Transmigrated as a Ghost Chapter 982 982 The Impossible Stronghold (4)

Chapter 982 982 The Impossible Stronghold (4)

’Thunderbird Strike.’

Holding his staff aloft, Marcus cast a tier four lightning magic spell. His mana turning into electricity and shaping itself into the form of a giant majestic bird.

It had been quite some time since he last cast this spell, but it was familiar and packed a great amount of power within it.

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Marcus swung his staff down and launched his spell at the looming robot that wielded two superheated swords that could easily cut through his iron magic.

Nevertheless, Marcus felt certain that the unique properties of its swords would be ineffective against lightning magic.

And as if to prove him right, the larger, more heavily armored robot did not try to cut through the spell and instead erected a powerful barrier around itself.

When the spell connected Marcus focused its power on the robot and kept it from exploding as it normally would.

Eventually the spell’s power was spent, but not before breaching the robot’s barrier and scoring a direct hit on it.

’Damn! I thought that might be able to short circuit it. These robots must be pretty well insulated.’ Marcus thought with a bitter expression on his face.

While his spell had done a bit of damage to the robot it was mostly superficial. Its heavy armor gave it impressive defensive power and it was made well enough to take even powerful electrical shocks.

If he wanted to take it down with lightning magic, he would probably need to use the tier eight spell calamity bolt, but that would surely hit everyone around him as well no matter how well he tried to control the spell.

Unfortunately, as he racked his brain for how to attack, the robot finally seemed to have finished observing him.

Without any warning it practically disappeared from view and appeared right in front of Marcus.

He knew that it was fast, but the sudden explosion of speed had caught him off guard.

Reflexively he moved his left arm forward and activated his shield that burst into form from the band attached to his wrist.

For a moment he held his ground before being thrown back by what felt like an explosion.

Fortunately, or perhaps not, he impacted against one of Thegia’s crystal walls and came to a violent stop before flying too far.

Looking around after quickly recovering, Marcus looked to see if anyone was around to help, but everyone was busy dealing with their own battles.

Those on top of the wall were embroiled in close quarters combat and those at the bottom were providing ranged support.

Things had become hectic quickly and the formation atop the wall had turned into mostly chaos.

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Marcus thought about calling Mrazivy to help him but knew that she was already fighting hard against several robots and holding one of the front lines. The battle would certainly become worse if he asked for her aid.

’She probably wants me to come help her as well but knows my role assisting everyone is more important. I need to beat this thing quickly on my own and get back to my job as a supporter.’

Still, he wasn’t quite ready to go all out yet and show off the skills he wanted to keep hidden.

Instead, he decided to cast a powerful spell he had obtained in the special dungeon. It took a great deal of concentration to maintain so he had only tested it a few times, but he felt this was the perfect chance to try it out in battle.

’Flame Emperor.’

A massive amount of mana surged around Marcus as he cast a tier eight spell of the highest order.

Dark purple flames formed around Marcus’ body and fashioned itself into an opulent set of armor with a blazing crown floating above his head.

The flames continued beyond just his body and licked down his staff until reaching the end and taking the form of a trident.

An incredible amount of strength surged through Marcus’ form, and he almost felt like he had activated a unique skill. That was simply how powerful this spell was.

However, a spell this strong came with downsides to balance out its power. It not only guzzled Marcus’ mana far faster than it could regenerate, but also took up most of his focus. He would be unable to cast any other spells while maintaining this one.

’Now, let me see what this spell can really do.’ Marcus thought with a smirk.

He then charged towards the robot that was quickly approaching him to continue its assault.

This time when he clashed against it, he was not blasted away and was able to hold his ground.

Wielding his staff turned flaming trident, Marcus swung and stabbed at the robot with a flurry of attacks.

The two continued to trade blows until it became clear that one of them was superior. Sadly, Marcus was the one proven to be being overpowered.

Despite his staff being a polearm like his favored scythe, the weapons were vastly different and the gap in skill level between him and the robot was showing. If the weapon created by the flame emperor spell was scythe, he would be able to count on his skills, but a trident was too different.

’I’ll need to tweak the spell latter and make the weapon a scythe. But for now, I need to think of something else to do.’

Marcus continued to fight head-to-head against the powerful robot designed for close combat while planning out his next move.

Though the only way he could think of to earn a decisive victory was to bring out his scythe and use his main weapon. With it this fight would become much easier.

Gritting his teeth, Marcus accepted the situation was dire enough for him to need to reveal one of the cards he kept hidden. He would certainly get questions about his true weapon later, but the current battle was more important.

Yet right before he summoned his scythe, the flash of gleaming blade struck the robot he was fighting and knocked it back. An unexpected ally had arrived to assist him.

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