Transmigrated as a Ghost Chapter 623 Ending the Conflicts

After Boreas’ display of overwhelming power, the battlefield that had once been full of activity and was lit up by powerful attacks clashing against each other had gone silent.

It was practically incomprehensible what had just happened, but everyone had seen the half mile wide twister carve through the ground and forest before causing a massive waterspout and a shower of rain.

A few moments later the invaders from the south began running or flying in terror as their command structure disintegrated.

No one in their right minds would stick around to be blown away by Boreas’ power, and once the people defending the border had a couple of minutes to regain their bearings, they began cheering at their apparent victory.

Not long after, a mage and a knight came flying up towards Boreas who had just ended their hard-fought battle in a single moment.

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‘Ah those two are part of the knights and mages that work directly under Aria and Darius.’ Marcus thought recognizing the two of them.

When they arrived high up in the air, they knelt down in front of Boreas and thanked him for aiding them in battle.

“Think nothing of it. I have been away for quite some time, so I am just giving my help this one time in order to make sure that Tralenstein and Borealia are able to merge seamlessly.” Boreas said with all the charisma and authority of the first king.

Watching him now Marcus could see that he exuded the natural qualities of a good leader when he wanted to..

“Again, we would like to thank you for helping us, but what of the other fronts. Vilkerous is the kingdom that was putting the least effort into their offensive. The other two have mobilized far more of their military might to try and take what parts of Tralenstein they can.” The high-level mage said.

Nodding his head, Boreas said, “I was just on my way to deal with them as well. Now do you know which one Darius is at, I shall go and assist him first.”

Quickly the knight and mage told Boreas where Darius was fighting, and he thanked them for their time and service.

“Take this just in case they come back. If they do, contact me and I will come back and show them that I am not bluffing.” Boreas said as he handed the mage a sending stone.

With their business here wrapped up, Boreas told everyone that they would be moving onto the next location and whipped up another whirlwind to take them there.

When they arrived, this time it was over a large valley that had a massive river flowing through it that marked the border of Tralenstein and the kingdom of Bikan.

Unlike the previous battle that was of a considerably smaller scale, this one looked like a full-on war similar to what Marcus had experienced while fighting in Tralenstein before.

Huge explosions rocked the sky and ground with barriers being created all over the place to keep large scale attacks from wiping out the weaker combatants.

Hundreds of mobile fortresses were deployed as well, and blasts from mana cannons lit up the area.

Looking around Marcus quickly spotted Darius who was currently engaged with two other warriors and a mage.

It was an impressive battle and now that he was seeing him really do battle for the first time, Marcus could tell just how strong the knight commander of Borealia really was.

‘Yep, he is definitely stronger than Tralenstein’s former first ranked great knight.’ Marcus thought as he assessed the power Darius had.

Fighting nearby was also Darius beast companion glacial bear named Popsco that was even bigger than the last time he had seen it, and it unleashed massive blasts of cold and tanked powerful wide scale attacks while using its size to force enemy artillery back.

Overall, it was a very chaotic battle, and while for now the combined forces of Borealia and Tralenstein were holding off the invaders, it could possibly turn at any moment against them if they were not careful.

Luckily there was no need to worry about them losing anymore. Not with Boreas here.

Just as he did before he let out a defending yell that all could hear even over the noise of the battlefield.

Yet unlike last time where he just showed his power by devastating the surrounding area. This time he specifically targeted the enemy’s strongest combatants, and with a couple flicks of his hands, blasted them across the border where they impacted the ground and left heavy trenches through it.

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Then he sent out another large twister that carved a scar through Bikan’s territory and created a whole new canyon just for them.

Not long after he did so, the enemy forces began to retreat as all of their commanders had been swatted away, and they had just seen an insurmountable display of power.

Soon Darius ascended up to meet Boreas and bowed his head just as the others had earlier.

“Lord Boreas, I am surprised to see you here. I had not been informed that you would personally be coming to assist us.”

Naturally Darius was quite confused, as he never expected Boreas, who was pretty much retired from getting involved with kingdom affairs, coming down here to help.

“Yes well, I have my reasons. Anyway, I cannot stand idly by while territory that Borealia swore to protect is under attack. Also, this place is my originally home, so I would prefer it not being chopped up when it is finally all coming together again.” Boreas said.

He then told Darius to rise and handed him a sending stone as well. Telling the knight commander to contact him if the forces from Bikan tried attacking again.

“Now we need to head to where Aria is leading the fight against Halenstalf. I imagine that even she might be having some trouble against them.”

After saying that Boreas created another whirlwind and their group traveled at blinding speeds towards their next destination.

Within just a couple of minutes Marcus, Lyra, Jaela, and of course Boreas appeared high in the sky above an open plain where once again battles were raging on.

This time it was apparent that the attackers had been pushing the forces from Tralenstein and Borealia back, as the forts that had once been along the border were destroyed.

Looking at the battlefield it was clear to Marcus that their side was on the retreat, as Aria and the other high-level fighters and mages covered them.

Quickly Marcus spotted a number of familiar faces from his days fighting in Tralenstein. Seeing Marek, Francis, and Tesia holding off a number of other high-level fighters.

Aria herself was engaged in a wicked battle of spells against whom Marcus could only imagine was the strongest mage in the kingdom of Halenstalf.

Still as bad as the battle was looking right now from the perspective of Borealia and Tralenstein, that was all about to quickly change.

Once Boreas had shouted out his loud command again for the enemy to stop attacking, he created a blinging light show in the sky, as he began glowing and sent out blasts of compressed wind at anyone over level seventy on the opposing side.

They were all quickly swept away by Boreas’ attack, that not even the strongest mage that Halenstalf had could resist.

Boreas was simply just far too strong for any of them to do anything about, and even people in the low eighties level-wise were blown away like ragdolls before the power he had.

Though not long after he had finished blowing back Halenstalf’s strongest combatants, did they all notice three silhouettes coming towards them at high speed.

Soon, these three beings became clearer, and Marcus could see that they were all powerful looking beasts. Likely the guardians of the kingdoms Boreas had just single handedly halted.

When they arrived in front of him, they held themselves up high, trying to make themselves look intimidating. But it was pretty clear that they were actually afraid.

One of them was a large sphinx that was thirty feet tall and one hundred feet long at its tail with the face of an intelligent man.

The next one was a creature of massive size easily dwarfing even how big Retharin was, and being over two hundred feet tall and seven hundred feet long. It sort of resembled an ankylosaur with its black spikey armor plating and a long tail that ended in a sharp mace. Though its face was sunken in and had a crown of horns the protruding above and below its face.

The final of the beasts was a green dragon, though this one was of a stalker build than Gwyneria’s slender form and resembled more closely what a western dragon would look like in most media that Marcus had seen.

“The three of us ask that you stop what you are doing. We have already spoken to Motis and have come to an agreement that as the mythic grade beasts that protect these kingdoms, we would not give aid to the humans that wish to wage war. If beings as strong as us got involved in this conflict, the very land that they are trying to take would be destroyed, and nothing would have been gained but destruction. It was for Motis’ benefit that we agreed to this since he would undoubtably lose in a battle against all three of us.” The Sphinx said, acting as the mythic grade beasts’ liaisons.

However, while most people would be cowering in fear if three high level mythic grade magical beasts were towering over them, Boreas just yawned, and said, “Well I am not Motis nor a magical beast to begin with. I am just protecting my kingdom’s land, and if you want to get in my way, I can blow you back as well.”

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