Transmigrated as a Ghost Chapter 999 999 Marcus’ Ultimate Magic

Chapter 999 999 Marcus’ Ultimate Magic

Marcus was a bit disgruntled that Cassius had practically forced the expedition squad into an unnecessary battle, but a part of him was also elated.

This would be the first time he could truly test his abilities against a high-level mythic grade beast that was in the same league as Gwyneira and Retharin. While he had fought against Zaila, the phoenix that served as a guardian beast of Aezam, she had been in a berserk state and unable to do anything but rampage around and destroy everything around her. The goal of that battle had also not been to defeat her, but to heal her.

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Now, however, he could see how the powers he had been building up since he came to this world staked up against a being that sat near the peak.

’Looks like Mrazivy is thinking the same thing.’

Glancing over at his wife, Marcus could see that she had a look of anticipation on her face. She had always enjoyed fighting and challenging herself against strong opponents. He could easily recall the many times the two of them had sparred whenever she got even the tiniest bit stronger.

"I don’t think I am going to be able to hold back against this opponent. Once I burn myself out, I expect you to pick me back up again." Mrazivy said as she flashed Marcus a dazzling smile.

In response, he could only nod his head and assure her that he would keep her going by using his Ultimate Refresh Supreme Skill to restore her status after she had exhausted all of her energy.

With no need to worry about conserving her strength, Mrazivy entered her draconic form and activated her own Supreme Skill to drastically increase her abilities.

She then kicked off the ground and charged directly towards The Celestial Seven-Headed Serpent that was already engaged against Cassius and his party.

Following behind her, the other front-line members of the expedition squad rushed forward and those that were holding up the rear prepared their spells and skills.

’I suppose that this is as good a time as any to test out my new magic.’ Marcus thought, his eyes locked on the gargantuan serpent that’s body was seven kilometers long.

After the battle against the colossal robot, Marcus put a great deal of effort into perfecting several of the partly completed spell formations he had received as rewards in the Special Dungeon, Realization of Self Perfection.

He had come to realize that he needed something that could contend with giant beasts and monsters during the battle against the colossal robot. What he needed was an equally enormous creature that could not be ignored and would soak up hits for him and his allies.

Putting his hands together, Marcus concentrated every bit of mana within his body and pushed it out.

The spell that he had created was originally three different tier eight spells of a similar type that he had combined into one.

Just having created a spell formula that could work had been an undertaking, but the mana necessary to cast this spell took everything and more than Marcus currently had.

Around halfway through initiating what he considered to be his greatest magic, Marcus took out several mana replenishment potions and downed them in one gulp.

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Still, this was not enough, and he had to resort to pulling out one of the lesser elixirs in his item box and drink it as well.

This gave him just enough of a boost to complete the triple layered magic he was casting and activate a spell that was beyond what he could normally handle.

"Thunderous Molten Colossus."

The moment Marcus said the name of his latest spell, the immense amount of mana he had gathered swelled up in front of him and began to take form.

Rapidly a creature of monstrous size was constructed, until a giant golem made of molten iron and wreathed in lightning stood waiting for Marcus’ orders.

Standing at two kilometers tall, the Thunderous Molten Colossus was an imposing figure that garnered the attention of everyone in the area.

Even The Celestial Seven-Headed Serpent could not help but turn three of its heads away and stare at the giant entity that Marcus had just conjured into existence.

However, while the creature he had just created with his magic was undoubtedly impressive, Marcus’ current condition made him look quite pitiful.

He had used far more mana than he could handle, and his body and soul were currently paying the price for exceeding his limits.

Several cracks were running up his arms and all the way to his chest. Marcus could feel his essence leaking out of this injures that he had caused himself.

Unfortunately, no matter how hard he tried to contain the damage, he had gone too far and neither his regeneration, healing magic, nor spirit healing race ability could fix the damage he had caused to himself.

Slowly the cracks began to web their way through his form, and Marcus had to relent and use his Supreme Skill.

’I wanted to save as many charges as I could, but at this rate I am going to break apart and need several days before I can recover.’

With no other choice, Marcus bathed himself in the silver light of his Ultimate Refresh Supreme Skill and the damage he had received disappeared as if it had never been there before.

Luckily when he raised his head after having hunched over in pain, he was able to tell that no one had paid any attention to his deteriorating condition. Naturally, all eyes had been drawn towards the Thunderous Molten Colossus that was radiating a tremendous amount of power.

’Level eighty-five and stats and abilities that would put it on par with some legendary grade beasts. That’s even better than I was expecting.’ Marcus thought as he checked the status of the creature he had conjured.

While it certainly was not going to be able to beat their current opponent singlehandedly, there was no doubt that it would serve its purpose well and force the guardian of the Tower of Heaven to divert a great deal of its focus towards the titanic golem.

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