Transmigrated as a Ghost Chapter 59 - 58 Noble Status

Walking back inside the adventures guild Marcus once again joined the queue to be served. Arriving at the front of the line Marcus immediately asked, "Hello there, I would like to join the guild, but I am level twenty-six and do not think it would be appropriate for me to start off as a copper rank."

Looking at him skeptically the receptionist responded saying, "Sir if you are really level twenty-six, please show me your ID as proof and then we can discuss what rank you should be initiated as."

"I thought that I could have my status viewed here and I uh lost my ID, so I do not have it with me."

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Looking at him like a parent that had just caught their child in an obvious lie the receptionist said, "Sir we only have the means to view basic statuses here and we need to see your full status if you really intend to skip ranks. So, if you are done wasting my time, please allow the next person in line to come up."

Realizing there was no way he was going to convince them of his level without an ID Marcus left the guild and headed for the nearest city gate.

’I am just going to have to have a new ID made for myself, hopefully it glitches again and sets my race to human since I doubt, they will be cool with me being a ghost.’

Finding the guard station next to the city’s entrance Marcus tells one of the guards that he lost his ID and needed a new one made.

With a face of annoyance, the guard told Marcus to head into the station and wait until someone could help him.

After waiting for a few minutes another guard who was yawning came into the room to make Marcus a new ID.

"Okay come over here put your hand on the pedestal and it will bring up your status, oh but first it will be fifty copper coins to make your new ID."

"Wait fifty it only cost me thirty in River Landing."

"Then head back there for all I care; I am not the one who sets the price so either pay up or get out."

Begrudgingly Marcus took out the money and handed it over before he placed his hand on the pedestal and his status was displayed.

Looking over it Marcus let out a sigh of relief to see that it still listed his race as human, while the guard looked at his status in horror.

The guard immediately bowed his head and said, "I am so sorry sir, I did not realize that you were of noble lineage. Please forgive my earlier rude behavior I do not know what came over me."

The man kept his head bowed, nervously sweating a flood afraid that Marcus might have him brought up on charges.

’What is happening I am certainly not a noble, and how would he get that from my status anyway. Wait only people of the nobility have last names in this world but I still have mine from Earth. Oh, well guess I will roll with it since there are perks to people thinking you have a high status.’

Looking at the man who was still prostrating himself and becoming more afraid every second he stayed quiet, Marcus said, "It is fine I am not very important anyways so let us get this over with and I can be on my way."

The guard then looked up at Marcus with a face of gratitude before making his ID. He pressed a few symbols on the device and Marcus new ID was pressed onto a sheet of parchment. However, this paper was of far higher quality then the one he had made as Irene and had gold leafing to denote the owner as a noble.

Pleased with his new ID Marcus bade the guard farewell before heading back towards the adventures guild.

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Once he arrived, he made sure to queue up into the line with the earlier receptionist that doubted him and when he got up to the booth, he slammed his ID down in front of her.

’Since I am apparently a noble now, I need to act the part.’

The woman looked down at the piece of gold leafed parchment in front of her before staring at Marcus with a look of shock. Not only had he come back with an ID that proved he was level twenty-six but also that he was a noble.

"Thank you, sir this does certainly prove, that you are level twenty-six. Nevertheless, the only one that can approve rank jumps is branch master Joras. If you would give me a few moments I will go and see if he is available."

As the receptionist left with a slightly devious smile, Marcus noticed that everyone behind him had gotten into different lines and would no one would make eye contact with him.

’I wonder what is going on, do they not want to offend me because they think I am a noble or is it because of my high level.’

However, Marcus soon found out that it was because none of them wanted to be associated with him when the branch master arrived.

Looking towards the stairs that lead to the second floor Marcus saw the branch master coming down except contrary to when Marcus saw him last when he greeted Royal Frost, he now had a frown and was looking at Marcus with disdain.

When he stopped in front of Marcus he basically shouted, "So you are the little brat who is trying to use his noble status and artificially boosted level to jump over the ranks because you think you are too good to start from the bottom like everyone else. I do not give a shit about what family you come from, here we only value strength so if you are really want to prove to me that you are worthy of a rank higher than dirt you can show me in the ring."

The branch master then looked at Marcus with a provoking glare and started walking towards the back side of the building were the training hall was located.

’Judging by his reaction he does not like handing out higher ranks to people, especially nobles. Now I wish I could have just gotten the commoner ID, but whatever, I fought hard for my levels and am going to show him that I am not just hot air.’

Following behind, Marcus entered the training hall and walked over to the ring the branch master had chosen.

Seeing that Marcus had actually followed him the branch master look a bit surprised.

"You must be more ignorant than I thought or maybe you actually have some guts. Most of the noble brats I tell off normally run away and complain to their daddy or make up some excuse about how it is beneath them to fight me. Now let me see if you are made of tougher stuff or are just another spoiled kid."

As the branch master pulled a massive light bluish mace that could only be made of mithril Marcus started to get a bit worried.

’Fuck, that whole thing is made of mithril, and I cannot see his level so he must at least be level thirty-three. I can see why most people would run away at the thought of fighting him. But I already came this far and am confident in my abilities, I fought through hundreds of monsters, so I can take on just one man.’

Marcus then brought out his scythe from his item box and took a battle stance.

"No need to hold back show me everything you got the only rule is no killing anything else is fair game. Now brace yourself here I come."

The branch Master then launched himself towards Marcus intent on finishing this in one blow.

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