Transmigrated as a Ghost Chapter 699 Surprise Attack

Chapter 699 Surprise Attack

As alarms blared throughout the base and the soldiers within moved to their battle stations, and began searching for the creature attacking them, Marcus jumped out of the window he was waiting at.

He was using Inten’s assault as a distraction so that he could take Enzo out of the base and stash him away somewhere safe.

Marcus was a man of his word and planned to keep him alive, but also was making sure that even if he ended up killing every other soldier, he would at least have one to bring back as a prisoner.

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‘This should do.’ He thought, placing the man in a deep indent in one of the nearby pillars.

He also created and iron golem and left it there to protect his prisoner so that he would not be killed by beasts or monsters while unconscious.

With what he needed to do done, he rushed back to the base that was busy dealing with Inten, who had already done heavy damage to the despite their defenses.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

In quick succession multiple explosions rocked the base as the soldiers had brought out the magic cannons and tried to fire them.

Only instead off unleashing powerful attacks on Inten who was making his presence quite clear as per Marcus’ request, they were engulfed by huge explosions.

‘Looks like that worked out pretty well.’ Marcus thought, seeing the bright blasts of mana exploding across all of the pillars.

No doubt they were incredibly shaken at this point and would have suffered quite a few casualties from the explosions.

In fact, one of the pillars that Inten had pummeled a bit harder than the others was not able to keep standing and collapsed after the mana cannons exploded.

Quickly making his way back to the base Marcus aimed right for the central pillar and jumped into one of the now blown out windows where a mana cannon used to be.

When he got in, he found that there were half a dozen corpses strewn about the place that had been caught up in the explosion.

‘Wait that one is actually still alive.’

Seeing one of the people breathing, Marcus checked their rank and found that they were a lieutenant. Their higher level having allowed them to not end up dead.

And fortunately for them, Marcus wanted to capture as many people alive as feasible. So, he gave them a quick healing spell before knocking them fully out with his phantom pressure.

‘Now, I need to make my way to the general and deal with him. If I am not careful, he could use his space magic to bring in help or escape.’

Heading through the base Marcus saw that people were running around frantically to deal with the multitude of issues they were currently facing.

Then another round of explosions went off as more mana cannons were attempted to be fired.

“Captain Emilia, what are you doing here? There is an attack happening outside. You should be at your battle station and taking charge of your troops?” The captain guarding the office of the general said.

Unfortunately for him, he was quickly knocked out as Marcus hit him with his phantom pressure.

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With no more obstructions in his way, he opened the office door and found the general and one of the colonels frantically giving out orders through a number of sending stone.

“Blasted it all, what is happening!? Colonel Ives, lead some troops out and deal with that beast. I do not know where something like that has come from, but kill it quickly and get back. This must be a trap of some kind” The general said into one of his sending stones.

At the same time the other Colonel who was sitting next to him was give out commands as well.

“To all troops, stop attempting to use the mana cannons. They have been sabotaged. We have an infiltrator or traitor. Head to your emergency stations and do not move alone.”

Seeing the two leaders of this base frantically giving out orders, Marcus had to stifle a smile since his plan was working quite well.

“Captain Emilia, what are you doing here? Head to your emergency station and take command of your troops.” The Colonel said, trying to brush off Marcus.

“Wait sir, I have important information that I need to deliver to you. I have found the traitors.” Marcus said with a frantic and worried expression.

This immediately got their attention, and they listened to Marcus as he told them that he had come across some of the soldiers sabotaging the mana cannons but that they had caused a distraction and gotten away.

Naturally he had also given some random names of the soldiers he had appraised earlier, and this seemed to be enough for the general and colonel to believe him.

“Damn those traitors. It will be quickest if I deal with them myself. Colonel Malik, I will leave you in command here for a few minutes. Captain Emilia, assist him while I go deal with these traitors.” The general said.

He then pulled out a magic device Marcus had heard about from Emilia that allowed the general to lock onto the soldiers under his command and teleport to them.

But as he tried to use his space magic, it fizzled out and instead of teleporting to his destination he was shunted into his desk.

This was due to the spatial disruptor that Marcus had made with Thabon years ago for the kingdom tournament in order to deal with Wyatt’s robe that allowed him to teleport.

He had left it outside the office before coming in, and they were still well within its effective range.

Taking his chance, Marcus jumped out of Emilia’s body and brought forth his scythe. Which looked to be connected only to a dismembered hand and slashed forward. Aiming to cut the general in half at the waist.

Yet as his surprise attack was about to hit, the general began to shift around and an automatic spatial defense that was supposed to teleport him away from an attack activated.

But due to the disruptor it only sent him back just slightly instead of teleporting him away, and Marcus’ scythe sliced into his stomach and a wide crimson arc sprayed out over the room.

‘Damn! I missed.’ He thought watching the general jump back after receiving what Marcus considered a shallow wound, even if he cut the man’s stomach open.

Pressing the attack he flew forward, still only keeping his right hand and scythe tangible to attack with.

Though this time as he swung his scythe, Colonel Malik who was also in the room jumped forward with an adamantine shield and mace now in his hands.

‘Roxene deal with him.’ Marcus ordered.

More than happy to obey, the divine wolf jumped out of his companion storage. Already enlarging herself as she used her supreme skill.

In a moment of complete surprise Malik was caught total off guard, and Roxene’s massive jaw of shining white teeth closed down around him. Before she quickly ran off and smashed him through the walls of the base as she got away from Marcus and the general so that they could fight alone.

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