Transmigrated as a Ghost Chapter 666 Demonic Calamity

As Vaughn sacrificed his right hand and opened up a massive portal, an ominous presence descended upon the entire venue.

Even the other demons that were still alive stopped and shuddered, while some people simply passed out as they were unable to withstand the pressure.

Whatever was coming out of this portal was a truly powerful and sinister demon, and Marcus grimaced as he saw its giant clawed hand reach out and grab the edge of the portal.

‘Not happening. Quasar Blast.’

Aiming his scythe forward he focused his tier six light magic spell through it and unleashed the large blast of light right into the portal.

Yet as the attack was about to enter the portal the demon inside roared and the quasar blast spell fizzled out.

Marcus could only look on in wide eyed horror as he watched one of his strongest spells get neutralized in an instant.

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‘It dissipated my spell! But how?’

It was truly unbelievable to see what had just happened.

If the attack had been blocked or countered, he would have understood it. But the magic itself had just been canceled by the thing’s roar.

Soon its other clawed hand grabbed ahold of the side of the portal, and it pulled its entire gargantuan body out of the demon world.

Feeling its power Marcus flew backwards to give himself some space, and he examined the thing while it was still getting its bearings.

‘Shit! Level seventy-six!’.

Seeing its level Marcus clenched his teeth and prepared himself for a truly tough battle.

This was easily the strongest opponent he was going to be fighting without backup that was stronger than he was.

In fact, the only thing stronger than it that he had fought at all was probably the Doomsday Worm. But other than his suicide attack, he practically did no damage during that entire battle.

‘I am sure I could kill it if I did that again, but then I would end up dead myself and probably kill thousands of people as well.’

Staring the demon down Marcus examined its features that seemed to be an amalgamation of a number of animals.

It had what looked like a wolf’s head though it had six eyes, and under its chin it was sprouting two pincers like an insect.

Its body was equally mismatched looking like a bear for most of its torso, but its arms up to its shoulder and its knees down to its feet looked a bit like that of a lizard’s.

It had green scales with pulsing red lines flowing through them and its limbs all ended in black claws that seemed to be dribbling with venom.

On its back it had two addition limbs jutting out of it which were like those of a praying mantis, though they had spikes coming out of them like a saw.

Finally, it had a reptilian like tail coming out of its lower back with was ended in a barded spear head that looked like it could easily impale through a person armor and all.

Its size was also quite large, as it stood over sixty feet tall, and it was thick with muscles.

Truly this was a demon that could raze the entire capital city to the ground if given enough time. And without its strongest protectors Borealia was sorely outmatched to deal with something like this.

‘I am going to have to give it everything I have if I want to even attempt to beat this thing.’

Steeling himself Marcus prepared to go all out and blast the thing away when three people appeared next to him.

Seeing the demon and that Marcus was about to face it down, Lyra and James who had been fighting the drugged-up intruders abandoned their opponents to help with the largest threat. While Mrazivy left the fighting of the other demons to her sister and her knights.

With his allies by his side Marcus felt a sense of relief, but he could tell that Mrazivy had already activated her unique skills and was on a time limit.

“How much longer do you have?”

“I think about five more minutes. After that I will be worthless.” Mrazivy responded knowing what Marcus was getting at.

Now knowing when Mrazivy would reach her limit, everyone else prepared themselves for a fast all-out battle.

“Kill them all. You are free to torture whoever you like once those four are dead.” Vaughn said as he gave an order to the demon.

However, it just looked at him in contempt, and in a swift movement grabbed the demon he was riding on and yanked it out from under him.

It was a surprising enough development to startled even Marcus and his friends who had been preparing to engage in battle.

Vaughn soon hit the ground hard, unable to balance himself properly after losing and arm.

He had a flabbergasted look on his face as the demon he had summoned would not listen to him. But it looked like this thing was not going to be obeying orders or even working with the other demons.

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“I only agreed to work under your master because he said I could have some fun. I have no intention of following any commands.” The demon said as it began squeezing the demon vulture in its hands.

The demon smiled as it watched the other demon struggle and scream as it was slowly crushed, until it finally went limp.

After that it threw the thing’s corpse haphazardly and began looking around for its next target.

It seemed to not even notice or care about Marcus’ group that had gathered to square off against it.

Quickly it spotted what it wanted. A young girl fighting valiantly against a number of attackers to protect those she cared about.

This demon loved bring people into despair, and it moved over to grab the girl who was in fact Lilia.

It moved with speed that its large size would have made seem impossible, and it reached out for Lilia as she was battling her hardest.

But before its arm could reach her, something stopped it right in its tracks.

Its entire body had been immobilized, and now it was the demon’s turn to be stunned.

In its way was a single man who was now glowing brightly blue and had pulled a top tier adamantine shield out and stopped the demon’s advance.

‘Shield of the Just.’

Taking out his underused adamantine shield and using his new unique skill he obtained along with the savior title, Marcus forced the demon back and away from his little sister.

This made the demon quite angry to have its play time interrupted, and it was about to attack Marcus with its other arm when it felt its danger sense go off.

“Pierce through all, Storm Breaker.”

Launching his amethros lance right at the demon’s head, James fired off his fastest attack which was the same as the one Boreas used to kill the thunder behemoth.

Unfortunately, while the attacks were the same, their weapons quality and levels were vastly different, and the demon side stepped and took the lance in its shoulder instead.

Even its thick and hard scales were unable to block the amethros lance which dug all the away through and pierced halfway out the other side of the demon’s shoulder.

But while this was certainly impressive damage, James was a bit shocked by the development. He did not expect his lance to be dodged, or that it would lose its power before flying out the other side of the demon.

“Light Speed Slash.”

“Fox Fire Fangs.”

?[0)??? Jumping into the fray as well, Lyra came at the demon from above while Mrazivy came at it from below.

But before they could hit the demon’s body pulsed red and a powerful barrier erected around it and blocked the two attacks.

The barrier as strong as it was still shattered under the force of Mrazivy and Lyra’s strikes, but this left them open to a counterattack.

The demon expertly controlled its tail and shot it towards Mrazivy like a spear while kicking towards Lyra with its clawed foot.

‘Eclipse Meteor.’

Yet before it could get in its strikes, now that it was distracted and its defenses were down, Marcus rammed into with his full body using one of his strongest attacks.

His momentum lifted the hulking demon into the air, and they shot high up into the sky as Marcus blasted them out of the crowded venue.

‘Were taking his outside. If we fight this thing in earnest in there, we will kill almost everyone.’ Marcus said over telepathy to his friends.

Quickly they followed him out and a huge explosion rocked the air as Marcus detonated his attack.

This blasted him and the demon in opposite directions, but he took far less damage than it did.

It crashed down hard into the ground and ripped across the landscape as it skidded to a stop.

Luckily it had landed in a large crop field meant to feed the people that lived within the area between the first and second castle walls.

Standing up from the ground the demon let out an enraged below, and it looked hatefully at Marcus and his companions who were floating in the sky above it.

“Let us finish this quickly. No need to hold back anything now.” Marcus said, and his friends nodded their heads.

They then broke off and attacked the demon from multiple angles to keep its attention divided.


Letting out another loud roar this time the demon began pulsing with a dark purple light and a large aura expanded around its body.

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