Transmigrated as a Ghost Chapter 791 791 A Conversation With Recha

"Certainly, we would not make a big deal about you being here. We were just a bit shocked and confused. You look exactly the same but are not giving off the aura of a great spirit. Which is why we wanted to make sure. Allow me to apologize now for appraising you." Mrazivy said politely.

"It is fine no need to worry about it. I am not going to hold it against either of you."

Receiving Recha’s assurance that she was not upset both Marcus and Mrazivy visibly relaxed.

As a fully realized great spirit she could easily destroy them should they dour her mood.

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"But I see that the two of you have really grown since the last time I saw the two of you. You are far less of a runt than you used to be Marcus. I daresay that you may within a few decades reach the level of all the other great spirits with the rate you are going." Recha said with a playful smile.

Yet as she further looked Marcus over her eyes suddenly became sharp, and despite her current puppet form not having all that much power behind it, the weight of her gaze felt immense.

Marcus went completely still as Recha seemed to scrutinize every fiber of his being and Mrazivy actually stopped breathing.

"So that is what the administrator wanted a bit of my essence for. I can feel that you have a small part of me anchored within your form."

No longer lax, Recha was completely serious and was contemplating her next move.

"I truly would like to know why she collected my essence and gave it to you. But I know better than to put my nose where it does not belong."

Recha giving up on finding out why Marcus had a part of her essence inside him leaned back and allowed her more relaxed atmosphere to return.

Immediately Mrazivy let out a deep breath and the tension she was feeling lessened.

"Now, let us put that behind us and celebrate your union. I heard from Aria that you have been married." Recha said with her teacup lifted up and clearly asking for a toast.

Following her lead, Marcus and Mrazivy brought their cups up and they clinked them together, before each taking a drink.

"Thank you for your kind words. We have indeed been married. But when have you been speaking to great grandmother?" Mrazivy asked curiously.

"Oh, every now and then. I gave her one of my blessings and she is very promising, so I check in on her from time to time. She even told me about the music that was played at your wedding that was unlike anything she had ever heard. It was a new style even for me and I was glad to be able to add it to my repertoire. I naturally adore music."

She then turned to Marcus and told him that she had heard he was one of the ones that had brought over jazz music from Earth.

"Do you happen to have any other styles of music or songs you might know? I would love it if you could share some more new things with me."

Under Recha’s pleading stare Marcus nodded her head and said that he did know a few things. Though it had been several years since he was last on Earth, so he had forgotten quite a bit.

"I see. Maybe I should start searching out for more musically inclined transfers." Recha mumbled under her breath.

"Anyway, what might you be doing here? It seems a bit odd for a great spirit to be performing on a ship." Marcus said switching the subject.

"But then by that logic would it not be odd for you as a great spirit to be here as well."

Frozen in place with no counter, Marcus could not seem to find fault in her logic.

"I do not mean to be rude, but do you not have duties to attend to as a great spirit?" Mrazivy said as Marcus floundered.

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"Yes, I certainly do, but they hardly take all of my focus. I mean this is not the entirety of me speaking to you right now. I have simply placed a fragment of my soul into this puppet. It is a bit like I currently have multiple active consciousnesses. And it is not like Marcus has not done the same. His soul is split up as well." Recha pointed out.

And it was true, Marcus did have his soul embedded in his scythe and the wedding ring he had given to Mrazivy

Of course, he did not have complete control over them like Recha did with her puppet, but that could be down to many different factors. From him not being at the same level as her, to the difference in the objects they were possessing.

"Your right, I am doing the same thing, but not to the same degree as you." Marcus responded.

"One of these days you will have no problem with this as well. You may be less of a runt now, but you still are a runt."

After saying that, she put the topic of separating their souls behind them and Recha answered Marcus’ earlier question.

"As for what I am doing here, I am simply having some fun. I have multiple puppets out in the world acting as performers so that I can get as many new experiences as possible. I may have been alive for a long time, but there are always new things to learn. There is still music out there I have never heard and places that remain unknown even to me. Us great spirits may be powerful, but it is not like we are omnipotent, and we still like to enjoy ourselves."

When she had finished explaining her reasons for being on the ship, she asked Marcus and Mrazivy about what they had been up to.

"I see, so that is why you visited my shrine every year. You were clearing the special dungeon down there."

"Yes, it was certainly a challenge, but we got through it and it has helped us to grow as strong as we are." Mrazivy said.

The three of them continued to talk for around another half hour before Recha suddenly seemed to remember something.

"It seems that the beguiling music spell I cast on the area is beginning to wane. This puppet only has limited powers so I cannot keep them under my spell indefinitely. If the two of you do not want to run into any problems, I would recommend you head out now. We can always talk again another time."

With that their impromptu conversation with Recha the Great Spirit of Sound came to a close.

Swiftly they left the area that was filled with even more people that seemed to have come under Recha’s spell. Though it was clear that they were starting to wake up.

Luckily, they made it back to a public area without any troubles and were unable to unpack what had just happened.

"I wonder if we are going to run into anyone else that we know on this ship." Marcus said with a tone of exacerbation.

"No, surely we won-"

Stopping midsentence, Mrazivy looked off into the distance with an astonished expression.

Following her gaze, Marcus expected to see someone that they knew, but it was just a crowd of random people.

Mrazivy, seeing the look of confusion on his face, began chuckling, since Marcus had fallen for her trick.

"Yeah, that was very funny. Just know this mean I will need to get you back later."

"Sure, I am looking forward to it."

After that exchange the two of them descend back down the decks to where their cabin was and settled in for the night. Having had quite the eventful first day.

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