Transmigrated as a Ghost Chapter 965 965

Now that both Marcus and Miguel had ways to inhibit the restrictions of the fog that permeated the entire island, they returned to where Mrazivy had been waiting for them.

When they arrived, Miguel explained about his new summon and how it could alert him to threats beyond his own senses.

"That is great. This fog has certainly been annoying. I am glad that we brought you along Miguel. Would you care to join me and enjoy some tea and pastries?" Mrazivy said.

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While Marcus and Miguel had been busy finding a way to overcome the fog barrier limiting their senses, Mrazivy had sat down at an elegant table and been enjoying some tea and sweets while reading.

From an outside perspective this might have seemed like she was lazing away, but her main job was to act as bait for the wendigo. Keeping her mental state clear and relaxed was important to combating the psychological attacks the monster employed.

"No, I need to keep on guard." Miguel said bashfully, turning his head to the side.

Seeing this Mrazivy could not help smiling in amusement, since she could tell that Miguel actually did want to partake.

"I see, perhaps none of these are to your liking. I happen to have something a bit special that Marcus made that he says was quite popular back on your original world."

Opening up her item box, Mrazivy pulled out a small freezer magic tool and opened it up.

Inside were several assortments of ice creams that Marcus had personally made for her and likely could not be found anywhere else on Mirrion.

As someone from Earth, Miguel immediately recognized what Mrazivy had just brought out and could not help but stare at it like he was hypnotized.

There were some places that served creations close to ice cream, but their flavors were normally pretty basic and unrefined. What Mrazivy was showing to Miguel looked remarkably like what could be found at dedicated ice cream shops back on Earth.

"It is fine to keep vigilante, but you should unwind a bit when you have the chance. The sun is still up so the wendigo is unlikely to attack us right now. Take a load off and relax while you can. Otherwise, you are going to build up stress and slip when it is most important." Mrazivy said, as she served herself a scoop of ice cream.

Miguel’s gaze followed Mrazivy’s hand, and his reluctance began to crumble.

"Very well. I will take you up on your hospitality. I suppose that my Aurumvorax will alert me if any dangers approach."

After being swayed by Mrazivy, Miguel enthusiastically sat down and began scooping some chocolate ice cream into a bowl.

Soon the guarded expression faded away from his face as he indulged in a sweet he had not eaten once since he had been reborn on Mirrion.

’I know it might be a bit underhanded, but it looks like my plan to lower his walls with familiar food is working.’ Marcus thought as he watched from above in one of the large trees that dotted the area.

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It might have been a devious strategy on Marcus’ part; however, he did not have any intention of harming Miguel.

He knew that Miguel had been burned in the past and was only as guarded as he was because of several bad experiences with people betraying him.

Of course, Marcus’ motives could not be considered wholly altruistic.

Miguel was certainly powerful, and Marcus would not mind counting him among his allies. His rare types of magic were especially worth having around.

His sacred magic in particular was going to be of the upmost importance against their current enemy. One look was all it took for Marcus to understand that this wendigo was a dangers and slippery opponent. Keeping it from escaping was paramount. If their first attack failed it would certainly come at them far more cautiously.

’It looks like the sun is beginning to set. Time to take up my position.’

Leaping from tree to tree, Marcus headed out to the edge of his new perception range to the point where he could barely see the camp where Mrazivy and Miguel were.

On the other side of the camp, nearly two kilometers away from him, Miguel’s new summon took up its post. With it working together in tandem with Marcus they could keep watch over a far larger space than before. A massive improvement from what Marcus could accomplish alone the day before

Once the sun had fully set and the island was wreathed in darkness, Marcus began his route around the area. He now was only moving in a half circle and leaving the other half to Miguel’s Aurumvorax.

Still, even with their improved search radius, Marcus did not catch any sign of the wendigo after several hours.

It was not long until the time was nearing when it had attacked the day before, but Marcus had yet to find it, nor had he received the agreed upon signal from Miguel if his summon were to locate it.

’Everything is still safe at the camp. Is it not going to make an appearance tonight?’ Marcus thought, getting impatient.

Nevertheless, while he could not see it or detect it with any of his skills or senses, he had a gut feeling that the wendigo was skulking around.

He could tell that it was a persistent monster that would not easily give up someone it had marked as prey.

’I can tell that it is here. But where?’

As he continued to search Marcus quickly found himself in an area with an unnatural chill to it and that was completely devoid of the subtle noise of the forest. Like everything had gone still from fear.

This is how he had known the wendigo was near the night before, but this time he could not see it anywhere or sense its presence.

He could even feel the dormant soul of the monkey-like beast he was possessing beginning to offer far greater resistance than before. It could sense the terror that the wendigo’s very existence exuded and wanted to get as far away from it as possible.

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