Transmigrated as a Ghost Chapter 657 Start of the Engagement Party

With the final checks finished for Marcus and Mrazivy’s engagement party, the two of them took a load off and relaxed for the remaining hours before their relationship was announced to the world.

“What are you reading there?” Mrazivy asked Marcus as he engrossed himself in a book.

“It is a story from an author that Lilia likes. Have you heard of it before?”

Marcus flipped up the book so that Mrazivy could read the title and who the author was.

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Immediately a look of realization appeared on her face, and it was clear that she did indeed know of this book.

“Oh, I am surprised that you have a copy of Delve in the Depths of Darkness, by Klaus Nilsen. It was not widely publicized, and I believe there are only a few dozen copies out there. We have one in the castle’s library, so I have read it before. It is pretty good, but it seems a bit too fictious in its detailing of an entire world under the surface.” Mrazivy said.

However, Marcus tilted his head to the side a little confused.

He thought that while some of the stories in the book seemed to be embellished like most writing was it did not mean that any of it was totally untrue..

“No, I think he was writing from experience as this author always did. I have seen an entire city nearly as large as Borealia’s capital miles under the surface of the world.”

Blinking her eyes rapidly in surprise Mrazivy had not been expecting to hear this and asked Marcus for more details.

“Sorry I do not have anything else to tell you. I only got to observe it from a distance for a couple of minutes at most as I slipped through the planet. I honestly could not find it again if I tried.” Marcus said while shrugging his shoulders.

Yet Mrazivy was not going to just let this go and told Marcus that one day they were going to have to go and explore this subterranean world that lay below theirs.

After that the two of them soon went to sleep as they both wanted to be at their best for tomorrow and Marcus especially wanted to get rid of the mental fatigue of the spartan etiquette training he had received.

Upon their awakening the next day they were immediately rushed into getting dressed up and prepared for their big day.

‘I really wish they would just let me dress myself.’ Marcus thought as attendants began taking his clothes off.

He normally got away with not having any sort of personnel since he was just an honorary prince, and the king knew he did not need nor care for any assistance.

But sometimes for the sake of appearances he had to deal with beign treated like a member of the royal family and today was one of those days.

Luckily it only took him around an hour and a half to finally be ready, and he knew it would have been much worse had he been a girl.

‘I know it takes them at least three hours for Mraz. I cannot even imagine how exhausting that would be for me.’ Marcus thought as he sat in a waiting room.

A couple hours went by as he simply sat around waiting for Mrazivy to arrive, and finally she did.

When she walked in this time, she was somehow more stunning, and Marcus could not help but stare at his beautiful fiancée with his mouth hanging open for a few moments.

Even some of the well-trained attendants he had with him today did a double take towards Mrazivy, and it was quite rare for them to lose their composure for even a moment.

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‘I almost wish that we could skip this party and I could just whisk you away right now.’ Marcus said to Mrazivy through telepathy.

As she and she alone heard this, her face went bright red suddenly and she pouted a bit as she saw Marcus quietly snickering at her fluster.

“Your highnesses, it is time for the two of you to depart. The carriage is ready, and it would not do for the two of you to be late.” Aisha, Mrazivy’s head attendant said.

Both of them were then led to a large garage inside the castle where they got in the same carriage as yesterday and headed back to the venue they had been to yesterday.

“Just a few more hours and I can relax again.” Marcus said absentmindedly.

As he did Mrazivy seamlessly moved from sitting across from him to next to him and hugged his arm against her body.

“I know this is a bit stressful, but it is something we have to bear with. I know you have put up with a lot for me, and I just want to say I could never imagine beign with anyone better.” Mrazivy said before planting a kiss on Marcus’ cheek.

This did help him ease the tension he was feeling, and he thanked Mrazivy for being there for him as well.

Within forty minutes they were once again within the massive building where their engagement party would be held.

Elvira was there waiting for them and had them go through one last quick check to make sure that everything was in order and how they desired it.

This time Marcus made sure to seem as interested as possible and remembered all of the things that were beaten into him yesterday.

Luckily his new attitude change seemed to help improve Elvira’s opinion of him, and when they were finished, she gave Marcus and approving smile and complemented his efforts.

“Whew, I think that may have been the most difficult part of the day in all honesty.” Marcus said as he drank a glass of fruit juice that had been prepared.

He and Mrazivy were now in another waiting room which had some light refreshments in it, as they awaited the time for their grand entrance.

There were thousands of nobles, wealthy merchants, and even some forging dignitaries that would be gathering for their engagement party for today.

“I am glad that Lyra was able to make her way here as Tralenstein’s representative. I was afraid she was not going to make it.” Marcus said.

“Yeah, but it is too bad about Quillon. I can understand why he would want to avoid an event like this, but I was hoping he would show up for us.” Mrazivy said with a slight frown on her face.

Of course, Marcus understood why he would want to be absent. He had made quite the showing during the kingdom’s most recent fighting tournament and would have nobles breathing down his neck for a chance to recruit him.

The two of them spent the next couple hours just waiting around as all of their guests arrived, and when all of the most important people were accounted for they were eld to the large hall where the party would predominately take place.

“This is the big moment. After today we can officially announce our relationship.” Mrazivy said with a happy though nervous smile.

“And to that end I think it is time that we reveal the ring I made you so everyone else can see how strong our bond is.” Marcus said.

With the wave of his hand, he made the ring on Mrazivy’s finger that had been kept ethereal become visible again, and the vibrant amethros stood out impressively against her skin.

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