Transmigrated as a Ghost Chapter 566 A Show of Strength, and Healing

With Marcus having struck a deal with Andrea to receive her and her tribe’s help in clearing out the Great Gome Woods of beasts and monster. It was now time for him to keep up one of the parts of the bargain.

Andrea quickly led him out of her yurt, and to her and Marcus’ surprise, a half dozen members of her tribe were outside waiting.

When they saw Marcus they glared, and a couple gave Andrea looks of disappointment.

They had been hoping for her to drag Marcus out bruised and bloody, and then toss him out into the snow.

“You must be starting to go soft Andrea. Why are you letting this noble walk all over you? It is not befitting of our leader to bow to another.”

Looking at the ringleader of this group, Marcus was not impressed.

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It was pretty obvious that this guy who was a wolf beastman was making a grab for power by trying to discredit Andrea.

‘Level forty-six. I suppose he is fairly strong, but I doubt he could beat Andrea in a fight.’

While Marcus just rolled his eyes at this guy, Andrea stepped right up to him and said, “Be quiet and fall in line Davion. I already came to an agreement with Irene that will benefit us all. Now we are on our way to fulfill the first part of our deal, and it would do you good to remember your position. Unless you want me to put you in your place again?”

As Andrea said this Davion shuddered slightly, but he stayed strong and said, “If you are too afraid to punish this outsider for what he did to Aiden, Kye, and Itzel, then we will.”

Hearing this Marcus realized that this group were probably the parents of the three kids he had knocked unconscious after they tried to mess with him..

Still while they were all strong by normal standards, with all of them being at least level thirty-three. To Marcus they were honestly pretty weak.

Before Andrea could respond again, Marcus walked up to them and said, “Sure, I have no problem if you want to try and punish me. Go ahead and attack all at once. I will not move from this spot or even use my arms or legs to defend myself.”

Staring at Marcus in confusion, the six beast people being led by Davion could not understand what he was getting at.

However, Andrea just smiled, seeing this as a chance to let her tribe members witness how strong Marcus really was, and why she did not want to pick a fight with him.

“Go ahead Davion, attack Irene here with your full might, and if you can even make her move, I will step down as leader of the tribe, and another election can be held.”

Dumbfounded, Davion and his group could not fathom why Andrea was willing to go this far, but Davion quickly decided to take her up on this.

“Fine but I am going to hold you to that after I turn this little girl to shreds.” Davion said to Andrea with greed in his eyes.

He then lashed out at Marcus without warning, planning to take him by surprised, only to find a shimmering barrier of light in his way.

Smirking, Marcus said mockingly, “Oh, was that all you have. You did not even put a scratch on my radiance scales spell. You will have to try harder than that if you want to tear me to shreds.”

Falling for Marcus’ provocations, this time Davion took out his weapon which was a mithril sword that had a blade like a saw and began slashing wildly at Marcus.

Still, he found that his sword did not do much better than his claws and it took him about two dozen strikes to break through just one of Marcus’ radiance scales.

“Good job, now you just need to get through around thirty more and you will finally be able to hit me.” Marcus said, disparaging Davion’s efforts.

Turning around the wolf beastman looked at his compatriots, and said, “The rest of you attack as well. You heard what she said, she wants all of us to attack at once.”

Going into action the other beast people that had accompanied Davion began attacking Marcus as well, though even with all six of them they were barely whittling down Marcus’ defenses that were far from serious to begin with.

It took them nearly five minutes of all out attacking, but finally with one last big move Davion broke through the final bit of Marcus’ spell.

“Ripsaw Strike.”

Calling out the name of his strongest attack skill, Davion slashed down towards Marcus. Aiming to deliver a finishing blow.

Yet as he did, Marcus simply cast his radiance scales spell again, and seamlessly blocked the attack without moving an inch.

Yawing, he made sure to look totally disinterested, and said, “I think that is enough. It is my turn to attack.”

He then conjured his iron spere imbuing it with a large amount of mana to make it more powerful, and swiftly smashed it right into Davion’s torso.

With a loud yelp and the sound of bone breaking, Davion was sent flying as Marcus’ iron sphere impacted.

When he crashed back down into the ground, the proud man did not get back up, and a dribble of blood poured out of his mouth as he wheezed for breath.

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Moving the iron sphere back over to him, Marcus looked at the five remining members of Andrea’s tribe and said, “Who is next?”

Luckily, they realized that they were no match for Marcus and put their weapons away before surrendering.

Andrea then stepped forward, and said, “Now I hope you understand why I did not wish to wage war with Irene here. Our rule is to respect strength, and she is certainly strong. It is not in our best interest to fight, and that is why I have made a deal with Irene. Now go tell everyone else to gather in the village’s main hall, and I mean everyone. Even those that have been injured are expected to gather. And I will personally go and get my brother.”

Being so obviously beaten, the five people that had joined with Davion lowered their heads and did as Andrea said.

Still, Marcus wondered why she said she would get her brother personally, though he did have an idea.

When he said he would heal any permeant injuries the people of her tribe had she lit up, and now he could at least guess there was something wrong with her brother.

“Follow me.” Andrea said to Marcus as she started walking over to one of the yurts.

As she opened up the door, Marcus saw that there was a fire burning in the small room and sitting on a chair and looking down at a bed was an old and graying bear beastwoman.

Seeing her, Marcus could tell that this was probably Andrea’s mother as the resemblance was undeniable.

Though it was the person in the bed that quickly got Marcus’ attention as he was pretty sure it was Andrea’s brother.

“How is he doing?” Andrea said to her mother with concern in her voice.

Sighing, her mother said in a raspy and haggard voice, “He is still alive but shows no sign of waking. No number of potions has had any effect. He seems to be healed, but he simply will not awaken.”

“Do you think that you can help him?” Andrea said to Marcus.

“If he is still alive then I should be able to. Let me see what is wrong.” Marcus said as he walked up to the young man who was Andrea’s brother.

Seeing him for the first time, Andrea’s mother said to Andrea, “And who might this be?”

“This is Irene. She said she is an expert in healing magic, and if she can heal Kellen, I have agreed to lend mine and the tribe’s strength to her.”

Looking at Marcus skeptically, Andrea’s mother was naturally hesitant to let him do whatever to her son, but she stood aside. Trusting in Andrea’s judgment.

Checking over Kellen, Marcus made sure he still had a pulse and was breathing. And while both were weak, he was still alive.

Next, he cast his tier three healing magic spell, but to no effect.

“How did this happen?” Marcus asked Andrea.

“A few weeks ago, Kellen got injured fighting against a group of ice trolls that attacked us as we were fleeing the forest. He was hit on the head pretty hard and was crushed under foot. We have given him numerous healing potions, but while the injuries disappeared, he has not woken up. If not for my intervention, he probably already would have been left for dead.” Andrea said with a dark cloud over her face.

Nodding his head, Marcus got the gist of what happened, and was pretty sure he knew what was wrong with Kellen.

‘I guess he likely has pretty bad brain damage. A simple healing spell or potion is just not going to cut it with this. Guess I will need to use spirit healing.’

Holding out both of his hands over Kellen’s head, Marcus began emitting a soft white glow that enveloped the young man’s head.

This went on for nearly a half a minute with nothing happening, but abruptly when Marcus had finally finished healing the damage. Kellen’s eyes shot open, and he leapt up from his bed in a defensive position.

The last thing he remembered was being in the middle of a battle, and he thought he was still in danger.

That was until Andrea and his mother both teary eyed ran up to him and gave him a literal bear hug.

“Mom, Andrea, would one of you care to explain what is going on!?” Kellen said, visibly confused.

Once his mother and Andrea got off of him, they quickly explained the situation, and caught him up to speed on what was going on.

“I see. Then I must thank you Irene for helping me out. Without your healing I would have certainly shriveled up and died a slow death. Thank you for what you have done.” Kellen said as he bowed his head to Marcus.

“Oh, it was nothing really. I just happen to be a good healer and came along by chance. Anyway, I was just holding up my part of the deal, so I am expecting your sister to hold up her end.” Marcus said as he turned his gaze to Andrea.

Wiping away the last remaining tears in her eyes, she nodded her head and said, “Yes, I will adhere to our bargain and give you my tribe’s support. Now there are others to heal, and we must spread the good news of Kellen’s recovery.”

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