Transmigrated as a Ghost Chapter 70 - 69 Guardians

Staring at the statues that were slowly coming to life Marcus cast his iron skin and lightning strider spells and channeled mana throughout his body, enchanting himself expecting a difficult battle. He then proceeded to summon his iron golem before appraising each of the guardians.

’Both are level twenty-eight; this is not going to be easy.’

The two guardians now fully formed launched themselves towards Marcus intent on killing or driving him away as a test to see if he was worthy to challenge the boss of the third layer.

Ordering his iron golem to engage the cyclops Marcus met the serpent head on taking his scythe out and letting loose a powerful slash right off the bat.

However, the giant serpent sprung back with incredible agility dodging Marcus scythe attack and coiling itself up launched a quick strike attempting to swallow Marcus whole.

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Seeing the impending strike coming Marcus sent a huge amount of his mana into his left boot before raising his leg and slamming it back onto the ground.

A massive fifteen-foot-tall wave then burst forth from Marcus’ boot slamming into the serpent as it lashed towards Marcus.

While the power of the wave did little damage to the serpent it did have enough force to redirect its strike causing it to go wide missing Marcus and slamming into the dungeon wall behind him.

Using this opening Marcus used his speed burst to rush forward and take another powerful slash at the serpents body and this time it was in no position to dodge.

The scythe then cut through the serpents hard scales and thick skin cutting through around a quarter of its thickness.

Blood began gushing out of the horrible wound on the serpents body and Marcus jumped back feeling something was off due to his danger sense.

Looking at where the blood impacted Marcus noticed that the ground was sizzling and melting away.

’Acid blood, this is not good, I will need to be extra careful to not get any of its blood on me, oh shit.’

Interrupting his thoughts Marcus quickly had to evade a huge object that came barreling towards him.

Glancing over at the object that just flew past him Marcus could see his iron golem now with a huge dent in it imbedded directly into the dungeon wall.

Looking behind him Marcus noticed that the cyclops was approaching from behind after thoroughly trouncing his iron golem.

Unfortunately, the serpent having recovered from its impact into the wall and Marcus’ slash took the opportunity in his lapse of awareness and swung its tall right at Marcus.

Even though his danger sense started blaring Marcus was unable to move out of the way of the serpents tail that lashed out at him like a whip and was slammed incredibly hard in the side.

Flying across the room from the force of the serpents tail whip Marcus smashed into multiple walls bouncing off of them like a pinball until he final stopped and the wall he smashed into collapsed on top of him.

Collecting himself after getting hit by the equivalent of a bus Marcus climbed out of the ruble and watched as the serpent and cyclops perused him planning to finish him off.

Deciding to hold back no longer Marcus lifted up his hand and condensed a large amount of mana before blasting off a heighten thunderbird strike.

The large bird composed off electricity shot forward towards the serpent and cyclops crackling with overwhelming power.

The two creatures though, were not completely stupid and recognized the threat of Marcus’ tier four lightning spell and activated defense measures.

The cyclops jammed its club into the ground and runes began to light up on its weapon and body, while the serpent excreted acid from its skin that covered its entire body.

The spell then impacted into the two powerful creatures causing a massive explosion of electricity to course through their bodies and the room.

However, while Marcus thought that his attack would kill or at least incapacitate one of them, but when the scene cleared, he could see that both the cyclops and the serpent were still raring to go.

Of course, they did not escape the powerful spell completely uninjured as they now had scorch marks throughout their bodies but neither off them were seriously injured.

’Fuck, that was my best single attack, and they are both still standing, how am I going to deal with them now.’

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Unfortunately, the monster and magical beast duo were not going to give Marcus any time to come up with a strategy as the cyclops raised its club up high before smashing it into the ground.

The immense power of the strike caused a shockwave to blast through the ground directly for Marcus.

Seeing the impending danger Marcus leapt into the air avoiding the shockwave only to find the serpent had launched itself towards him ready to impale him on its massive fangs.

Acting quickly Marcus cast his tier three lightning bind spell and closed the serpents mouth shut and instead of being skewered by its fangs he was bashed by its head.

Marcus then played another round of human pinball bouncing off of the dungeons walls and floor until he eventually came to a stop.

Beaten and battered from the heavy impacts he had taken from the two monsters Marcus could feel even through his enchantments that his body was nearing its limits.

Trying to gather himself together Marcus looked up in fear as he saw the hulking form of the cyclops looming over him ready to bring its club down on top of him.

His reflexes taking over Marcus used his speed burst to leap into the air dodging the massive swing of the cyclops by only a few inches.

However, the cyclops recovered quickly, and wound up like a baseball player before swinging at Marcus like it was trying to hit a home run.

Except right before the club hit him Marcus jerked forward missing the powerful club strike and landing on the cyclops’ shoulder.

Having just managed to dodge thanks to his iron threads spell he had attached to the cyclops’ shoulder Marcus quickly swung his scythe with everything he had jamming the blade deep into the sole eye of the cyclops.

The cyclops screamed in agony as its precious only eye had been destroyed and, in its fury, slammed its club towards the little pest on its shoulder.

Unfortunately for the cyclops, Marcus jumped down from its shoulder a moment before the club impacted and instead of crushing a pest the cyclops destroyed its own shoulder.

Feeling immense pain, the cyclops began rolling around on the floor in agony, when it suddenly felt a massive shock of electricity course through its body as Marcus had unleashed another thunderbird strike on it.

Although at the same moment Marcus had unleashed his tier four spell the serpent had broken his lightning bind and whipped its tail at Marcus slamming into his side and causing cracks to form through his body as he skidded across the ground for over fifty feet before coming to a stop.

Shakily getting to his feet Marcus looked up and saw the serpent looming over him, anger in its eyes ready to deliver the finishing strike.

The serpent then launched itself forward fangs out ready to piece though Marcus, who then tried to jump to the side using his speed burst but was unable to evade fully and the serpents right fang impaled straight through his right side.

Feeling the pain from the fang sticking out of his side and the acid in the snakes mouth burning his skin Marcus transferred his scythe to his left hand before bringing it down on the serpent’s head.

The scythe then stabbed directly into the serpents brain causing it to convulse violently shaking its head around and dislodging Marcus off of its fang.

Smashing into the ground Marcus watched as the serpent writhed around in immense pain until it eventually became still.

With the battle concluded Marcus could tell that his body was reaching its limit and pulled out one of the healing potions he had obtain from the necromancer.

Drinking the potion Marcus could feel his wounds trying to close but the damaged was to immense for a single potion and he had to drink three more before he felt that his body would no longer fall apart.

’That definitely would have killed a normal person luckily my body is really sturdy, or I would be stain on one of these walls.’

Laying on the cold dungeon floor Marcus waited for nearly two hours before he felt his lesser regeneration had recovered him enough to move around.

Getting up and walking over to the serpents body Marcus removed his scythe from the top of its head and then moved over to where the cyclops was.

When he got to the cyclops, he was surprised to find it still alive, but it was too badly damaged to move.

Taking his scythe Marcus sliced across the cyclops’ throat causing a torrent of blood to gush out until the cyclops succumbed to blood loss and died.

With the two guardians dead the door to the boss room lit up with a soft blue light before opening and allowing Marcus to enter.

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