Transmigrated as a Ghost Chapter 630 Boreas’ Life

With Jaela having finished telling the abbreviated version of her life’s story, everyone turned their gaze to the last one here to reveal what they had done since coming to Mirrion.

Seeing everyone’s intense gazes, Boreas sat forward and sighed. What he had to say was going to take up quite an amount of time since he was three times older than any of them and had way more life experience.

“Well, I suppose I should start with my appearing in Tralenstein.” Boreas said as he rubbed the back of his head. “Just like Marcus, I appeared on the side of a road, though mine was in a hilly area with very few trees in it. And luckily, I was not hit with any tricks and was a normal human, so I did not slip through the ground.”

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When he arrived, he went through similar steps as Marcus did, opening up his status and looking around to see what he had.

“To start, my stat points had already been assigned which was a bit unfortunate, but I suppose that is done so that if I was attacked immediately on my arrival, I would not have been a level forty with level one stats. Still, what was more important were that I still had access to all my skill points which I could put where I wanted. I also had been given the blessing of zephyr which gave quite the boost to my agility and spirit stats, as well as giving me a unique skill called aerial boost. All in all, I had a pretty good start.” Boreas said.

However, Marcus hearing this pursed his lips together in with a bit of anger and frustration. Not only did Boreas start out with the forty levels as advertised, but he also received a blessing that was perfectly suited to him and incredibly powerful..

And after some further inquiry Marcus found out that his blessing was quite similar to his exalted ones. Only being slightly weaker.

“Wow you really lucked out there.” Marcus said with an envious tone. “I ended up with a blessing that was absolutely useless to me at the start and all my levels were slashed away.”

“Yeah, but you have come quite far and you are now a great spirit which is something no one else could have ever hoped to achieve. My starting lucky truthfully may have been better, but I think that overall, you have obtained far more than I had at where you are. I mean you are level sixty-one after only a little more than two and a half years and were able to participate and provide meaningful assistance in a battle against a monster over forty levels higher than you were at the time.”

After boreas pointed this out, Marcus realized really just how fortunate he had been past his starting experience.

Though for all he had gained he had to suffer through some sort of trial or harsh battle, but he had gained a lot by doing so.

“You are right, sorry for bemoaning your good luck when I have had my own.” Marcus said.

“No, it is fine, I understand that it was a difficult experience for you when you first arrived. But naturally we have all had our tough times.” Boreas said with a clouded over expression.

Everyone else nodded along with this sentiment as none of them had what could be considered and exceptionally easy life, with Jaela honestly probably having had the least amount of strife in comparison to Marcus and the others who have had to fight in wars before.

Continuing on Boreas explained how he decided to head northward on the road for pretty much no apparent reason other than that the wind was blowing that way.

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At the same time, he had looked through the skills he could purchase and bought wind magic along with magic circulation much as Marcus had originally done. That way he would have at least some level of protection in case he got attacked.

Eventually he made it to a large town and lined up to enter along with everyone else.

Naturally he could not understand what they were saying, and used his langue token to learn the langue in an instant.

Though just like Marcus he did experience a head splitting headache as the information of another langue was transmitted directly into his brain.

Still, he kept himself together and eventually got to the front of the line where they asked for his identification.

“Unfortunately, as I am sure you can figure out, I had no sort of identification and no money either. So, they kicked me out of the line and told me to come back when I had a means of paying the entry fee and for the identification papers.” Boreas said with a sigh. “Luckily a kind gentleman moved out of the line and told me that there was a large village around six miles to the west where I could probably pick up some manual labor jobs for a bit of money.”

With a new direction to go, Boreas heeded the man’s advice and head to this village that fortunately did not have any sort of entrance fee or identification check since they rarely received travelers.

“It was certainly surprising when I arrived how friendly the people were, and I was quickly allowed to assist their hunters on their job, even though I had no experience hunting. They simply told me that they wished for me to carry supplies and whatever they caught for them.”

Though Boreas then smirked, and said, “But at level forty, I did have some surprises for them, and wanting to show off used my wind magic that I had brought up to level three to take out a large elk from a distance.”

Apparently, this left everyone who was with him completely baffled. They wondered why a high-level magic user was wondering around alone and in simple clothes, while doing such menial work for money.

“I mean at the time I did not know how impressive it was at the time for a random person to just shoot off magic, especially in Tralenstein where resources to learn magic were pretty much only accessible to the nobility and their close retainers.”

He then had to come up with a story on the spot about how he came from another kingdom and his family had been destroyed by a rival and he fled far away to Tralenstein to avoid being killed himself.

This while farfetched, was at least plausible enough that the people believed him to a degree, and since he was useful allowed him to continue hunting with them.

“After that I spent a good month in that village getting to learn about the world around me while also making a bit of coin by using my magic to hunt beasts and monsters. It was pretty fun as I enjoyed learning about another world’s culture and getting to test out the skills I was leaning.” Boreas said with a nostalgic expression.

His start had been pretty relaxed where he was able to leisurely take his time learning about the world while slowly building himself up.

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