Transmigrated as a Ghost Chapter 498 First Blessing

“Are you insane?! Did I not already tell you about the dangers of doing such a thing! I let it slide the first time because it was an accident, and the results were not disastrous. But I will not allow you to attempt a taboo again!”

Becoming raging mad, Thabon went off on Marcus.

Binding a part of his soul to something on accident was one thing. But blatantly saying to do it again and requesting aid in the endeavor. This was not something Thabon could take.

He had seen one apprentice a long time ago fall down a similar path, and it had ended disastrously.

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These practices were called taboos for a reason, and Thabon would not have Marcus doing even the least dangerous of the three.

“I will not allow it! If you want to attempt this crazy method, then do it on your own and never show yourself in front of me again! But know that I will also be reporting you, if you choose to do so. It cannot be allowed for those practices to go unpunished.”

With every moment that passed by, Thabon became more and more seething. Beyond pissed that Marcus would even ask such a thing.

However, as volatile as Thabon was. Marcus remained calm, having expected his master to get angry..

“Master, please calm down and let me explain. I understand that binding a part of a person’s soul to a weapon is taboo. But that is only because it has a chance of turning into a monstrous weapon. However, I am not a human or any type of living flesh and blood being. I am a spirit and a great one at that. The form you see before you is just my soul taking solid shape. I can implant a piece of my soul into objects and even people much easier than a person can.

I even have a race ability to do so, the same as all great spirits. Surely you have heard that you can receive a blessing from a great spirit. And if you want, I would even be willing to demonstrated by giving you one as proof?”

Waiting to hear Marcus out, Thabon at the end of it was still steaming, but he had at least calmed down a bit.

He did not even want to entertain the idea of one of his apprentices doing a taboo and even helping them do so.

Still Marcus had made some good points in his favor, and already had a success under his belt.

Certainly, if any being could one hundred percent successfully implant a portion of their soul into an object it would be a great spirit.

“Fine give me a blessing and I will decide after that whether I will allow you to continue or not.” Thabon said. A stern gaze coming from his eyes.

Smiling Marcus walked over to his master and said, “Which will it be? Light or Darkness?”

“Either. It does not matter.” Thabon responded.

Nodding his head, Marcus held out his right hand which began glowing brightly.

He then focused on his race ability as a great spirit and pulled out a piece of his soul. Before sending it over to Thabon as a glowing orb.

As soon as the piece of Marcus’ soul entered Thabon, the old dwarf began shining brightly.

“There I have bestowed upon you the blessing of light.”

Patting his body, Thabon could immediately tell that he was stronger.

He felt his body become a bit more lithe, and he also felt an even greater affinity for some of his skills.

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‘I really did just receive a blessing!’ Thabon thought with astonishment.

Until just now, he was actually still doubting Marcus’ ability to give a blessing.

Yet seeing it with his own eyes and experiencing it himself, there was no longer any room for doubt.


‘You have acquired a new blessing holder.’

Hearing this sudden notification in his head, Marcus took a quick look at it and found that he could now view Thabon’s status.

‘Oh, I did not know it allowed me to do this.’ Marcus thought, as he opened up a new window and viewed Thabon’s full status.

Taking a quick look, he confirmed that his master’s level was indeed seventy-four, and that his name was truly Thabon Blazegram.

Of course, with his master’s full status on display, Marcus did not stop there and looked over his stats as well.

‘Hm they are lower than I thought they would be. In total, they are only about eighty percent higher than what he would get just from leveling up.’

After looking at Thabon’s stats, Marcus began scrolling down, when Thabon interrupted him.

“Irene, you really gave me a blessing!” Thabon said, coming to realize that he had truly been given another blessing after so many years.

Smiling smugly, Marcus said, “Yep. I told you that I can do it like all other great spirits, and I can even do the same for items. So, there is no need to worry about anything going awry.”

Stroking his beard and thinking heavily. Thabon was having a difficult time deciding what to do now.

Certainly, with Marcus’ race ability, he could easily put a portion of his soul into an object, and it would come out fine.

But it was still a taboo to do so, and it was ingrained in Thabon to never try to attempt any of them.

“I am afraid that I cannot help you if you are going to try and bind a fragment of your soul to an item. It is a taboo, and I will have nothing to do with it.”

“Now since we have sorted that out. I have been hard at work for a while now and am in need of something to eat. There is a very good restaurant on the other side of town I have not been to in quite some time. So I think I will stop by there. After that I even think that I could use a good long rest.”

“Oh, Irene. During that time could you clean up in here. As you can see the place is a mess and it would be great if you could do your master one last favor before going off on your own. Just be sure to be careful with my book of advanced formations that only amethros can take. I needed to use it as a reference, since this was the first time in so long, I had the opportunity to work with it.”

“Well, I will be going off. I expect this place to be clean when I come back, but make sure you do not rush. It is imperative that you do a good job.”

After saying all of this, Thabon gave Marcus a slightly nod. Before leaving him alone inside his private workshop.

‘Well, I guess I will take that as his approval. Still, I was hoping to have his help, but I will just have to make do. Now where is that book?’

With Thabon having left and giving his silent consent. Marcus began getting to work on making the item that he would be binding his soul to and giving to Mrazivy.

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