Transmigrated as a Ghost Chapter 626 Talks of Earth and Mirrion

Now that all of them had spoken on how they had died, the conversation moved onto less dour topics.

“So how about each of us now say where we were all born.” Jaela suggested.

This time they all looked towards Boreas, since last time they started with Marcus who was the most recent to arrive on Mirrion, this time they would be going in the opposite order.

“Well, I was born and raised in Italy, though I did spend a fair amount of time in Greece as well, which sparked my passion for history and archelogy.” Boreas said.

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Though as Marcus heard this, he started thinking about how Boreas got his name.

He had originally thought that the man was born many centuries ago on Earth when the name might have been more popular, but that was not actually the case.

Not to mention that he was Italian and not Greek which made it even a bit stranger.

“Boreas, how exactly did you get your name? Was it the one you were given on Earth, or perhaps another name on this world?” Marcus asked curiously..

Boreas, however, began to look a bit nervous, like he did not want to answer the question.

Nevertheless, he eventually sighed, and said, “Truthfully, I gave myself that name since I always like the myths and history around the original Boreas, and I had an affinity for wind magic anyway so I thought it would be fitting.”

But this just sparked more questions, and Marcus asked him next what his original name was, and how he had changed it. Since it was not like just announcing a new name would change it within the system.

“Originally my name was Alessandro, but it is not like I have been called that by anyone in this world for a very long time, as I changed it pretty quickly. As for how I changed it, I simply used the terminal that I found and gave me the right to be king. With that I could easily change my name or anyone else under my rule for that matter.” Boreas said as he took a large sip of whiskey from his glass.

Hearing this Marcus remembered back to when he originally got his title as Irene, and how that strange device that looked a bit like a tablet was used to give him a last name.

‘If it could do that much, then I suppose it is equally likely that it can change a person’s first name as well.’ Marcus thought.

“Wow you really changed your name to that of a Greek god, how much were you into those myths.” Jaela said while laughing a bit at Boreas.

Of course, he countered saying that she had some weird obsession with a game, and that he was actually just heavily invested in history.

Eventually Jaela teasing Boreas about changing his name came to an end, and she went on to talk about herself and where she was from.

“I am originally from Canada. Unlike Boreas though, as I died young it, is not like I had a profession I was heavily into, but I was attending a university to study computer science. Of course, I died before really getting to learn anything.”

After Jaela came Lyra who was the youngest amongst all of them when she had died, and was only now a bit older in this world than she had been back on Earth.

She quickly told everyone where she was from as well, which swiftly moved onto Marcus since they lived in the same area

“Of course, I am from the same place as her as we were neighbors. Oh, and since everyone else mentioned what they had been doing, I suppose I can say that I was a lawyer. Though I had only been practicing for about two years.” Marcus said.

When Boreas and Jaela heard he was a lawyer they gave him sharp stares, obvious having heard how plenty of lawyers had bad reputations.

“Hey, I was not one of the blood suckers that kept trials going forever in order to drain people’s bank accounts okay. I was a prosecutor and did my best to put criminals away. Anyway, it is not like I have been doing anything remotely close to being a lawyer in this world and have found a new passion that I enjoy sinking my time into.” Marcus said in his defense.

He then seamlessly transitioned over to something else he wanted to talk about, and said, “I already told you all this, but now I am a forgemaster. I quite enjoy making different items and working out what materials work well with each other. To that end, I would love it is I could thoroughly examine your scythe Jaela, and your lance Boreas.

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Marcus had a sparkle in his eyes as he requested to look at the two strongest weapons, he had seen on Mirrion, and hoped to gleam some inspiration from them.

Unfortunately, he was quickly rebuffed, and Jaela said that he could look at her scythe later, while Boreas dodged around the issue and made no commitment to allow Marcus to see his lance.

“Now we have all talked about what happened to us back on Earth, but now I think it is time we discuss what happened when we originally got to Mirrion.” Boreas said, changing the subject once again.

With his efforts to get his hands on Boreas’ and Jaela’s weapons halted once again, Marcus sat back and sighed. Giving up for now and going first since he had been here for the least amount of time.

“When I first found myself on this world, I ended up the butt of the administrator’s joke. I had asked to be untouchable, so she ended up bringing me here as a ghost and at level one. She took away the forty levels I was supposed to have, and in turn I ended up practically useless at level one. I even ended up floating down to the center of the world since I did not know how my powers worked at that time.” Marcus said with an angry expression, finally having some people he could complain to with.

Yet while he had taken being in contact with the administer as par for the course, the others looked at him with surprised eyes, and Boreas caught onto something that Marcus had said.

“Wait, did you just call the administrator she? How do you know what gender they are?”

Looking at everyone else, Marcus could see that they had probing expressions on their faces as he had just revealed something that was known to very few on Mirrion.

“Oh, I guess it probably is uncommon, but the administrator has met with me in person on two occasions, and she sends me messages everyone now and then as well.” Marcus said.

Hearing this Jaela and Boreas were especially surprised, as they had in all of their years on Mirrion barely had any interaction with the mysterious being known as the administrator.

They knew of her existence and both of them had received a couple of messages in the past, but nothing like the correspondences that Marcs had.

“Just how many times has she contacted you?” Boreas said with a stern gaze in his eyes.

He had not thought that he was going to get such important information from Marcus who was the one that had been here for the shortest amount of time.

Thinking back on it, Marcus slowly counted the number of times he had received a message form the administrator and promptly told everyone how many it had been.

“The most recent was during and right after the fight with the Dread Burrower. When I was in a sort of limbo like space after activating my revival skill, she appeared and spoke to me in person once again.”

Marcus then went on to detail his recent talk with the administrator and told them about how the doomsday monsters were created for the express purpose of pushing the people of this world to their limits which was why the great spirits would not intervene.

“She also told me that the next time a monster like that appears will not be in another four hundred years, but much sooner. However, what really worried me more than that was that she said she would be updating the world’s system and putting in new things. Though she was vague in that regard.”

With pensive looks on their faces, both Jaela and Boreas began contemplating this information that Marcus had given them.

But he was not done yet and told them about his first meeting with the administrator and the book that he had given her that could summon eldritch horrors which she said did not belong on this world.

“I see so not even the administrator is omnipotent and has enemies that have sent forging objects to this world. This only just goes to show how small we really are in the grand scheme of things.” Boreas said with a hard expression on his face.

Lyra on the other hand was having a hard time following what they were saying, as she had far less information than any of them did.

“What are all of you talking about? I thought that the administrator was just some automated messaging system. I only ever received one message form them congratulating me on my evolution.”

Naturally Lyra had heard less from and about the administrator and only when she achieved her special and high tier evolution had she heard from them in what she thought was an automated message.

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