Transmigrated as a Ghost Chapter 96 - 95 Wade’s Embarrassment

Appearing seemingly out of nowhere Marcus looked back and saw Wade standing around with a big smirk on his face.

Erastalven seeing Wade was quite surprised by his sudden appearance and interruption of his attempts to recruit Marcus.

"Royal Investigator Wade, it is good to see you survived the battle, but would you mind explaining to me how this heroic young lady is under your command, last time I checked you did not have anyone like her working in your department."

Wade continued smirking and walked over towards Marcus and put his hand on Marcus’ shoulder and said, "While Irene here is not an official member of the royal investigators, she has done work for me before and was once again working under me during this crisis. She is a promising recruit who may soon be one of the royal investigators of the kingdom."

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A serious look came across Erastalven face when he heard this before he looked at Wade and said, "So she is not an official member of your team but only a perspective one. It would be a waste of her talents to stay hidden away in the shadows trying to pin blame on exemplary officers when she has the talent to become one of the greatest knights of the kingdom. What do you say miss Irene I can promise you the title of knight if you decide to come work under me?"

Marcus looked back at Wade and Erastalven who were fighting over him like a pair of starving dogs and wondered why they had to make such a fuss about requiting him since he had no plans to join wither of them.

After letting out a long sigh Marcus said, "While I have worked with Wade in the past and I am grateful for his help, I have no intention of joining the royal investigators. Let me also make it clear that I do not plan to join any order of knights either as much as I am flattered by the offer general Erastalven."

Both Wade and Erastalven looked surprised by Marcus’ refusal to join either one of them since the benefits of being a royal investigator or knight were quite good.

However, while Erastalven nodded his head in understanding Wade was not quite finished with his requirement effort and said, "I understand Irene but why don’t we discuss this more back at the royal investigators’ office. Your little sister is waiting for you and has been wondering where you have been since you disappeared three days ago."

Hearing this Marcus looked at Wade in disbelief since while he did not out right say it, he was implying that he was holding Lilia hostage.

’I knew he was a snake, but I did not think he would go this far. No, he might be bluffing I doubt he would actually do anything to antagonize me to the degree that I start plotting against him. He probably just wants to try to convince me some more, I know he is not a good guy, but he also does not feel like a bad guy. But if he tries to harm of threaten Lilia in anyway, any leeway I am willing to give him is gone.’

Calming himself down after letting his emotions get the better of him Marcus looked at Wade and said, "I see, you have been taking care of Lilia for me, thank you for that. I would like to make sure she is okay so if you would be so kind as to lead the way."

A victorious smile creeped onto Wade’s face and he began to walk back towards the army headquarters urging Marcus to follow when everyone heard a voice come from the air above them.

"It looks like you are all having fun, would someone mind telling me what is going on here."

Floating down was the old woman that had single handedly repelled the entire ice ant army away from the city wall.

When everyone looked up and saw her, they all bowed even the general and Wade, and Marcus seeing this quickly bowed himself.

The old woman then landed on the ground and said, "No need to bow, this is not a formal setting and I have long since shed the title of queen. And Wade is that any way to greet your great grandmother, come over and give me a hug."

Marcus watched as Wade raised his head, and for the first time Marcus could see a look of fear on his face.

The old lady opened her arms as if to beckon Wade to give her a hug except once he got closer instead of a hug, he received a resounding slap upside the head.

"Don’t think I did not notice that veiled threat you gave that young lady. You have always been like this trying to manipulate people to do what you want never being able to say what you really mean. Whenever there is a girl you like you torment them because you do not know how to express your feelings. Like that poor Drevon girl, if you do not break this bad habit you are never going to get married."

Wade’s great grandmother continued lecturing him about love and how she was not getting any younger and that she was hoping for some great great grandchildren before she died.

After she had finished berating Wade leaving his face flushed red with embarrassment she turned towards Marcus and said, "I hope you will not think badly of my great grandson, he is not really bad he just does not know how to be honest with people."

Marcus looked at the old lady and said, "No problem your majesty, as long as my little sister is safe everything is fine. And from the first time I met Wade I knew he was not the best at talking to people."

"No need to call me your majesty as I said earlier it has been quite a while since I was the queen, you can simply call me Aria."

Nodding his head Marcus said, "Got it and thank you Aria for saving this city I do not know what I would have done if my little sister got hurt."

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"No need to thank me I was just doing my job; in fact, I should be thanking you since without your assistance there would have been far more casualties. Your heroism was truly something, I happened to see you leap off that wall and charge into danger. Not many would be willing to do such a dangerous move and fewer would survive. In light of your service to the kingdom I will personally reward you once everything is back to normal. For now, why don’t you go see your little sister and relax for a bit."

Once Marcus had finished his conversation with Aria everyone around looked dumbfounded as they wondered how Marcus could so casually talk with one of the most powerful figures of the kingdom.

Walking over to Wade who was obviously still reeling from embarrassment Marcus said, "Well if you would not mind could you take me to see my little sister, I am certain she has been comfortable during my absence yes?"

Wade coming out of his stupor quickly collected himself and said, "Yes I will take you to her, now let us go."

Wade then quickly turned towards the direction of the river and briskly walked away hoping to get as far away from his great grandmother as possible.

The two of them walked in the direction of the army base for a few minutes before Wade abruptly tuned down a different street and started going away from the army headquarters.

Seeing this Marcus quickly ran in front of Wade and said, "The army headquarters are that way where are you going."

"Your sister is not at the headquarters she is currently staying at my residence, now you have already caused me quite the headache today so could we go the rest of the way in silence."

Getting the message Marcus continued to follow behind Wade in silence anticipating his reunion with Lilia.

Soon they arrived in front of a large manor that was easily ten thousand square feet. However, unlike the other manors around, the yard in front of Wade’s manor was unkempt and devoid of any sort of garden.

’I wonder why his yard is so disheveled, I know that Wade is supposed to be a pretty high ranking noble so you think he could afford a gardener or two to maintain his yard.’

When the two of them made it up to the gate Wade pulled out some sort of card and placed it in front of the gate that bared entry to the manor from the street and a magical darkness enveloped Wade.

Marcus looked at the area in surprise wondering what was happening since even his darkvision could not pierce the vale surrounding Wade.

Luckily after a few moments Wade reappeared, and the gate began to open.

He then looked at Marcus and said, "Sorry about that but in my line of profession you can never be too careful."

Wade then led the way across the paved path that went from the front gate to the manor’s doors.

When they arrived in front of the manor Wade once again took out a different card this time and was enveloped by darkness once more.

Again after a few moments the darkness receded, and the Wade opened the front door to his manor.

Walking inside, contrary to the messy state of the front yard the inside of the manor seemed immaculate and only a few seconds after they entered a middle-aged man in butler attire appeared in front of them.

"Master Ophiria, it is good to see that you have returned safely, is there anything I can do for you."

A slight smile appeared on Wade’s face when he saw his butler and he responded to him saying, "Yes I will be having an additional quest tonight so if you could prepare an extra room for her, I would be appreciative. Ah but first if you would retrieve the other guest I brought over a few days ago."

"Right away sir."

The butler then promptly headed down the hall and after a few minutes returned with Lilia who when she saw Marcus ran forward and gave him a hug.

Marcus looked down lovingly at the Lilia before saying, "Hello Lilia I have come back to get you."

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