Twin Reincarnation: Epics Of The Worldline Chapter 1: 1 Prologue

Chapter -3: World introduction


Worldline refers to the entirety of the world that is monitored by the central brain of the world, an ultimate consciousness that could be understood as ’everything’. And though there are some areas outside the control of the central brain, ultimately, everything is still a part of the Worldline.

But it is a little complicated to define it or give it a border so for now, one can just think of Worldline as a concept.

Under the Worldline are the direct creations of the Worldline, the 369 ’offsprings’ directly created by the central brain to assist it in different matters.

These offsprings, which mainly acted as GMs in the game, handle different aspects, special facilities, and unique features of the worlds and systems throughout the countless parts of the Worldline.

Under these offerings are , unique conscious wills that are like administrators of all unique parts of the Worldline, and they manage the [System] that manages all the ’players’ and ’elements’ of that particular ’world’.

Ultimately, one can understand the scale of this world as:

Worldline > Offsprings > Voice of the World > System > All elements under them.

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But the main story only revolves around the MCs that are in Worldline #321CF.


[System and stats]

- In basic terms, everything is part of Worldline’s system, the complex structure created by the central brain ▼▼▼▼ to administer all the aspects under it. So, from the 369 offspring to the most basic rock on the most basic planet, all is under the gazes of the Worldline.

- But not everyone is actually able to realize it or use its countless features of it. Only the ones that connect with the Worldline system and have proper authority in it have access to them and information related to it.

Everything is under the Worldline’s system, and all the beings that use this system are also one of them, be it the weak common humans or the almighty angels, demons, or gods…

- To connect with the Worldline, one first has to have a little above average mental body. (There are two bodies in the Worldline, one being a physical body and the other being a mental one. The mental body is the main body of a being in the Worldline.)

After the connection, they have to have proper authority in the Worldline, meet special conditions, and pay the appropriate price (the central system currency: Oz) to gain access to the unique features of their world and the Worldline.

- Oz, the central system currency, can be understood as the main form of money in the system that everyone knows about.

- One’s authority determines all the power one possesses in the Worldline so this authority, the so-called status, that ranks as: Commoner < Knight < Lord < Baron < Viscount < Earl < Marquis < Duke < Archduke < Prince/Princess < Crown Prince/Princess << Monarch <<< [Overlord] (A rank few knows the existence of). And one can receive the title comparable to a god only at (Baron) rank as that’s where the realm of transcendent beings starts.

But aside from these ranks, there are system stats that also determine their individual stats and skills that ultimately determine their overall powers.

- Elements of a status window:

ID: The names given to each individual which is recorded in the system. They hold great importance as they are unique to all individuals in the system even if they are written the same way. (Every ID has a unique frequency attached only to them.)

Race: The race of individuals determined by the system. The authority ranks are also part of them as two individuals with the same race but different ranks are worlds apart from each other.


(The stats listed below have a quality factor that determines the quality of these stats so, two individuals with the same range of stats can express different levels of strengths depending on the inherent quality of that stat’s affinity with them.)

*Physical stats*

Strength: The physical power their physical body possesses. Affects physical/mental endurance, physical resistance, and the five main senses.

Agility: The factor related to dexterity, control over the physical body, balance, coordination with other senses and physical factors, speed, reflexes, and complex body movements.

*Mental stats*

Stamina: A major factor that determines one’s ability to remain physically or mentally active for an extended period of time, resist and withstand outside factors, recover from physical/mental fatigue, heal physical wounds and injuries, and have resistance against mental abnormalities like trauma, fatigue, or wounds to the mental body.

Intelligence: This stat represents one’s ability to perceive or infer information and retain it as the knowledge that can be applied towards adaptive behavior within an environment or context… or use unique magic and do mental tasks.

*System stats*

Luck: An abstract power that determines one’s probability related to positive events.

The naturalistic interpretation is that positive and negative events may happen at any time, both due to random and non-random natural and artificial processes, and that even improbable events can happen by random chance. In this view, the epithet "lucky" or "unlucky" is a descriptive label that refers to an event’s positivity, negativity, or improbability.

It is unique and determined by natural factors so unlike physical or mental stats, this one can not be increased or decreased by external means… though some special artifacts and skills are able to influence it.

Charm: This stat, truthfully speaking, is the most unusual stat of them all.

There are many ways to increase or decrease it aside from with some artifacts and skills and different from luck, one can increase their charm so much with external resources that even with an appearance that might be usually called non-attractive, one can be so attractive that just a look at them would be enough to charm the others.

But, it is a relative stat and something directly determined by the Worldline. So, if a person is attractive for the Worldline, they have high Charm stat and are attractive to everyone else around them.

*Individual stats*

- Mana: is a unique resource made of fundamental particles of all creation called .

Just like how our world is made of fundamental particles, there, all fundamental particles are made of Mana strings that are perpetually vibrating at certain frequencies, giving birth to all elements of the Worldline.

Anyone can use this ever-present energy called Mana but only those with a ’Mana heart’ can produce (Spells) from them.

But those who can produce these unique powers called spells are few so, mostly, if ever actively used at all, Mana is mostly used to power the skills.

- Levels: are… levels? The ones you gain after accumulating certain experiences after killing monsters and other beings. There actually isn’t that grand of importance to these levels on the smaller bases as there is nothing like ’stat points’ that can increase the stats.

There are only ’skill points’ that one gain after each level up. And everyone only gets 2 skill points after each level, which is too little actually, so levels aren’t that important when they are under level 100.

After every hundred levels, one goes through a stat awakening and the strength of their stats increases a little… which is dependent on their physical bodies.

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And, the basic stat limit in the Worldline is 600 so increasing the stats by training and absorbing the ’stat stones’ is preferable for many than grinding levels by killing those absurdly ferocious creatures of that world.



(For now) there are mainly two types of skills. 1) The general skills, 2) Innate skills.

- Skills are pre-made or pre-compiled data of physical or magical techniques that only require thought and appropriate resources to be performed.

When using the skills, one doesn’t have to go through the long process of {Occurrence of thought > Release of signals in brain > Repose of nervous system and muscles/Mana > Realization of action > Action.}

When using a skill, after the {Thought} occurs and the required resources are consumed or certain conditions are met, the action is performed automatically by the body.

Skills are directly engraved on the mental body and there are six ways to get a skill: 1) By being born with it, 2) By creating it, 3) By getting it from the Worldline as a reward or acknowledgment, 4) By purchasing it from the dimensional merchants 5) By getting it as a gift from the higher beings, 6) By fulfilling certain conditions.

- Some artifacts contain skills but they are mostly attracted to that artifacts permanently.

- To create skills, one has to have access to the Workspace, and in the workspace, there are two ways (Repetition and Skill sketching) to create these skills.

- Every skill has a core(s) from which it starts from. They are mostly fixed on their spots but in some cases, they are also in a moving state.

*Grade of skills*

There are four main grades of skills ranging from [Grade-1] to [Grade-4] but there also exists [ Zero skills] so there are a total of five grades of skills.

[Grade-1] skills: skills that anyone can obtain after fulfilling certain ’relatively’ simple conditions. These skills mostly only have one passive or active effect.

[Grade-2] skills: skills that have more than one function and are difficult to obtain from simple means.

[Grade-3] skills: are special skills that reflect their possessors. They can have more than one or two functions but the effect of the skills would be far greater to the individual than if used by someone else.

[Grade-4] skills: are also called [Celestial skills] and are mostly possessions of higher beings. The higher beings also gift these skills to their contractees but ultimately, these skills are as powerful as the skills outside the ’rules’ of the Worldline but can still be used normally with a lot of restrictions.

[Zero skills]: These skills are the most powerful skills and growers with their possessors. They are powerful from the start but these skills can be upgraded to be powerful beyond the scope of the entire Worldline itself. And these skills always stay at level-0, hence their unique name.

*Levels of skill*

Every skill has six levels and the only way to increase the level of skill is through the use of (Skill points).

(Everyone) gains two skill points on every level up and each time the level of a skill increases, the required cost of skill points for that skill doubles.

[Grade-1] skills require 20 Pt. to level up from (Level-1 to Level-2), and just like that, [Grade-2] requires 40 Pt., [Grade-3] 60 Pt., and [Grade-4] requires 80 skill points.

*Innate skills*

They are also skills that one is born with but, different from other skills, these innate skills are something inherent to those particular IDs, so no one in the entire Worldline possesses the exact same abilities.


[Other elements]

The other elements of a status window include [Skill point], [Oz], [Title], [Status abnormalities], [Buffs], etc. But since they are self-explanatory, I’m not writing them in detail here.

But still, if anyone wants to know more about anything related to the world, I would add it afterward so please ask your questions here:



There are two ’main’ factions in this world: 1) Pure evil (-ive Oz value), 2) Absolute purity (+ive Oz value). It is simple to understand these two factions as demons Vs. Angels, beings that oppose nature and beings that wholeheartedly are creatures of nature.

(I’m not writing much on this for now as I’m not fully sure of how I will go with this but if you have any suggestions, write them down here and I ’might’ make the person’s suggestion I use a character in this novel.)



Artifacts and monsters both have a ranking going from to , then , , , , and . There exists a danger level of [EX] in the monsters but they are mostly demons or gods so it’s too soon for us to talk about them.

- [Gods] are beings that have transcended their kind and limits and have achieved power and authority far above normal Worldline standards. In simple meaning, it is a title Worldline gives to a certain individual after they fulfill certain requirements and passes the trials of the Worldline.

- Dungeons exist here and are a major part of the world but there would be another auxiliary chapter regarding them.

- Worldline rewards each individual for unique achievements and certain special tasks with random things that fall under certain categories of their achievements.


Lastly, this world of Worldline is still incomplete from my side. There are many things that I need to learn even after my more than a year-long experience with my other novel. But, I’m determined to learn even with my endless laziness.

I know I will make many mistakes here too, but just like how I want to see the end of my first novel with all my heart, I want this one to have its own unique place in this vast ocean full of unique novels.

I don’t know how well I will do or if things will be good for this novel but I want to write it with the same determination as my other one so I hope the readers who read through these thousands of word-long auxiliary chapters (and of course the others who skipped through to see the end) will help me on this unique journey.



Anything from your side if you want. It might turn out to be helpful, so why not, right?

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