Transmigrated as a Ghost Chapter 65 - 64 Necromancer And Demon

Moving up to the large double doors blocking his way, Marcus looked around for a way to open the doors but found that they had been barred from the inside.

’Guess I am going to have to do this the hard way.’

Pulling his scythe back Marcus infused it with mana and activated his powerful slash skill carving through the doors and creating his own entrance.

He then sent his iron golem in through first and after following behind it he saw a man dressed all in black and wearing a plague doctors mask sitting in a chair facing the door.

As Marcus stared around taking stock of everything in the room the man in the chair stood up and started speaking.

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"So, you are the rat that has snuck in this time, you certainly made it farther than the last ones, but your fate will be the same."

Of course, after the necromancers initial words Marcus had finished looking around the room noticing that their was a huge mass of bodies stitched together and a few high-level zombies and skeletons.

With his appraisal of the room over Marcus did not care to listen to the rest of the necromancer’s monologue and cast lightning javelin intent on ending this quickly.

Surprising Marcus however, even though his sudden attack did catch the necromancer off guard the necklace he was wearing lite up and formed a barrier around him that blocked the lightning javelin.

"How dare you, fine you can go ahead join my army of undead."

The necromancer then reached over and pulled a lever that was next to him which caused a plum of dust to fall from the ceiling and the necromancer continued monologuing like he had already won.

"Ha, do you feel it your body burning, soon the ghouls fever that I have perfected will transform you into one of my servants."

’God this guy likes to here his own voice, but judging by where he hangs out, he probably does not get many chances for social interactions. He is only level twenty-five, I honestly expected him to be a bit higher, but this just means he really is not a threat to me… So is this powder supposed to do something to me since so far all it has done is make my visibility a bit worse.’

Marcus then stood around looking at the necromancer who was laughing manically until he noticed that Marcus was not turning into a ghoul.

"What the hell, why are you unaffected, I made sure that this powder would be potent and fast acting how are you still fine."

"I guess I can tell you since you have shown me such great hospitality. I think your powder is having a hard time since I already happen to be an undead and now that I have stalled long enough you can go ahead and die."

Marcus then raised his hand which he had charged with a massive amount of mana ready to cast his most powerful spell with the boost from his heighten spell skill. A huge mass of electricity then shot out of his hand and took the form of a thunderbird before firing forward towards the necromancer.

The thunderbird strike then impacted into the barrier that formed around the necromancer but unlike with the lightning javelin the tier four lightning spell was not so easily blocked, and the barrier held for only a moment before breaking.

However, at that point something else unexpected happened, as two huge, clawed hands shot out of the necromancer’s shadow clad in some sort of dark read energy that fought for dominance against Marcus’ spell.

Eventually the two clashing powers fused together creating a massive explosion and once the dust settled Marcus could see a large fifteen-foot-tall humanoid creature with grey skin clawed hands and feet, and a pair of horns that protruded out of the side of its heads.

The demon that had just appeared then leaned its head back before quickly jerking it forward, opening its mouth, and releasing a enormous breath of fire right for Marcus.

The demon then watched as Marcus became completely engulfed in the fire and after a few seconds stopped its fire breath and turned around to talk to the necromancer.

"You idiot why did you just stand their while he launched attacks at you, that amulet I gave you is not invincible, if I had not stepped in you would be dead. You are lucky I have already invested so much into you otherwise I would have let you die."

The necromancer looked down at the ground angry at the demon for berating him and disappointed in himself for almost getting kill, when he noticed a huge mass of smoldering iron and it began to disappear exposing that Marcus had survived.

The demon then noticed the gaze of the necromancer and noticed itself that Marcus was still alive.

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’Whew that was close, if my iron golem had not stepped in front of me, I would have been roasted. I got a bit carried away there and forgot about the demon. Ugh level thirty-one, that is what Voda considers low-level.’

The demon then glared back at Marcus and said, "What are you, my appraisal says that you are human, but all of my other senses say otherwise."

"I am afraid I have no reason to answer that so let us get back to killing each other."

Having already activated all of his physical enchantments Marcus burst forward at and incredible speed and slashed right for the demons left leg planning to take it off in one swipe. However, the demon kept up with his speed and paired with its claws and even launched its head forward intent on skewing Marcus with its horns.

Using another speed burst Marcus managed to dodge the horns and unleash a lightning bind towards the demon.

Unfortunately, the demon sent off a blast of the darkish red energy it used earlier and destroyed Marcus’ spell.

Of course, the necromancer did not stay idle during this time and had just finished chanting a spell and sent his own lightning javelin towards Marcus.

Sensing the danger Marcus slashed his scythe towards the javelin intercepting it and while his own mana defused most of the javelins power, he still felt a bit of electricity flow into his body.

At that moment, the demon caught up to him and started slashing wildly with its claws and chasing after Marcus wherever he retreated too.

Even with its large size the demon was able to keep up with Marcus who was only just barley faster.

The fight then continued with Marcus doing everything he could just to stay alive while the demon ferociously pursued him, and the necromancer launched ranged spells.

That was until Marcus managed to get his trap in order. He had managed to discreetly wrap an iron thread around the demon and when the necromancer sent another lightning javelin forward Marcus extend this thread towards it and the electricity followed the iron thread back to the demon. At the same time Marcus also unleashed his spark spell along the thread and the two sources of electricity met at the demon electrocuting it.

This literally shocked the demon and figuratively shocked the necromance and using this opening Marcus quickly ran around the demon towards the necromancer.

Noticing the incoming danger, the necromancer ordered his remaining undead to come forth and protect him.

’Too late, thunderbird strike.’

Unleashing another powerful thunderbird strike he had been preparing, the undead and demon were unable to protect the necromancer this time as he was engulfed by the spell.

When the torrent of electricity dissipated all that was left was a smoldering necromancer who was obviously dead.

The demon then roared in anger and charged towards Marcus. In the demons rage it did not however, see a certain item Marcus had taken out and smashed onto the floor.

’I hoped I could win by myself, but I am spent so best to let someone else finish up’

It was at that moment when and overpowering pressure filled the room and the water spirit Voda appeared.

The demon stared in fear and tried to open some type of portal only to find that its body had been wrapped with water and was unable to move.

"You are not getting away so easily, I still have to repay you for what you did to my sanctuary last time."

The demon thrashed about the best it could shooting out fire breaths and unleashing blast of dark red energy, but the water was overpowering and the small amount the demon was able to destroy was replaced instantly.

"Oh, now this is a surprise, even for demon destruction magic is rare, but it will not help you here."

Voda then controlled the water binding the demon sending it down its mouth and nose filling it up like a balloon until it popped in a very gruesome death.

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