Transmigrated as a Ghost Chapter 599 Renewed Vigor

With Jaela looking at Marcus in confusion and asking why someone as comparatively weak was among them all, everyone else just shrugged.

“Jaela, Irene is actually a great spirit and has been quite helpful in the fight so far even if she is not the strongest. In fact, with her ability to go ethereal she is the only one here that can fully avoid that monster’s attacks.” Retharin said.

Though his answer just brought up more questions for Jaela as she simply could not fathom how a great spirit could level fifty-two.

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It was also known that the great spirits did not involve themselves in the last appearance of a doomsday class monster and had so far done the same here.

Seeing the visible confusion on her face, Marcus realized it would be best if he just cleared everything up right now.

“Yes, I am a great spirit and I assume your confusion partially comes from my status saying human right now. But I am not like the other great spirits, I gained my powers through a different way than they did, and I am actually a transmigration from another world. Oh, and this is not actually my original form.”

After Marcus said this, he switched out from his guise as Irene, and turned off his false status skill..

As this happened Jaela’s eyes went wide as she saw that everything he said was true.

Except Marcus had actually forgotten that there were two other people here that did not know about him being Marcus and Irene.

Both Retharin and Ardea were surprised by this revelation and were now looking over Marcus as they appraised him as well.

However, another surprise that Marcus was not expecting came from Jaela.

“Wait you are from Earth as well!? It has been ages since I last met another person that was transferred here. What decade are you from?” She said with enthusiasm.

Though while she seemed ecstatic to have met another person from Earth, Marcus was left stunned for a moment from learning this information.

He had not expected that he was going to encounter another person from his original world here, and certainly not one that was this strong and was a grand witch.

Unfortunately, as much as Jaela seemed interested in further conversation about their shared origin planet, now was not really the best time for a lengthy discussion.

“Jaela, I think we should hold off on asking more questions for now. Every second we wait here gives that monster time where it is unabated to destroy the Great Gome Woods.” Ardea said to her fellow grand witch and friend.

Hearing this, she snapped out of her fervor to learn more about Marcus and went wide eyed.

“Then what are were doing here? We need to get back out there and stop that abomination.”

A second after she said this, she waved her scythe around and the platinum bell affixed to it rang out and the giant tree named Deku began glowing.

An instant afterward they all felt the sensation of being warped away and appeared back over the area they had been fighting the Doomsday Worm in.

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Yet the gigantic monster had moved off since they had been here, and as they looked out in the direction of Loursend they could see it off in the distance.

And while they had only been gone for a few minutes to have their discussion, it had already left another scar through the world that was now barren and devoid of life.

It truly was an entity that only exited to destroy and left nothing but death and destruction in its wake.

“Okay we just need to hold it off for a few hours until my kingdom’s reinforcements arrive. Then we will be able to mount an all-out assault.” Gwyneira said to all of them.

Everyone then nodded their heads and flew towards the Dread Burrower.

Once they had made it into range, they all began unleashing a wide range of attacks to slow it down.

Ardea conjured hundreds of pillars made of earth the size of skyscrapers and launched them into the foul monster’s body and pinned it to the ground.

At the same time the Swords Savant unleashed a powerful slash using his first form and cut deep into the Doomsday Worm’s right side, severing the muscles it used for movement.

On the other side Retharin did the same with a massive wind blade.

When it had finally stopped moving Gwyneira went into action and began freezing its body as she flew down its length and unleashed her breath weapon.

At this point the enormous monster began to get angry, and started rumbling.

It unleashed a powerful magnitude eight earthquake all around itself as it had done before, and the pillars of stone and the ice covering its body shattered.

Its aura began to spike as it charged up the energy within it, and its thousands of tendrils began to glow as it prepared to fire its beam attacks as it always did when being heavily pressured.

But this time they were ready for it, and Jaela sent down and equally impassive number of vines down from her massive floating tree and wrapped up the Dread Burrower’s tendrils.

Then she pulled them all up, and instead of firing thousands of deadly beams in all directions. they were directed straight upwards and flew harmlessly into the sky.

Of course, once the tendrils had fired off these beams, they began wrapping around the vines that had grabbed them and stated heading up towards their source.

Though before they got far Jaela severed the connection, already knowing that the Doomsday Worm could drain the life out of anything it got ahold of.

They continued to fight against the calamity of a monster for hours, keeping it pinned down with quite a bit more ease now that they had Ardea and especially Jaela on their side.

Her power was by far the greatest out of all of them and she was ablet to go toe to toe with the Dread Burrower far better than any of them could.

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