Transmigrated as a Ghost Chapter 534 Marcus and Lyra vs Quillon and Mrazivý (3)

With the battle heavily in Marcus’ and Lyra’s favor, both Mrazivy and Quillon had grim expressions on their faces.

The two of them had so far been thoroughly trounced, not making any headway during the battle.

They had focused their attention entirely on Marcus both wanting to fight him, but this just left Lyra to her on device to use her illusions and absolutely broken reflector shield unique skill to her advantage.

Also, Marcus was acting as support and using his magic to constantly apply pressure, preventing either of them from regaining their bearings.

Now they were in a precarious position, with Quillon being heavily inured, partly from being hit by Mrazivy’s indiscriminate magic attack. While Mrazivy had already activated all of her strongest abilities and put a time limit on how much longer she could fight at her best.

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Still, Mrazivy had just dispatched Marcus’ iron golem that had been keeping her locked out of the main fight and set her sights back on him.

She then opened her mouth and was about to unleash her breath attack, when she glanced down at Quillon who was also in the area.

Currently he was being once again attacked by Marcus and Lyra, as they disregarded Mrazivy and tried to finish off him first.

Sighing, she shot down towards Quillon like a rocket and smashed into the ground next to him, before parrying Lyra’s kukri’s that were about to slice into him.

‘Ice Dragon’s Egg.’.

Casting her strongest defensive spell, Mrazivy encased both her and Quillon in a thick layer of sturdy ice.

This gave them a momentary reprieve from Lyra and Marcus fierce and strategical assault that had absolutely overwhelmed them up to this point.

“Okay first let me say I am sorry for hitting you with my spell. But now I think it is time we work together. At this rate we are going to beaten without putting up any fight.”

Sighing Quillon nodded his head in agreement and waited for Mrazivy to tell him her idea.

While this was happening, Marcus and Lyra waited around a hundred feet from the defensive barrier Mrazivy had created and talked amongst each other.

“Are you sure that we should give them time to recover and plan. With a few powerful attacks we could crack that egg and keep up our offense?” Lyra said, wondering why Marcus had decided to step back and wait.

“Well, first off it give me some more time to cast my buff spells so there is that, but also this fight has been a bit boring. I think we already knocked them around enough. Let’s just give them a minute to collect themselves, and then if they have not come out on their own, we can force them out.”

Being perfectly fine waiting, Marcus began casting some of his signature enchantment spells and testing out the effects of his recent epiphany.

Quickly a minute went by, and Marcus was fully prepared to begin the fight again having cast his arms of darkness and legs of light spell on himself, while giving lighting warrior to Lyra.

“Hm guess we should force them out.” Marcus said when there was still no movement within he ice egg Mrazivy had created after a minute had passed.

Thrusting his hand forward he began preparing to cast a spell, while Lyra opened her mouth and coalesced her flames ready to fire her own breath attack.

Yet before the two of them were able to unleash either of their attacks, Mrazivy’s spell shattered and the two of them began charging towards Marcus once again.

They both used the same attack they had at the opening, seemingly disregarding what had happened before.

Jumping in front of him again, Lyra used her reflector shield for the second time and prepared to push back their attacks again.

Except as they both saw this, they only smirked, and Quillon began exploding with power.

‘Ten Greatest Techniques, Shattering Strike.’

Striking before Mrazivy, Quillon’s blade was the first to hit Lyra’s reflector shield, and for just an instant it seemed that it would send the attack back, before shattering into a thousand pieces.

Absolute shock appeared on Lyra and Marcus’ faces as this happened, since never before had Lyra’s unique skill failed her.

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However, no ability was absolute and there were always ways to counter even the strongest powers.

Quillon’s supreme skill simply had an ability that perfectly beat Lyra’s reflector shield, as he was able to shatter just about anything other than the strongest magical items with this strike.

Continuing on, Quillon struck Lyra in the shoulder with the flat of his blade, and a loud cracking sound could be heard as her bones shattered.

At the same time Mrazivy’s own attack went towards Lyra, who just barely brought up one of her kukris to block.

Lyra then went flying from taking on the combined attacks from Quillon and Mrazivy, who had just lured her into a trap.

Now they both had Marcus in their sights as he looked in astonishment as Lyra was blasted away.

Still Marcus quickly collected himself and no longer held anything back.

‘Embodiment of eclipse, Dark form.’

Exploding with power Marcus’ body became completely covered by a dense layer of light and darkness with the latter being far more pronounced.

‘Darkness drill.’

As soon as his supreme skill had begun empowering him, he let loose a very powerful darkness drill spell that tore through the area and headed right towards Mrazivy and Quillon.

But to his surprise Quillon jumped right towards it and slashed out with his sword, sending his darkness drill back at him.


Using his supreme skill again, Quillon just like Lyra reflector shield, sent his opponent’s attack right back where it had come from.

At the same time Mrazivy shot past Marcus and perused the injured Lyra who had been flung off towards the edge of the training grounds.

Ultimately, she and Quillon had decided to separate Marcus and Lyra who were working too well together, since they knew that their teamwork was not going to be able to compare, due to the fact they had no way to support each other.

Therefore, Mrazivy conceded that she would be a better opponent for Lyra and decided to leave Marcus to Quillon.

Clicking his tongue, Marcus went ethereal and let his own darkness drill pass through him,

Normally he would have just crushed any darkness magic spell sent at him, but unfortunately his own attacks could still affect him if they were ever deflected.

‘Fourth Form, Whirlpool Strikes.’

Unleashing a flurry of rapid slashes Quillon did not give Marcus and breathing room, and continued to push him.

‘Death Dance.

Nevertheless, Marcus had seen this attack before, and he had acquired plenty of new tricks since the last time her fought Quillon.

Moving with grace, Marcus spun around on his toes, deflecting or avoid all of Quillon’s attacks, while also unleashing his own from hard to follow trajectories that began slicing up Quillon who had to go on the defensive.

‘Seventh Form, Warding Flash.’

Switching his form, Quillon began swinging his sword around his body, and protecting himself from Marcus’ attacks.

Still, he had no room open to counter as he had to put his all into blocking Marcus’ death dance skill that made him unpredictable and hard to follow.

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