Transmigrated as a Ghost Chapter 67 - 66 Uproar At The Guild

With the token that proved he had completed the silver rank mission that would solidify his promotion in hand, Marcus made his way back to the guild hall to report his success.

Looking around now that his finances had become more secure after obtaining around thirty gold worth of coins from the necromancer, Marcus located a flying taxi.

"Hello there, could I trouble you to take me to the branch of the adventures guild that is located near the northwestern gate."

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The young woman who was manning the air taxi station looked up at Marcus and looking him over a bit smiled before saying, "Sure I can take you there, but it is going to cost twenty silver, you okay with that."

Nodding his head and pulling out the bag he had acquired from the necromancer Marcus took out the twenty silver and handed it to her fine with paying for the convince of flying in order to save a few hours.

Counting the money to make sure she had the right amount, when the woman was finished, she gave a satisfied nod and said, "Hop on, Starla won’t bite and if I do say so myself is one of the fastest birds in service."

Getting onto the saddle on the back of the bird that looked like a massive goose Marcus checked over it and its riders levels and was surprised to see how high they were.

’The bird is level twenty-two, and the rider is level twenty, no wonder this bird is one of the fastest, it is many levels higher than the other birds I have flown own.’

The woman then mounted the bird that looked like a giant goose named Starla and gave it a good kick in the side like a horse rider and with a loud honk it leaped up into the sky taking flight.

Flying above the tops of the buildings of the city, Marcus once again got a view of the grand city scape of Loursend.

Scanning over the horizon Marcus could see many more magical beast than he had before, flying about the sky and even noticed what appeared to be an entire squadron of gryphon riders.

’Wonder what is going on, I have seen one or two gryphons flying about with knights on their backs before, but a whole squad, there must be something going on. I suppose that their could be a monster outbreak somewhere nearby, or maybe a really important official is arriving, and those guys are their honor guard or something.’

While Marcus was thinking up wild ideas for why the gang of gryphon riders were about, Starla the giant goose was moving quickly across the city and Marcus noticed that the clamor of flying magical beasts were actually mostly heading for or away from the adventures guild branch he was headed for.

Soon Starla made her decent towards the station nearest the guild and what had taken him over forty minutes to traverse last time had only taken thirty.

However, the station was so packed that they were not able to land there and had to head to the next closest station which was almost at full capacity itself.

Disembarking from large goose Marcus thanked them for the ride and started walking towards the guild hall.

’I wonder what happened, the situation seems to be centered around the guild hall, maybe a really powerful monster escaped from the dungeon, or an enemy nation is attacking. Ugh there are just too many possibilities, I guess I will just have to find out when I get there.’

Moving with that thought towards the guild hall Marcus managed to arrive within around ten minutes even though he was dropped off a little ways away.

As he got closer, the number of people rushing around increased, and so did Marcus’ curiosity.

When he arrived at the guild entrance, he saw that their were dozens of people moving around franticly, and that the squadron of gryphon riders had landed right outside the guild building.

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Unable to contain his curiosity Marcus appraised each of the gryphons and the three knights that had been left to watch them.

He found that none of the gryphons were below level twenty, the highest being level twenty-six and that the three knights watching over them were all level twenty-eight.

’Impressive, they must be some of the elites of the city’s guards and since those three were chosen to stand watch over the gryphons they are probably even the lowest level of the gryphon riders.’

After he had finished with his appraisal of the knights and their gryphons Marcus decided to head inside and find out what was going on and, better yet if he could get a payday off of it.

When he reached the entrance though he found that their were two people standing guard and while they let some people by, they turned away others.

Wondering if he was going to be able to get in, Marcus queued up in the line waiting to get in, and after three minutes of waiting made it to the front where one of the guards asked him, "Business for entering the guild."

A bit baffled at why they were barring people from entering Marcus decided to go with the truth and figured that he could sneak in as a ghost if necessary.

"I am here to submit a request for completion."

"Okay can I see the request tag."

Marcus then handed over the tag and the guard gave it a cursory glance and said, "Okay you can go in, but be quick and, if you want to know what is going on you can find out inside."

Being given the okay, Marcus walked in and made a beeline for the reception counters when he noticed someone he knew moving around in hurry.

Wanting to know what was going on Marcus approached Joras and said, "Hey there Joras I just finished my request and was wondering what was going on here."

Snapping out of his daze when he heard Marcus address him, Joras looked up a bit surprised and said, "Ah Marcus good to see you made it back, I wish I had more time to talk but Princess Mrazivy Borealia has gone missing in the dungeon. One of her party members made it back and it has caused a huge uproar, and we are currently planning a rescue mission. Since you are silver rank, you should stick around we could use you on this expedition. Okay, I need to get to the meeting with the guild master of the main branch, and the leaders of the city so see you later Marcus."

With that Joras swiftly headed off in the direction of the large conference room in the back of the guild hall leaving Marcus stunned.

’What Mraz is missing, I had heard that she and her party had delved into the dungeon, but I did not think something bad could happened to a party as strong as theirs.’

Rushing towards the reception booths intent to hand over his completion tag and find out more information, Marcus got into the shortest line and impatiently waited.

When it was his turn to be served Marcus slammed his completion tag down on the booth and quickly said, "I finished this request and have already been rewarded for it, so I just need the paperwork done to solidify my silver rank."

The receptionist took the tag and wrote something down on a piece of paper before saying, "We have received you tag of completion and when we have time, we will process that you are now a true silver rank adventure."

Once the receptionist said that before she could say anything else Marcus asked, "What happened to Mraz I plan on helping so could you tell me everything in detail."

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