Transmigrated as a Ghost Chapter 500 For Eternity

Having completed his engagement ring for Mrazivy, Marcus began cleaning up Thabon’s workshop as he had been asked.

He knew that his master had given him a pass this time, so it was only right that he did what he had been asked.

‘There that should do it.’

Wiping his hands together Marcus looked at the now spotless room that he had spent around three hours cleaning.

With all he needed to accomplish at the Blazegram forge completed. It was now time for him to head back home and prepare for the big day.

“Clara here is a list of items I need you to procure within the next day. Money is not an issue, so do not worry about the spending.” Marcus said while handing Clara a sheet of paper and a magic bag that was filled to the brim with money.

Looking over the list, Clara immediately saw that it was filled with the most expensive cooking ingredients one could purchase.

In fact, some of the ingredients were things she did not even recognize, showing how rare they were.

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“Lady Irene, are you planning on serving this at the party? I am not sure that any of us maids would be qualified to work with such ingredients.” She said, concern evident in her voice.

“Oh no. Those are for a special engagement I have planned in a couple days that you need not worry about. For the party, the standard fare that Stella makes will be find.”

Bowing her head, Clara said, “Very well, I shall make sure that everything is ready by the end of tomorrow.”

After that, Clara went on her way hurrying around and enlisting the majority of the other maids help to procure the items on Marcus’ list.

Soon the time that Marcus had reserved a wing of the castle for himself and Mrazivy had arrived.

“Well, I am off everyone. I will be back in three days for my welcome back party.” Marcus said as he waved goodbye to his servants that had gathered to see him off..

Getting into his carriage he told Elianna to drive towards the castle.

‘Still as impressive as always.’ He thought as he looked upon Borealia’s royal castle.

In fact, now that he had something to compare it to from the castle in Tralenstein it only made this castle that much grander.

Not only was it quite a bit larger but the architecture was more pleasing to look at.

It was a castle that very much looked the part of an epic fantasy. Unlike the one in Tralenstein that was more function over style and had the appearance of a massive fort.

“Okay Elianna you can go ahead and return to my estate.” Marcus said as he got out of his carriage in front of the castle’s entrance.

“Are you sure that you will not need me to act as your attendant, Lady Geist?” Elianna said.

“No, it is fine. The servants in the castle will be more than enough.”

Nodding her head, Elianna accepted Marcus’ command and began driving the carriage back out of the royal castle.

Now alone, Marcus headed into the castle being let in easily and made his way to Mrazivy’s room.

‘I am glad that while I was here, she taught me how to navigate this place.’ Marcus thought as he walked down corridor after corridor.

Quickly, he entered the wing of the castle that was reserved for the royal family’s residences and had to stop in front of a magical barrier.

‘Hm, no one is around. Time to switch.’

Going back into his original form, he slipped through the barrier with ease, now that he bore the title of prince.

‘That reminds me. I should have a room around here somewhere myself now. Not that I will probably ever use it.’ Marcus thought as he walked the last little bit to Mrazivy’s room.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

Gently knocking on the door, Marcus waited for only a moment until the set of double doors was opened up by Mrazivy’s personal servant.

“Aisha it is good to see you again.”

“Likewise, Prince Ferrous.” Aisha said while bowing.

“Please come inside. I am sure her highness will be happy to see you.” Aisha said somewhat mischievously.

Following Aisha into Mrazivy’s room, Marcus saw her sitting on her couch and reading a book.

However, he could see that her face was a bit flush, and when he entered, she abruptly stored the book into her item box.

“Marcus when did you get here?” Mrazivy said with a higher pitched voice than normal.

She had known that he would be arriving soon but had ended up engrossed in her book not hearing him come in with the help of Aisha.

Of course, this had been somewhat planned in advance, so that Marcus could catch Mrazivy off guard.

“Well, if you will excuse me your highnesses. I will be taking my break.” Aisha said, while giving her master a wink.

Once Aisha had left, Mrazivy looked at Marcus a bit expectantly and was about to say something. When he pulled her up off the couch and into a princess carry.


“Wait I am not ready yet! At least let me take a bath first!” Mrazivy said flustered by Marcus suddenly picking her up.

Yet she only became more flustered as he started walking towards the door instead of further into the suite.

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“Marcus where are we going?!” Mrazivy said a bit of panic in her voice as Marcus kicked open her doors.

“I have a surprise that I have set up for you, so we can worry about other activities afterwards.” Marcus said with a smirk on his face.

“But I was the one who was supposed to have a surprise ready for you.” Mrazivy grumbled.

Carrying Mrazivy through the castle, Marcus made his way over to the kitchen which to Mrazivy’s surprise was empty.

In fact, as she thought about it, even on their entire way over here, they had not seen a single person.

“How did you have the entire kitchen cleared out?” Mrazivy asked confusion all over her face.

“Oh, I just asked for a favor from the top dragon, and she worked it out for me. Anyway, now that we are here it is time to get started.”

After putting Mrazivy down, Marcus pulled his massive industrial fridge out of his item box and opened it up.

“I have prepared the best ingredients that can be bought on the market, so pick out whatever you want. Today we are cooking the best meal of our lives.” Marcus said as he beckoned Mrazivy inside the fridge.

Walking into the fridge she saw that it truly was filled with any high-end ingredient imaginable.

“So, choose whatever you would like and then you can help me with the prep work. After that I will teach you how to really cook.”

Smiling and nodding her head Mrazivy said, “This is going to be a lot of fun. Thank you, Marcus.”

She then stood up on the tips of her toes and gave Marcus a kiss on the cheek. Before heading into the fridge and picking out ingredients.

“A little bit of this. Two of these. Oh, I have not seen this kind before, I wonder what it tastes like. Aw these smells good.”

Going through the fridge Mrazivy was grabbing things left and right, a number of which she had no idea about.

Still, Marcus just stood there smiling. Figuring he could probably make something good no matter what Mrazivy picked out.

“You certainly grabbed a lot.”

Looking in front of him, the counters were piled high with the food that Mrazivy had picked out. And it appeared she had taken a bit of almost everything Marcus had bought.

“Yeah. Now that I have evolved, I can eat quite a bit more.” Mrazivy said a bit embarrassed.

“Well, that is fine. I can eat infinitely for all I know.”

After saying that, Marcus began sectioning out the ingredients and told Mrazivy which ones to cut up first.

He wanted everything to come out ready close to the same time. So, starting with what would take the longest to cook made the most since.

Soon the two of them were engrossed with making a feast for themselves.

Of course, Marcus had to give Mrazivy directions for the most part, since her cooking ability was basically nonexistent.

But her diligence and want to learn helped a lot, and quickly they had prepared most of the ingredients and already started cooking some of them.

“Mraz could you get me two cups of flour.” Marcus said as he was beating some eggs.

However, as Mrazivy was pouring out the flower, a mischievous look came over her face.

“I got your flower.” She said as she dumped it all over Marcus. “There now you look more like a ghost.”

While Mrazivy snickered at her joke. Marcus just stood their stunned for a moment as he processed what had happened.

Going ethereal Marcus let all of the flower fall off of him and sent it back towards Mrazivy with the flick of his spectral arm.

“There now you look more like a frost dragon.”

The to of them had a good laugh for a minute, before cleaning up the flower and getting back to work.

“That is the last of it.” Marcus said as he put the finishing touches on the cake he and Mrazivy had made.

“Now you can go wait in the dining room and I will bring everything out for us.”

Nodding her head, Mrazivy did just that and waited for Marcus to serve them both the massive feast the two of them had prepared.

“Ah that was really good. You were right about it being the best meal of our lives.” Mrazivy said, with a satisfied expression after they finished off desert.

However, unbeknownst to her, the biggest surprise was yet to come.

“Actually, I have made one more thing for you that I have kept hidden.” Marcus said as he stood up from his seat.

Looking at him with a bit of confusion, Mrazivy could not remember him having the time to make something else while they were cooking.

Yet as Marcus bowed his head down and grabbed Mrazivy’s left hand she realized what he was doing.

Marcus then kissed the top of her hand and said, “Princess Mrazivy Borealia. Would you marry me.”

Blinking furiously, Mrazivy was stunned by Marcus asking her to marry him, in the traditional way of the Borealian nobility.

Of course, this was normally just a formality that nobles did, as the marriages had been arranged beforehand. But for Mrazivy she truly had not been expecting this right now.

“Yes. I will marry you.” she said as tears began to flow down her face.

Smiling and let out a breath of relief, Marcus pulled out the ring he had made for Mrazivy and slipped it onto her finger.

“Let this be a symbol of our eternity together.”

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