Transmigrated as a Ghost Chapter 582 Day before the End

As Gwyneira looked down the colossal worm with a look of dread in her eyes, Marcus began to get much more worried.

He had been hoping that she would be able to deal with this thing, but she looked as lost as he was.

“The Dread Burrower, Doomsday Worm.” She said in daze.

Hearing this Marcus did not understand what she was getting at exactly, but figured it had something to do with the monster below them.

“Gwyneira what is it. Can you tell me what this thing is?” Marcus said, desperation in his voice.

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However, she actually ignored him, and instead opened her item box in order to pull out a short rod that was made of a golden wood.

Looking at it, Marcus could see a very complex formation on it, as well as an immense amount of mana sealed within.

He thought that maybe this was some sort of item that she was going to use to seal away the giant worm, or maybe unleash a devastating attack that would kill it.

Yet instead she broke it in half, and the beautiful wood began to disintegrate before turning into golden motes of light which flew away..

“Gwyneira please talk to me. I could use some more information here if I am going to help.” Marcus said while waving his hands around and trying to get her attention.

This time she did turn to him with a grave look on her face.

“First, we need to leave. There is nothing we can do here and if that thing breaks free it would not be good for us to be here.”

After saying this she held out her claw beckoning for Marcus to get back into her grasp so that she could carry him again.

Doing as she wanted, he placed himself into her grasp and she closed her hand around him. Quite a bit tighter this time than before as her nerves were getting to her.

Quickly she raced across the sky moving even faster than she had before with her sense of dread at its max.

When they had finally cleared the woods, she dropped Marcus out of her grasp and pulled out a red sending stone which Marcus had never seen before.

Then she activated it and it began flashing red and making an alarming sound.

“There now I have done what needs to be done before anything else. I can take a few moments to explain to you what I know.” She said as she looked intently at Marcus.

“I was only able to look at part of that things status as it has a shielding over it that blocks even my eyes from seeing all of its powers and skills, as well as its stats. But I was able to learn its name, race, and level. That thing’s name is the Dread Burrower, and its race is something called a Doomsday Worm. As for its level, it is ninety-three.” Gwyneira said while grimacing.

Hearing this, Marcus’ metaphorical heart sank, as level ninety-three was the highest he had ever heard confirmed.

He knew even Gwyneira was not this strong at level eighty-six.

Still, she was a mythic grade beast so her powers were normally near the peak of any being, so Marcus thought maybe she would have a chance, but her demeanor said otherwise.

“It was some four hundred years ago when this kingdom was relatively new that both Boreas and I heard about something that happened on a continent far from where we are. Normally news does not travel over this great of a distance, but this was something that noteworthy that it made it to us through the adventurers guild that had only recently been established in our kingdom. An entire continent bigger than this one was nearly razed by a monster that also bore the name Doomsday. If I recall correctly that one was called the Dread Flame, Doomsday Centipede.”

Taking a moment after saying this, she let it all sink in for Marcus while doing her best to rack her mind and bring forth the four-hundred-year-old information.

“Yes, that is right. I believe that it just suddenly rose up from a volcano on the southern edge of that continent and began killing everything in its path. It was at level ninety-four if I remember correctly, and nothing could stop it. The great spirits also would not intervene for some reason when normally they would. The monster rampaged for almost a year if I am recalling what I heard correctly, and it had nearly killed every beast, monster, and person on the continent. Only when two dozen very powerful entities came together were they able to eventually put the monster down. Though I heard that seventeen of them died in the battle.”

When she had finished saying this out loud it only helped to bring the reality of the situation greater weight, and she knew that their situation seemed hopeless.

Still while Gwyneira thought back to this story of another monster bearing the title of Doomsday as an example of what was to come. It only brought a glimmer of hope to Marcus.

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If these monsters could be beaten, then all they had to do was amass the necessary forces to take it down.

“Gwyneira, I know it may seem hopeless, but it is not over yet. If we act quickly, we can get enough power together and take that thing down before it can destroy the kingdom. Also, you did something with that golden wooden rod, and that red sending stone. I assume those were a means of preparation, right?”

Nodding her head, she said, “Yes, the red sending stone has sent a priority alert to the king that a threat to the entire kingdom is eminent, and that he should make what preparations he can. I assume that he will call back Aria and Darius who are currently in Tralenstein. A border spat is nothing compared to what we have going on here. Still, they will be far from enough. And as for that golden rod, you need not concern yourself with it. I doubt that it will have its intended effect anyway, and there is no need to hope on something that will not happen.”

As she said this last part there was clear despair in Gwyneria’s expression, and Marcus wondered exactly what the rod was supposed to do.

“Now what you said was correct that maybe we could amass enough powerful beings to fight with us, but it is already too late. I do not know what that barrier holding that thing down is, but it will only last another day at most. That thing will be able to destroy the entire kingdom in only a couple of days, and by then we will still be far from having enough strength to stop it. I know I will not be able to win on my own, or even with all of the highest-level people in this kingdom. That thing is just too strong.”

Not wanting to give up hope just yet, Marcus had an idea.

“I believe I know where I can get some more high-level people on our side quickly. It is a long shot, but it might work. Also, I can call Mrazivy, she should be able to help.” Marcus said as he pulled out his own sending stone.

Naturally Gwyneira wondered how Mrazivy was going to make much of an impact. As while she was strong, it was far from being anywhere near enough to fight against a monster like this.

“Mraz, pick up its an emergency!”

Quickly he got a response, as Mrazivy said frantically, “Marcus are you oaky? What is it? You have never called me with an emergency. Wait just tell me where you are, and I will be on my way.”

If not for the situation he definitely would have found her reaction cute and teased her a bit for it, but now was not the time for that.

“Mraz, I need you to listen carefully. There is a major threat to the entire continent about to be released. Now we may be able to stop it if we act quickly. But I need to talk to your master the Sword Savant, so please hand the stone over to him.”

Hearing the sense of urgency in his voice, she swiftly moved over to her master who had been demonstrating some of his form and told him what was going on.

“Hello there, I am the Sword Savant, though since you are apparently one of my disciple’s fiancé and the other one’s friend, you can call me Asher. So, what is it that you need from me?”

“What I need is your help. The Kingdom of Borealia, no the entire continent is in danger. A powerful monster is about to awaken in the far northern reaches of the continent, and I have the kingdom’s guardian beast with me, and she says she cannot stop it alone. That is why we want you help.” Marcus said.

For nearly a minute all that followed was silence, until Asher said, “Let me talk to this guardian beast before I make any decision. I have long heard about her, and if I do offer my help, there is something want in return.”

Handing over the sending stone to Gwyneira, Marcus allowed the Sword Savant to talk to her as he wished.

“This is Gwyneira Borealia. I am the guardian of this kingdom. You said that you wish to speak with me?”

“Yes, I do. I have heard that you are very powerful. If I help you out now, will you be willing to have a match with me. I have not had a good fight in a while and want to test my sword against a mythic grade beast.” Asher said with no hesitation.

And to his surprise Gwyneira said, “Sure that is fine. I will fight with you as many times as you want if you offer your assistance in this matter. But do know that this will be a fight where either of us could lose our lives.”

“All the better then. My skills have been getting rusty and I need a good battle to get back into my peak condition. So where is it that you need me to be to help?”

Swiftly Gwyneira told Asher the details of what was going on, and while she was afraid he might back out, he just seemed more excited for the fight of his life.

“I will head there immediately. But what do you want me to do about my disciples? Should I bring them to the fight as well?” The Sword Savant asked.

Nearly immediately, Gwyneira responded saying, “Absolutely not. Send Mrazivy back to the capital. Tell her to go to the adventurers guild and tell them the situation. If we are lucky, we will be able to get some aid from them as well.”

Soon Gwyneria’s conversation with the Sword Savant was over, and she handed the sending stone back to Marcus.

“Gwyneira, would you mind staying here and keeping an eye on the situation. I am going to go and see if Retharin will fight with us.”

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