Transmigrated as a Ghost Chapter 932 Team Members from the Northern Quadrant

Chapter 932 Team Members from the Northern Quadrant

"Do you have a problem with me?"

After staring at Miguel for a few seconds too long, Marcus received a harsh glare and an irritated question.

"Sorry, I was just surprised to see someone so young among our ranks." Marcus said before averting his gaze and examining the other members that were going to be a part of their upcoming expedition.

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Marcus had already glanced at the red skinned female ogre since her presence was hard to miss, but he had not checked on the final individual that Valerius had gathered.

And wen he finally spotted them, he was surprised to find that they were an old woman of diminutive size and dark gray skin.

Clearly, she was not human, but Marcus was unsure what her race was. He had not seen anyone like her before.

However, the most unsettling thing was her presence, or lack thereof. If Marcus did not have his eyes on her, he felt that she would slip out of his awareness entirely.

"I am glad to see that the rest of you are here. It took some time to find them, but these two are the final members from our Quadrant that will be joining the expedition." Valerius said. "Now some introductions are in order."

At Valerius’ insistence, the other three members in the room stood up and approached Marcus and Mrazivy.

"I am Thegia. It is a pleasure to meet you two." The dark gray skinned woman of diminutive size said. "Valerius mentioned that he recently found some talented youngsters, and it seems that you both were certainly worth the wait."

"Name’s Kollo." The red skinned female ogre said.

"You can call me Miguel, but don’t try to act like were friends. I am just here to do a job because Valerius asked me."

After these instructions that were a mixed bag of friendly to distressed, Marcus and Mrazivy gave their names as well.

"Borealia." Miguel mumbled under his breath.

Naturally he recognized the name of the royal family from the nation he had first arrived in after transmigrating from Earth to Mirrion.

For several seconds Miguel was lost in thought, before his expression changed and he looked at Mrazivy with a hint of familiarity.

Mrazivy, picking up on this, said, "I see that you remember me. Yes, I fought in the same tournament that you did in Borealia."

"Ah, that is it. I thought that you looked vaguely familiar, and it was bothering me that I could not place it. Though I am surprised you remember me." Miguel said, a bit guarded.

"There is no way I would forget your match. You did battle against my friend Irene after all." Mrazivy said, giving Marcus a swift knowing glance.

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Miguel frowned at the mention of the person he fought against during the first round of the tournament. Clearly, the first time he lost a fight had not been an experience he looked back on fondly.

"Oh, do you two already know each other!? It is certainly a small "No, this is our first-time meeting. We only know of each other in passing." Miguel said.

world sometimes." Thegia snickered.

"No, this is our first-time meeting. We only know of each other in passing." Miguel said.

He then moved back to his seat in the corner of the room, making no attempt to continue with any pleasantries.

"Your strong. Fight me, and if I win, I will be taking you as mine." Kollo suddenly said towards Marcus.

She had been carefully examining him since he entered the room, and evidently, he met her tastes.

However, instead of a response from Marcus, she received a growl from Mrazivy and a flash of her intimidating presence.

For any normal person this would have been enough to scare them into fleeing or even passing out on the spot. But Kollo held her ground and returned Mrazivy’s glare.

Her eyes flashing golden and her pupils turning vertical like those of a reptile, Mrazivy appraised Kollo. Having perceived the ogre as a possible threat.

"That is enough of that!" Valerius said, clapping his hands loudly to gather everyone’s attention. He was not about to allow infighting among the team he had assembled.

"Kollo, stand down. I know that it is part of your race’s culture to seek out strong fighters to mate with, but Marcus is already married to Mrazivy. If you want to be insistent about it, at least wait until after the expedition is over."

With a deep sigh, Kollo backed off. Despite her rash attitude, she respected Valerius and would follow his orders.

"Hehe. A young couple partying up as adventurers together. Their feelings for each other are strong, but will it be enough to see them through. This could be good." Thegia whispered to herself from the other side of the room. Looking immensely pleased.

At some point when tensions had begun to rise, she had sneaked away and was writing things down in a notebook she had not had before.

’Are we really going to be able to work with these three?’

Seeing the personalities of the other members of their team, Marcus had worries that they could implode fairly easily.

Miguel obviously wanted nothing to do with any of them. Kollo seemed more interested in finding strong people to fight with than anything else. And there was just something off about Thegia that Marcus could not quite place.

Plus, these were only the members from their quadrant. There were fifteen other individuals that would make up the entire expedition team, and who knew what issues would arise.

"Okay, you have all introduced yourselves, so let us devise some strategy. Where the five of you will be going is a dangerous place that we know very little about. Each of you may be an expert used to working alone or in small groups, but some cooperation will be necessary for this mission. The least each of you can do is give an overview of your capabilities to each other. You never know when you will find someone will powers that complement your own." Valerius said, trying his best to bring their group together.

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