place before, letting him do everything he can, will be better for everyone since he will do it whether you want him to or not. That just means you need to do the same for him whenever he gets himself into trouble.”

“But that is enough about this subject. What I really want to know is what Marcus was like before I met him. He told me a bit about his past, but he really did not get into any personal experiences. I know he had an older sister, but I know next to nothing about her other than that they were close. So would you mind telling me a bit about him, at least what you know?”

Contemplating what to do here, Lyra was not sure if she should start divulging personal things about Marcus. But in the end, she figured it would probably be fine if she told Mrazivy, who was probably the closest or at least second closest person to Marcus in the entire world.

“Sure, I can tell you about him up until her was fifteen, and in return, you can tell me a bit more about the two of you and how you both ended up together.”

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