Transmigrated as a Ghost Chapter 552 Lilia’s Challenge

As soon as her sight returned to her, Lilia looked in front of her to where Marcus should have been.

Yet as she looked around, she found that everyone one was gone and that she was all alone.

Panic setting in, she was worried about what had happened, and just as Marcus had when he first found himself alone, she tried to contact the others.

Unfortunately, the results were exactly the same for her as it had been for Marcus, and everyone else that had tired to contact each other.

‘It should be fine. All of them are incredibly strong and will come to find me.’ Lilia thought as she slumped up against the walls.

Unlike Marcus who went into a panic, she just leaned back and waited for help to arrive. Having completely faith in her big brother and friends.

However, this was her challenge and hers alone, and the special dungeon had prepared a suitable enemy for her as well.

Dropping down on top of her from the ceiling, was a massive slime that had blended in and aimed to engulf her in one go.

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Luckily Lilia’s danger sense allowed her to detect the incoming monster and dash away right as it landed where she had been moments ago.

Seeing the enemy jump down and try to grab her, Lilia went right into action

She was no stranger to battle, and this was not her first time fighting inside a dungeon.

“Force Cannon.”

Quickly chanting her tier two spell, Lilia unleashed a blast of pure force that smashed right into the slime.

A large explosion then rippled through it, and the slime’s form was burst apart by Lilia’s magic.

Smiling, she was happy that she was able to easily deal with her opponent and turned around to make sure there were not any other enemies around..

Except as she did, the slime began putting itself back together and lunged its body towards her.

Being caught off guard because she thought she had already won, Lilia even with her danger sense was a bit slow in dodging, and her left arm got caught by the slime.


Feeling a sharp stinging pain in her arm, Lilia let out a loud anguished scream.

The instant the slime had touched her, the skin on her arm began to burn away and a sickly steam came off her as it dissolved her flesh.

Activating her mithril gauntlets and armor, Lilia, punched at the slime with her other arm trying to knock it off.

Of course, her fist did no damage to this slime that was immune to physical attacks, and instead she now had both of her arms trapped and dissolving.

This was not all either, as the slime slowly began pulling her into itself so that it could completely devour her.

Pulling back with all her might Lilia tried to wrench herself free, but the slime just continued wrapping around her, and her body began steaming as it pushed into her armor.

“Force Wave!”

Casting her tier four spell, Lilia knocked back the slime with magic, which smashed into it and blasted it apart once again.

Collapsing onto her knees, she had tears falling down her face as she felt the unbearable pain of the acid burns all over her body and especially her left arm.

In fact, as she looked towards her left arm, she saw that all of the flesh and muscle in a few areas were gone, and she could see her exposed bone.

‘That did not take it out!’

Seeing the slime beginning to reform even after taking her force wave, Lilia gritted her teeth and got up.

She then ran to the other end of the room to put as much distance away from this slime as she could, before taking out one of the greater healing potions Marcus had given her.

Quickly she drank the entire potion, and the injuries on her body began to rapidly recover and even the destroyed muscle began to mend itself.

Still the process was painful, probably the most painful thing Lilia had ever experienced, and she screamed out before collapsing on the ground as it happened.

At the very least it was over quickly, and thanks to her peerless physique unique skill she was able to repair most of the damage even with just one potion.

Standing back up she saw that the slime after putting itself together was relentlessly coming right for her.

Swiftly she began chanting another spell, seeing that her physical attacks did not have any effect.

“Force Barrier.”

Creating a dome of pure force around her, Lilia kept the slime form getting to her as it threw itself against the barrier.

It then tired wrapping itself around the magic spell, but its acidic body could not find much purchase on the force barrier that could not be melted.

Nevertheless, this was only a temporary solution for Lilia, since eventually she would run out of mana if she kept this up for too much longer.

‘Think Lilia, Think! If I cannot hit it, and my force attacks only disrupt it, what else do I have?’

With her core skillset not having much of any effect on her opponent, she had to start thinking about what else she had one her.

Marcus had given her a number of items, a majority of which were potions to either boost or heal herself.

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Sadly, none of those were going to be much help, but soon she remembered that he had given him another set of items that might be useful.

Opening her item box, she pulled out an ornate looking wand that had a fire elemental crystal at the tip of it.

This was one of a set of elemental wands that Marcus had given her in case she ever needed them.

Opening up a hole in her force barrier, Lilia allowed the slime to wriggle its way in and pointed the wand at it.

Pouring her mana into it, the wand began glowing before it unleashed the tier two fire magic spell flamethrower.

As soon as the flames hit the acid slime that had been trying to eat Lilia, it began bubbling and a green steam began coming off of its body.

However, the slime just continued to push through the flames and towards Lilia.

The spell cast from the wand was simply not strong enough to take down an opponent at this level on its own even if it weak to it.

Grimacing, Lilia could see that her attack from the wand was only semi-effective, and not going to be enough.

Jumping back away from the slime as it approached her, she had no intention of letting it catch her again.

Pulling out another wand she aimed it forward and fired off a lighting javelin spell.

Unfortunately, this one was even less effective than the flamethrower spell and simply discharged within the slime.

Trying another wand Lilia pulled out he one with ice magic sealed within it and touched it to the ground.

Quickly the floor began to freeze as the tier two spell was released.

This time the slime met some trouble as it was frozen to the ground and unable to yank its body forward.

Though this was only a temporary solution, and Lilia knew it would not last long as the slime would eventually break out and she would be back to square one.

‘Maybe that will work.’

Thinking up a new plan, Lilia unequipped her mithril gauntlets and put on the new adamantine ones Marcus had made for her.

Certainly, she could not sue them effectively yet since she was just not strong enough to handle them, but they had the powers she needed.

Unlike her mithril set that was practically identical, her new gauntlets were both unique and had different abilities.

The left one had been crafted with the core and materials of a remorhaz and thus was endowed with the power of fire.

While the right one had a frost worm’s core and parts crafted into it, not to mention part of one of Gwyneira’s scales giving it ice powers.

Still, if she used their abilities, it was going to drain her mana exponentially faster and leave her defenseless once she was out of steam.

‘When Marcus needs to, he always goes all out for the win even if it might leave him vulnerable. I cannot hold back because I am afraid of losing.’

Steeling her resolve, Lilia got ready to enact her final attack.

Taking out the tier two fire magic wand, she began charging it with her mana and threw it towards the slime.

Sliding into its body, the wand began dissolving, but not before casting another flamethrower spell from within the slime.

At the same time Lilia leapt into the air above it and charged up her left gauntlet with all of the mana she could.

Bursting with flames this gauntlet let out a terrifying blaze and unleashing her mighty blow skill along with the powerful enchantments of her gauntlet, Lilia smashed into the slime.

A fiery explosion burst out around her where she impacted, and her flaming punch and the flamethrower spell from the wand combined.

Being blown apart and vaporized, the majority of the slime was destroyed instantly by Lilia’s powerful and desperate attack.

Yet not all of it had been taken out, and the small pieces that had survived began trying to pull themselves back together.

Pulling her right first back, Lilia began to the second move in her attack.

She figured that her opening would not be enough to finish off this relentless slime and prepared for a follow up.

Slamming her right gauntlet into the ground she created a burst of ice all around her and the remnants of the slime were frozen solid.

It was an impressive display of a fiery and icy offense, and the slime that had threatened to eat her was now all but completely destroyed.

Still, Lilia was not finished yet, and she swiftly downed a mana restoration potion in order to use one last attack to finish this battle.

“Force Wave.”

Throwing her hands out, Lilia unleashed another of her tier four spell, and the frozen remains of the slime shattered into even more pieces that were spread out over the room.

At this point even with its immense regenerative capabilities, the slime was unable to form itself together again.

It had lost too much of its mass, and now the few remaining parts of it were broken to pieces and scattered to the ends of the room.

There simply was no part of it strong enough to retain its life force, and soon the slime completely died.

“Congratulations, you have passed the trial of the first floor. Your rewards shall arrive shortly and afterwards you may advance to the second floor.”

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