Transmigrated as a Ghost Chapter 683 Alaric’s First Real Fight

“I believe we have done enough observation. Go out here and take on the goblins. If you fight smart you should be able to handle all of them. Oh, and I suggest you try to do your best, because I will not be coming to help you unless you are about to die. If you get badly injured, you are just going to have to deal with it.”

Alaric gulped as he received Marcus’ warning, and luckily this helped to make him even more serious as he knew help would not be coming if he just messed up a little bit.

‘If I coddle him too much he will never grow. I did the same with Lilia and it helped her to be more cautious and get stronger overall.’ Marcus thought as he watched Alaric head off towards the goblins.

He had gotten himself lower to the ground and was slowly inching along so that he could catch the goblins by surprise.

Slowly but surely, he made his way over and hide in a bush that was not too far away from their camp.

Now in position he began quietly chanting a spell and when he was done he let it loose.

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“Ice Spike.”

An around half foot long sharp pointed spike of ice went flying off of Alaric’s staff and flew right towards the lead goblin.

Without any awareness of the incoming attack the level ten goblin was caught off guard and soon the spike of ice pierced right into its head.

One moment the goblin had been dancing randomly around a fire and the next it collapsed onto the ground dead.

A soupy red substance flowed out of its head and the merriment the goblins had been having immediately stopped as they watched their leader die.

Quickly they began looking for the source but by the time they spotted Alaric he had fired off another spell.

This time though the goblins did see the attack coming and the one it was aimed at jumped to the side to avoid having its head skewered.

Nevertheless, it was not able to fully avoid the ice spike and the side of its bulbous head was pierced. Causing it to let out a shrill shriek of pain.

At this point the other goblins in a fury began charging towards Alaric who had been momentarily distracted by the howl of the second one he hit.

Luckily, he did not freeze up in the face of seven goblins charging him and began running away while chanting another spell.

“Haze Field.”

While running away Alaric cast his only tier one smoke magic spell and out of the tip of his staff a thin plumb of smoke began spreading out over a fifteen-foot area.

It was certainly not all that impressive of a spell, but it was useful for suddenly cutting off a sightline.

This caused the goblins to momentarily lose sight of Alaric, and when they ran into the field of smoke right behind him, they got disoriented. Once inside they could only see around ten feet around them, which was not quite enough to see the entirety of the field.

Then one of the goblins was caught from behind by a heavily thwack on the head and fell to the ground.

In a bit of a frenzy Alaric began bringing his staff down over and over again on this goblin until the others noticed and started coming after him again.

This left Alaric still with six goblins chasing after him and he knew that a frontal confrontation would not be best for him.

Unfortunately, he did not take into account the goblin he had previously failed to kill with his second ice spike spell. Which he now found in front of him as he tired to run away from the other six.

Its head was bleeding quite profusely from where the ice spike had been, but it was not a fatal wound and this goblin’s eyes were bloodshot in anger.

In its hands was also the beat-up iron spear that the lead goblin had previously had, and it was pointed in Alaric’s direction.

With his path ahead and behind blocked, Alaric found himself quickly surround by goblins on all sides and hopelessly outnumbered.

His breathing started to become unsteady as panic overcame him, and he charged towards the nearest goblin and began swinging wildly to try and break through their formation.

This goblin that had nothing but a wooden stick as a weapon brought it up to defend itself but was quickly overpowered and knocked down by only two swings from Alaric.

However, in that time the other goblins had pounced towards him and the one with a spear jabbed it right towards his torso.

Unbale to block in time Alaric felt the spear tip hit him in the stomach

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It certainly hurt a bit as he felt the force behind it, but thanks to the armor Marcus had given him he managed to not have his flesh and muscle pierced.

But as he tried to regain his footing, another goblin came at him from behind and stuck him on his back with a club, while a third grabbed onto his left leg and tried to bite into him.

Luckily these areas were all where he had armor on, and he managed to not take too much damage.

Swinging wildly with his staff he knocked the goblins off him, but an instant later he felt a sharp pain in his right arm just above his wrist.

Looking over he watched as the goblin with the iron spear pulled back its blade which was now covered in crimson blood.

Seeing and feeling this, Alaric screamed out and nearly let go of his staff to grab his wounded arm.

Yet he managed to hold on as he remembered Marcus’ earlier instruction, and even as tears fell down his face, he gritted his teeth and tried to fight back.

Luckily, he had a few moments of reprieve as the goblins in their cruelness and stupidity started laughing at him for crying and screaming.

They figured that they had already won now that they had their sudden attacker surrounded and injured.

But during this time what sounded like muttering to the goblins was Alaric chanting his quickest to cast spell.

“Freezing touch.”

When he finished the chant, he used the spell and jabbed his staff forward toward the goblin with the spear.

This goblin seeing this attack swiped its spear forward and brushed what it thought to be a desperate attack away.

The moment that the spear and staff connected Alaric’s spell was released, and ice began forming over the sphere and soon enough the goblins arms up to its shoulders were covered in a thin layer of ice.

The sudden increase in weight from the ice caused the goblin to topple over, and it screamed and flailed about as it tried to pull its arms away from the frozen spear to no avail.

After taking out he biggest threat from the goblins, Alaric turned his attention to the nearest one that was caught off guard by watching another of its ranks go down.


The goblin was hit hard in the side of the head by Alaric’s staff and went flying a few feet before skidding across the ground to a stop.

Quickly seeing another one of their members attacked, the remaining goblins shook off their surprise and attacked Alaric.

They started jumping at him and trying to attack his arms, neck, and head. They had already seen that he had armor they could not hope to get through protecting his legs and torso.

Eventually the battle came to an end with Alaric being the only one still standing. With all the goblins either dead or incapacitated at his feet.

Even so, Alaric was covered in his own and the goblins’ blood, as they had fought ferociously and used their sharp claws and teeth to tear at the parts of his body that were unarmored.

His arms had bite marks all over them, and there was an especially nasty scratch from one of the goblin’s claws all the way down his face and neck.

The adrenaline slowing down now that the battle was over, Alaric felt faint from pain and blood loss, and he began to stumble. Nearly falling over onto the ground. But before he did, he felt someone catch him.

“That was a pretty good fight for your first time. You definitely made plenty of mistakes, but I am proud that you did not give up when it started to get tough. Had you, I can assure you that your injuries would have been even worse.” Marcus said as he bathed Alaric in a bright white light.

p、and a-n、o、vel Within just a few seconds the young half elf boy who was horribly injured and likely to die was healed back up to full health.

As he felt the pain and fatigue leave him, he blinked rapidly to refocus his vison, and then looked up at Marcus who was smiling down at him.

No longer feeling like he was about to die, Alaric pulled away from Marcus and took a proper look at the goblins around him.

Some of them were still alive, though they were either knocked out or restrained by ice.

“You should go ahead and finished them off quickly. No need to make them suffer, and you get more exp if you deal the finishing blow.” Marcus said to Alaric.

Quickly the young boy did as instructed and killed all the still living goblins with a single ice spike spell to the head.

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