Transmigrated as a Ghost Chapter 569 Taking Charge

As Marcus crashed into the ground and crushed one of the large raptors underfoot, the soldier that was about to be killed by it looked at him awe.

To them it looked like an angel had just descended from the sky and saved them since Marcus currently had his iron wings out.

In fact, even as Marcus turned to this soldier, and said, “Reinforcements have arrived” They just sat there stunned.

They honestly could not fathom what had had just happened since it seem too unreal.

Looking at the soldier curiously, Marcus wondered why he just continued to sit there in the snow and stare.

But he quickly disregarded it as the rest of the battle was still raging on around them.

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If he did not act soon, it was likely that the raptors would break through the soldiers and enter the village to slaughter everyone.

Flapping his wings, he let dozens of his iron feathers fall off and then sent them flying like homing missiles towards the quick moving smaller raptors that were tearing up the kingdom’s soldiers.

In a matter of seconds, he had decimated them as his iron feathers pierced through their heads and put all of them down.

It was an overwhelming display of power, and all of the soldiers were astonished to watch their opponents drop dead all of a sudden and begin bleeding out in the snow.

None of them had even seen Marcus’ iron feathers other than as a quick flash of light as they had been moving too fast..

To all of the soldiers it was just as if a streak of silver went by, and then their deadly opponents that were close to killing them all, ended up dead instead.

Still even though the slightly more than forty of the smaller raptors that were around two feet tall and nearly seven feet long had died, four of the alphas still remained.

These four remaining leaders of these raptors were themselves much larger than the smaller ones, being nearly six feet tall, and twenty feet long.

Three of them were currently fighting a very large man who was swinging around two mithril great swords and keeping them on the defensive.

Seeing this Marcus figured that this was the man named Dagwood as he was by far the strongest person here and was far stronger than any of the soldiers at level forty-eight.

The other of the remaining alpha raptors was fighting who Marcus figured was the captain of the soldiers here, and unlike Dagwood who was definitely winning his fight, the captain was having trouble.

He was only level thirty-two which while pretty strong, put him at a disadvantage against his opponent who was level thirty-four and much more powerful physically.

‘Time to put on a show.’

Dashing forward Marcus made sure to get everyone’s attention and not move too fast that he could not be seen.

He wanted to earn these soldiers’ respect by showing off. Since if they felt indebted to him, it would make having them follow his orders much easier.

Taking out his scythe and jumping right next to the captain that was about to take a claw strike with his shield, Marcus instead got in the way and with one quick slash took the raptor’s arm off.

Then with a high kick he smashed his foot right into the underside of its jaw and sent the large beast flying into the air for all to see.

‘Shinning Lance.’

Casting his tier two light magic spell, he conjured a nine-foot-long lance made of light and made sure to swing it around flashily before launching it into the air right after the raptor.

In just a second the shinning lance pierced through the large raptor’s stomach and embedded itself there.

Letting out a loud roar of distress, it was obvious that the level thirty-four beast was in incredible pain, but by the time it impacted back into the ground with a loud thud, all but the last traces of life had already left its body.

Soon the last drop of light in its eyes faded away as it dyed the white snow crimson.

‘I think that was a pretty good performance.’ Marcus thought as he looked back at the solders and even the captain who were gawking at him.

Nevertheless, he was not done yet. While Dagwood had finished off one of the raptors he was fighting, the other two were in a full retreat and Marcus had no intention of letting them go.

Slashing his scythe forward into the air he cast his blades of darkness spell and sent out two large blades that flew right for the fleeing raptors.

Theses inky black blades sliced right through the forest, and quickly caught up to the only remining beasts that had attacked Norr Village.

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Being hit in the side both raptors were instantly sliced in two, as the blades of darkness cut into them like a warm knife through butter.

It was all over in seconds and even Dagwood turned towards Marcus with surprise on his face, not expecting such a powerful attack to come flying from behind him.

With all of the enemies now dead, Marcus took the initiative and approached the captain who was in a daze, and said, “I believe you are the one in charge, correct? I am Irene Geist. General Erastalven should have informed you that I would be coming.”

Nodding his head robotically the captain acknowledged that he was indeed in charge. Though he was still not all there yet after seeing Marcus’ impressive display, that had probably saved him and most of his men’s lives.

“This is no time to be standing around doing nothing. Get you men together and gather the injured. I can use healing magic and will help out those that I can.” Marcus said, commanding the captain.

Hearing this he finally snapped out of his daze and looked around at his soldiers some who were in pretty rough shape.

“Yes, ma’am I will get right to it.” The captain said, falling into his role as a soldier taking orders.

Smiling, Marcus was happy to see that his display had worked, and that the captain seemed more than willing not to fight for authority.

He had been afraid that the captain would have a big ego, since his level and status made him superior to most. But it looked like that would not be a problem.

‘I should get to work myself. No point in letting anyone die if I can help them.’

Rushing around the area that had but moments ago been a battlefield, Marcus homed in on the soldiers that had the worst injuries and were in danger of dying if they did not receive immediate aid.

‘Presentient Healing.’

‘Presentient Healing.’

‘Presentient Healing.’

Going around to the soldier that were bleeding out in the snow, he quickly laid his hands on them and cast his tier four healing magic spell before moving on.

Certainly, some of them had worse wounds than this spell could heal. A number of them were missing fingers or even whole limbs, but for now he just wanted to keep them from dying.

Once he had applied emergency healing to everyone that was on the verge of death, he began helping to bring the soldiers back into the village and to the building that had been set up as a temporary barracks.

‘Thirty soldiers excluding the captain. That is all they have left here. I counted ten that were already dead before I was able to intervene. Just how many have they lost since this all started?’

Looking around Marcus could see the hopeless expression on many of the soldier’s faces, and it was quite obvious that they had been through a lot.

Norr Village was the settlement that was the highest north in the kingdom right now and bordered the woods at an area where a large majority of beasts and monsters had gathered.

They were getting hammered nearly everyday by the creatures of the woods looking for food, or just running out of the woods and attacking them as they were an obstacle in their way.

“Lady Geist, this is everyone other than those who are out on watch making sure we are not attacked again.” The captain said.

Looking them over, Marcus could see that about half of them had wounds that could not be healed by ordinary magic since they were missing pieces of themselves.

Going over to a man who was missing three of his fingers on his left-hand, Marcus said, “Hold your hand out to me.”

Being hesitant, this soldier looked towards the captain for his confirmation, and the captain nodded to him.

Taking the soldier’s hand in his own, Marcus began using his spirit healing, and the soft wile glow enveloped this man’s hand.

Quickly his three missing fingers that he thought would be gone forever grew back.

Staring at his hand in shock, the soldier could not believe that his fingers were restored.

It was an absolute miracle that people normally only heard about in stories.

For a common solider having any missing appendage healed was impossible, as it required a potion that cost a massive amount or to pay one of the few healers capable of such magic more than their life was worth.

Only nobles or very wealthy merchants could ever hope to afford the healing necessary to regenerate a missing part of their body.

“Now I am going to heal all of you. So, anyone with an injury they want me to fix, line up and I will have all of you back at you full strength in a few minutes.”

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