Transmigrated as a Ghost Chapter 614 Status Check Over, and Lilia Predicament

Finally having time to look over his status in depth for the first time since the defeat of the Dread Burrower, Marcus looked at the details of the new abilities he had obtained and the skills that ha developed up.

The first thing he came to was the new title that he had obtained, which was called savior.

From what he read he immediately realized just how powerful of a title that it was.

It not only gave him a seven percent boost to his stats, but also gave him the unique skill Shield of the Just.

Quickly scrolling down past his now much higher stats, he went right for his new unique skill and read what it did.

‘Wow, now that is impressive.’

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After looking over tis details Marcus was blown away by the power this unique skill had.

Unlike what he thought it would do, it did not actually create some type of shield he could use like Lyra’s Reflector Shield unique skill.

It created a sort of barrier around him that gave him heavy resistance to all types of attacks and even reflected a certain amount of energy from blows that would connect with him.

This could turn an attack that would have taken his head off into just a scratch, so its power was undoubtably useful.

Along with its defensive abilities it also increased his regeneration and mana recovery rate by four times, allowing him to fight harder in every aspect..

‘It is too bad about its conditions though.’

The only problem Marcus could find with his new unique skill was that it was not the easiest to use.

In order to activate the skill, he either had to be defending himself or someone else, and it could not be used if he was the aggressor in a fight.

Also, it would be unable to be activated in a fight where the opposing person lacked any malice, so it was useless in practice matches or tournament battles, unless the person he was fighting truly wanted to cause him harm.

‘Still when it counts its powers are very useful, and it can be used one a day for forty minutes, so if I need it, I know it can be counted on.’

Once he had finished familiarizing himself with his new unique skill, he scrolled down to his normal skills.

Looking through them he found that there were not any new additions, but a large majority of them had leveled up right after the fight with the Doomsday Worm.

All of his magic skills were now at lest level six, and light, darkness, and iron had already reach level seven.

This gave him a number of new spells at his disposal, and while he knew their names and generally what they did already just from the system’s information, he had not tested them out yet.

‘Best to hold off on that for a while though. Tier six and seven spells typically have huge ranges of effect and I do not want to blow up part of the city.’

After he looked over his magic skills, he skimmed through his recover skills and found that they had all gone up a level or two as well, as did the skills granted to him by the mythic spirit gem.

‘Well, this is definitely going to take some getting used to. I have not had explosive growth like this before, and I have already broken several water glasses since increasing my stats as my strength score is much higher now.’

Sighing, Marcus thought about how much trouble it was going to be to get used to his new far greater power and figure out how much he needed to restrain himself in order to not crumble the world around him.

Having finished looking through his new title, unique skill, and the advancements of all of his normal skills, Marcus moved onto the last change that came from his mass level up.

He had received a new specter power after quite some time, and when he read what it did, he was quite surprised to see its effects.

His new specter power called spiritual enchantment increased his spiritual energy by two times and allowed him to use it to further enhance himself.

Finishing up looking over the details of his new status after leveling up nine times all at once, Marcus was certainly very enthusiastic to try everything out.

Not only had a great number of his skills leveled up, but he also got a new unique skill and specter power that were both very strong.

‘Hm, though testing out Shield of the Just is not going to be the easiest, since I cannot use it freely. I guess I will just have to wait until the next time I am attacked by someone or something.’

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With nothing better to Marcus opened the skill page in his status and began scrolling through what skills he could purchase.

He now had more skill points than he ever had at one time before and wanted to see what he might be able to get.

‘Maybe it is time to go with the stat buffing skills. I mean, you can never go wrong with just having higher stats.’

Marcus quickly found each of the five skills that boosted an individual stat and contemplated which ones he should get based on their usefulness and cost.

Yet before he could purchase any of the new skills he had his eyes on, there was a knock on the door, followed by Clara saying, “Lady Irene. Lady Lilia has just returned and will be arriving at the front entrance in just a couple of minutes.”

Hearing that his sister had just arrive, Marcus closed his status window, practically forgetting that he was about to purchase a couple new skills.

Swiftly he opened the door he saw Clara standing there waiting, and he told her to go and get the pallor ready with tea and snacks and that he would go and meet Lilia personally.

Rushing down the stairs he waited by the front door until he saw Lilia’s carriage arrive.

Naturally he was feeling quite excited to see her again after so long, especially after how difficult the last month had been.

In fact, he could not even wait for her to come inside and left the mansion to go and greet her as she was getting out.

“Lilia I am glad to see you again. Let us head inside and we can discuss what has happened and what will be happening in the immediate future.” Marcus said with a large smile on his face.

Just seeing his little sister again brought a good deal of ease to his heart, especially after all of the death and destruction he had witnessed.

However, Lilia was definitely not acting exactly how she normally would.

After the two of them had not seen each other for so long she normally would have tackle hugged him and squeezed with enough force to break a tiger’s spine.

But right now, she was just looking down and had not even responded other than nodding her head a bit.

Marcus seeing this immediately started to become concerned, and said, “Did something happen with Alaric? I know you were just with him, so if he did something to you just tell me and I will pay him back tenfold.”

Hearing this Lilia snapped out of her stupor and began waving her hands in front of her, while saying, “Wait no, Alaric did not do anything bad to me. He had been trying to comfort me for what happened.”

Nodding his head, Marcus said, “Good. Oh, and I hope you know I was joking about paying him back tenfold. Now let us go inside and talk about what is troubling you. I cannot help if I do not know what is going on. And I promise I will help you.”

Leading Lilia into their estate’s parlor, Marcus sat down in one chair in between a table while Lilia sat in the one across form him.

She truly seemed deeply troubled about something, so after Clara had served them tea and cookies, Marcus asked her exactly what the problem was.

Except before she answered, she looked around awkwardly as if trying to find someway as to not answer this question.

Eventually though when she saw Marcus’ piercing gaze, she sighed and said, “I got suspended from the royal academy.”

For a moment Marcus was not sure he had heard her correctly, as it seemed blasphemous that Lilia would get suspended.

She was pretty much an honor student that excelled at both academic and practical lessons thanks to her diligent nature, and high level in comparison to all of the other students.

In fact, her physical abilities were likely higher than any of the teachers at the academy, which apparently turned out to be the problem.

Her class’s combat instructor had begun to notice that Lilia was not taking their lessons very seriously, and of course why would she.

She had honed her fighting ability through real battles, while everything they were learning in the class were hypothetical training scenarios, and the basics to learn skills she already knew.

Unfortunately, her professor saw Lilia doing her best to hold back from showing off or injuring her classmates as slacking off and began personally pushing her.

In the end after weeks of frustration he challenged her to a mock battle and came at her with everything he had, which was horrible conduct for a instructor of children.

In the end Lilia had gotten fed up with this, and finally showcased her really power. Punching the guy’s lights out along with breaking his jaw.

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