Transmigrated as a Ghost Chapter 608 Final Battle with the Doomsday Worm

With everyone’s undivided attention, Marcus explained what he had figured out about the Dread Burrower and the best way to stop it.

When he was finished all of the others had pensive looks on their faces, and Boreas said, “You are correct that I might be able to do as you asked, but might I ask you introduce yourself briefly to me, since I appear to be the only who does not know you?”

Nodding his head, Marcus briefly introduced himself very hastily, telling Boreas that he was likewise from Earth, and that through some rather unique circumstance, he had ended up a great spirit and was currently working with Borealia that he saw as his new home.

“Of course, I am sure you have many more questions for me as do I for you, but for now we have more pressing matters to deal with.”

With a very curious expression Boreas looked at Marcus intently, obviously wanting to learn more about him. But in the end, he did know to prioritize their current predicament, and said, “Very well then, we should all get started.”

Now that they had a solid plan worked out and enough power to get the job done, everyone headed out for the final battle with Dread Burrower.

Quickly they raced through the sky towards it, as the enormous monster continued its path of destruction towards Loursend.

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Unfortunately, as they all knew it was probably too late to save the majority of the city, since it was already in range of the monster’s far-reaching tendrils, and the shockwaves from their battle had likely caused numerous earthquakes that had damaged the city.

Still, it was their job to stop this monster from causing any more damage than it already had.

When they arrived in its way, everyone took their positions as had been discussed in their latest strategy meeting.

Tensions were rising in the air, as they had planned and attack time and time again only to be rebuffed each time while slowly losing more people.

However, this time things were hopefully going to be different, and they would finally be able to end this menace..

“Aurora Force.”

Starting the attack off with her strongest move, Gwyneira began spinning round and unleashed numerous streaks of glowing bluish green light that fell down upon the Doomsday Worm and began freezing it in brutally cold ice.

Immediately the powerful monster began thrashing about and trying to break the ice away, while firing off numerous beams from its body to attack those that were once again in its way.

But it was still restrained for a number of seconds, and in this time Ardea dropped down from the sky as she began pulsing with a colossal amount of mana.

As she fell the glow around her body began to turn a shade of orange, and when she hit the earth, she unleashed her powerful magic attack.

“Tectonic Fury.”

As Ardea crashed into the ground the world around started to shake violently and hundreds of fissures spread through the earth.

This helped to further destabilize the Dread Burrower, and as the ground became unstable and cracked away, it revealed the source of the gigantic worm’s unlimited power.

Deep under the ground it had thousands of its tendrils buried, and they were draining the life from below the surface of the world.

So long as it was connected to the ground it was practically unkillable, as it had a limitless supply of power to continue fueling its godlike regeneration.

With its weakness now exposed, Marcus along with the kingdom’s strongest knights and archmages went into action and started severing the tendrils that were embedded deeply into the earth.

Of course, the Dread Burrower tried to dislodge its body from the ice Gwyneira had engulfed it in, but even a monster as strong as it was struggling to break free from a powerful supreme skill all in one go.

Though, after around thirty seconds it had managed to mostly free itself and was getting ready to counterattack.

Before it could, however, a massive glowing magic circle appeared above it and innumerous vines descend from the wide ranged nature spell that Jaela had cast.

These vines began grabbing ahold of the monster and restrained it once again while also pulling it up off of the ground.

To aid in her efforts Ardea slammed her hands into the ground, and hundreds of pillars of earth the size of skyscrapers began blasting up form under the Dread Burrower and forcing it higher.

Everyone then backed off a bit as it thrashed around and tried to lash out at them while firing beams in all directions.

Jaela’s vines began rapidly being cut away and Ardea’s pillars started to collapse under the Doomsday Worm’s power.

Except before the Dread Burrower could fall all the way back to the ground, the final stage of their plan started.

Retharin and Boreas began flying around in a wide circle, and a beyond massive twister began to form under their combined power. Causing the colossal form of the Doomsday Worm to begin being lifted into the air.

The center of its body went first as the funnel of wind pull it up with enough force to dislodge the from the very land around it.

Debris flew all around the area and tore through Dread Burrower as large chunks of rock and ice whirled around in the twister.

Still, even in this situation the monster that was known for its destructive power and durability was not just going to let itself die so easily.

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It could still not use its barrier ability again after Marcus had destroyed it, but there was one place it could escape to, and almost nothing in the world could stop it once there.

As its body was slowly lifting higher into the air, it turned its mouth towards the shattered ground and lodged into it.

Quickly it began trying to burrower into the ground in order to escape.

It had been drawn to the vast resources of life above the surface of the world, but now that it was close to being beaten, its instincts told it to retreat into its true domain.

There it could slowly regain its strength by devouring the life beneath the surface of Mirrion, and when it was at full power again it could resurface to devour the lives it had been unable to.

Slowly but surely as it got its mouth into the ground it was able to pull itself under the surface.

It seemed that it would be able to escape form the defenders of Borealia’s final assault. That was, until one man descended from above.

“First Form, Tempest Fang.”

Flying down from above the tornado that Boreas and Retharin had created, was Asher.

He was shimmering with an impressive amount of mana and began rapidly spinning around the tornado as he descended, going with the air flow that Boreas and Retharin created for him.

When he reached the body of the Doomsday Worm her sliced through its flesh with his powerful attack skill and nearly severed its head.

All of its momentum was immediately stopped as this happened, and its enormous form slowly began to rise once again.

And before it could attempt any other escape attempts, Jaela who had positioned her tree Deku high in the sky, rung the bell atop her scythe and the gargantuan tree sent its roots down towards the Dread Burrower.

They pierced and wrapped around it, and even while having its life force drained, it pulled up on the monster further wrenching it from the ground,

Then with one final powerful tug, the Doomsday Worm was pulled away from the surface of Mirrion and began spiraling up into the sky. No longer able to resist to the pull of the tornado that Boreas and Retharin had made.

When it had been launched several miles into the sky, the two masters of wind magic stopped their efforts and looked up the unreal sight of a several miles long worm floundering in the sky.

“Now hit it with all you have!” Marcus yelled, signaling the final bombardment.

Blasts of mana, spells, and unique skills went flying from everyone as they unleashed their full might on the monster than had given them so much trouble.

There was no reason to hold back here, for if they failed now, it seemed that there would surely be nothing they could do.

Swiftly the titanic body of the Doomsday Worm was shred and blown apart as in its current predicament it had not recourse to block their attacks.

It tried assaulting them with its barrage of beams while also sending down its tendrils, but it could not get a single attack to connect.

Boreas had created a near impenetrable dome of wind around them that blocked all outside attack while speeding up any ally’s attacks from within.

Within just a few the Dread Burrower had been torn asunder in many places, and while its regeneration held up at first, its unlimited supply of energy was cut off and it quickly burned through its stores.

Half an hour after their bombardment its regeneration began to slow, and it let out what could only be described as a screech of fear and anger.

It could feel that it was close to dying and there was seemingly nothing it could do about it.

“Miss Jaela let us do it now!” Bores yelled out.

The plan had always been for the two of them to deliver the final blow as the strongest combatants among them.

“Dragon Twister!”

“Raging Storm!”

Coalescing all of his wind around him, Boreas compressed his power until it fit in the palm of his hand and punched up towards the sky. Creating a dragon made of rapidly spinning wind that shot towards the Doomsday Worm.

At the same time Jaela began pulsing with mana and sent out hundreds of rapid mana slashes with her scythe.

The two attacks began to merge together, and soon a dragon made of wind with numerous spiraling blades of mana around it impacted the Doomsday Worm and began tearing its already tattered body into tiny pieces.

As its body was shredded beyond repair, the monster that was an embodiment of destruction let out a pained cry, right before all semblance of its life vanished and it was ripped entirely apart.

Only the smallest shreds of its body were left, and as they floated down Marcus and the mages sent up whatever fire magic they could muster into the sky to burn away everything that remained to ash.

Soon all that was left of the once gigantic monster where now tiny specks, and they floated down towards the earth where its now ashen remains would eventually help to revitalize the land that it had destroyed on its path of death.

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