Unbound Chapter Five Hundred And Eighty Eight – 588

Chapter Five Hundred And Eighty Eight – 588

7:21 remaining

Felix bobbed and weaved around the Forge Knights swings. The weapon wasnt huge, but it was hefty, and the arm behind it was tirelessand talented. Every move from the Dwarven warrior was precise, each hammer blow carrying the momentum of the previous one, and its shield was just another weapon in its hands. The undead displayed some interesting Skills too, and used them with the talents of a tactician. Felix felt like he was fighting Harn, in many ways.

As far as he could tell, the thing had that hammer toss and recall ability, another one that lent greater oomph to its strikes, a dash-like charge movement ability, and a Skill to heat up metal. All metal, it turned out, as the undead warrior had tried to sear Felixs feet in his own boots. Unfortunately for the Forge Knight, Felix could handle a little cooking, and hed put the red-hot boot into its mithril-armored gut.

Rounding out its offensive abilities, the Forge Knight could repair small rents in its own armor as well as emit a battle cry that made it stronger and faster. Those were quite interesting, especially if other Forge Knights could add onto the effect. He could imagine a battalion of Forge Knights, all of them boosted and self-healing beneath nigh-impenetrable mithril armor. It was a nightmare scenario for his Claw, were they forced against such an enemy. Felix filed away the information, adding to the pile of details hed been collecting.

Cmon. What else have you got?

Felix was determined to learn as much as he could during the fight. It was part of why he hadnt pressed to end the Timed Quest. Tzfell said the Forge Knights were elite warriors, and it was likely that the order or whatever still existed among the Dwarves. The undead warrior was smart but it stuck to the same script, keeping its distance while it circled Felix, shield up and hammer low. The moment Felix showed a sign of an opening, the Knight would activate its charge and rush to take advantage of it, swinging its hammer into his legs or bashing him with the shield. Hammer throw. Heat metal. Retreat, repair armor if necessary. The creature wasnt a construct, but either the Dwarves werent very creative fighters or the process of becoming an undead puppet wasnt great for ingenuity. Felix was betting on the latter.

The Forge Knight rushed him.

He sighed. Fine.

Adamant Discord!

He caught the Dwarf in brilliant cords of lightning and swiftly yanked on their sudden connection. At the same time, Felix stepped aside, letting the smaller warrior zip past him at crazy speeds. It made it about thirty feet before it floundered, smashing into the golden ground with the screeching squeal of metal on metal.

The Risi tribes looked on, only a few feet away from the Forge Knights half-buried form. Most watched intently, the Warriors and Berserkers breathing heavy with intense eyes. Others though, their gazes flicked between the Knight and Felix. Their Spirits were deep wells of descending notes, slowly circling around something they refused to acknowledge.

Not impressed? Felix shook his head. Maybe he should have led with a big area of effect spell after all.

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An Ironclad tumbled past him, pieces of its armor ripping apart from a massive rent in its breastplate. Dust poured out of it, followed closely by blackened green smoke that vented from every part of its broken body. Pits having a good time.

The tenku was ripping through his opponents, a whirling dervish of fur, feathers, and razor sharp Fang. He was getting pretty damn good with that old sword too.

Pits Long Blade Mastery is level 25!

Pits Long Blade Mastery is level 39!

Apprentice Tier!

Pit Gains:

+5 STR

+5 END

+5 DEX

Pits Dark Glacial Guard is level 26!

Pits Dark Glacial Guard is level 42!

Pits Mantle of Tumult is level 79!

Pits Mantle of Tumult is level 80!

Pits Howl at the Dark is level 77!

Pits Howl at the Dark is level 79!

The Blade of the Fang swung with every flex of Pits neck, but he shifted his grip several times while Felix watched. He ran with it held to the side, cutting down the far slower undead, and he spun it into a reverse grip when he threw himself backward, slamming foes into the ground. The Fang cut through them like a butchers blade. The last of the corpses crowded close to him, but he pulled on his Mantle of Tumult. The shroud of wind and lightning synergized well with his Dark Glacial Guard, making him look like a storm come to life.

Pit met his eyes and knowledge without words spread between them. The fight was just about over. Dust and smoke filled the air, and the few that remained would be dealt with soon. Felix nodded and regarded the Forge Knight from thirty feet away. The undead was crawling out of its hole, pieces of its armor sealing shut like liquid as other parts heated up.

It uses its heat metal and repair Skills together. Huh. Neat. Okay, man. Time to end this. I appreciate you letting me learn. Felix wasnt sure why hed said that, but it felt right. As did the slight bow he gave the Knight.

Just like before, the Forge Knight inclined its head before resetting itself, shield up and hammer out.

Felix did the same, bending his knees and lifting his Inheritors Will up into a guard position. His Riposte was back in its sheath. He wouldnt need it. Lets go. Full power.

In a blink, the Dwarven warrior was there, shield thrust where Felixs gut once wasit found only empty air. Instead, the Forge Knight made a desperate turn, deflecting Felixs claws. Sparks leapt from the mithril shield, and its hammer rose in an upswing.

Felix caught it, grunting at the force of the strike. Damn. You are strong. I know a guy whod love to give you a new job. He forced it down, heaving it until the hammer lodged itself into the golden earth.

The Knight pulled at the haft in vain, but was unable to free it. Instead, the ground began to heat up and softenbut Felix shaped ice over the buried hammer and the undeads Skill failed. It swung its glimmering gaze on him, blackened green smoke escaping the slats of its helm, and swung at him with his shield.


I know. Felix slapped its arm away. He reached out and laid his enormous, clawed hand over the Knights helm, ignoring the Dwarfs powerful blows to his arms. Sorry, Beef.

Chthonic Tribute!

The Knight screamed, a sound that raised the hairs on Felixs neck and made his teeth hurt. His armor stretched, dissolving as it broke apartreleasing a geyser of dark smoke and blackened green light. It swarmed into Felix, carrying enough power with it that his gut twisted. His Hunger roared.

The scream stopped.

You Have Killed Mavir Galion, Dwarven Forge Knight!

XP Earned!

Good fight, Mavir Galion, he muttered to the fallen Forge Knight. All that remained of the Dwarven warrior was his heater shield and hammer. He hadnt meant to eat the guys armorthat could have been usefulbut there had been no separation between them. The Dwarf had been his armor and his armor was him. Ill make sure youre put to good use.

It was the best he could do.

Felix waited a moment, but there was no System notification. He frowned. Hey. I thought you were supposed to double my gains?

Not Done.

I see. Felix could feel his Hungers jaws worrying at the Essence of the Forge Knight. As a Master Tier, he supposed it would be some time before it was digested fully. Which meant he couldnt complete the Delicious Devour Quest yet.

His most recent Quest, however, flashed across his vision just as Pit landed beside him.

6:44 remaining

All Unquiet Dead Are Silenced.

Quest Completed!

Survive Against The Unquiet Dead!

Duration: Ten Minutes

The Challenger and their Retinue may fightup to 100 members, not including the Challenger. If a member of the Challengers Retinue dies, time is lost. If the Challenger dies, they fail. If all of the Retinue perish, the Challenger fails. Their Title will be unmoored; any that defeat them will take it.Reward: Title, Authority

New Title!Champion of the Long Night (Legendary)!

You have proven yourself before the Seat and Seal of Khalheim! You have earned the right to approach the Gate of Gloaming! As Champion, you have proven yourself in battle, and must be commended! +10 levels for a single Skill of your choice below Adept Tier!

Your Authority Has Increased!

Due To Completing In Record Time, Your Rewards Are Increased!

Due To Dispatching A Master Tier Opponent, Your Rewards Are Increased!

New Skill!

War Cry (Rare), Level 1!

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Used to


Due To Synergy Between Your Primordial Nature And Affinity For Dissonance This Skill Has Evolved!

Quiet Cacophony (Epic), Level 1!

The Forge Knights of old knew a wild cry meant to bolster their allies, but this is its opposite. Soft, precise, and offensive. Debilitate your enemies with the subtle sounds of Dissonance! Let loose the Chthonic Depths! Inflicts instances of Disorientation, Disquiet, and Disgust. Greater levels increase control over effects, including intensity and duration.

You got awhisper Skill? Pit asked around the haft of the Fang.

I guess? Felix closed the notifications, though the Title hed received lingered in his Mind. Might be useful though.

Pit spat out the Fang. I guess.

Felix leaned over, picking up the huge sword and place it back into the sheath on Pits barding. This sword fits you. You should use it from now on.

Did you see me? I was all whirlin and slicin.

Cant believe we havent given you a sword before. Youre a natural, dude.


A deep gong-like noise rose from beneath them, and the broken ground began sealing itself up. Felix grabbed the hammer and shield, pulling the former from the ice hed buried it in with a firm yank. He jerked his chin toward the corpses still piled on the ground. Go get those, please.


Pit trotted off, his long legs eating up the distance, and Felix regarded the silent tribes around him. They watched, hands on weapons, shoulders tense, but it was their Spirits that told the true story.

Maybe its too soon for respect, he thought with disappointment. He hefted the hammer to his shoulder and several of the Kin flinched. Fear will have to do. For now.

A second bell tolled, and this time it was impossible to ignore. A searing notification appeared fifty feet above Felix, visible to everyone, a sapphire blue box decorated with scrolling gold and silver. The words shouted into all of their Minds, not spoken, but known regardless.


The Champion of the Long Night!

Approach, Champion!

Approach the Gate of Gloaming!

It was like a seal had been broken. Cheers and whooping cries filled the air as the Claw and the giants of both Cold Rock and Feldspear joined in. Evie wolf-whistled at him and a few over-enthusiastic mages sent fire and lightning crackling into the sky.

This one has proven himself! Naberius cried out, turning to address the still silent tribes.

He is to be our new High Chieftain! Kimaris added.

Despite all they just witnessed, cries of refusal echoed among the tribes. Felix picked out many of their words, and Grimmar featured heavily. Those were the loudest among the Risi, and the most bitter.

Naberius gestured to the Kingsrock. The Frostfather has spoken! He is Champion!

Several Berserkers moved to approach, violence carried in their twitching muscles, but Witches held them back. One in particular with green and purple swirls upon her skin stepped forward. Floated, really, because while her long gown brushed the gleaming ground her feet did not. He is not of the Kin, Witch of Cold Rock. Worse, he is Human. No mortal may rule us. They can attest to that.

She gestured to the piles of Ironclads that Pit was scooting across the ground. The Chimera paused, looking at all the attention he was receiving, and puffed out his chest.

The Dwarves tried to take our birthright from us, and their blood has stained these grounds ever since. Our ancestors denied them, as we have continued to do for countless centuries. We have all witnessed the strength of this mortal. It isincredible. The Witch swallowed. It was the only betrayal of her nerves, for her Spirit was rock steady to Felixs Affinity. But it does not matter. We will not bow down to a Human, not even if we must sacrifice our lives.

He bears the Titles of the Frostfather, Mother Vepar countered. She pushed ahead of Naberious and Kimaris, addressing not just the floating Witch but all the tribes present. The Path of Rule has been walked! He reached the Kingsrock first! You saw him defeat the unquiet dead with the help of only one other. Among them was a greater foe than any here could face, and he didnt simply survive. He ended the Quest in less than half the time! He has proven himself worthy three times over!

It wasnt enough. Felix knew it before more Witches joined the floating one. Words were bantered, back and forth, all while tensions drew higher and higher. Axes were hefted, magics glimmered just out of sight, and before long the Risi would wage war against itselfand they would lose. He and his company would be forced to spill the blood of an entire people on these grounds.

Felix refused.

What would prove to you that I am worthy of leading you? he asked. Yelled, really. It was loud enough that it punched through the argument, echoing across the terrain like thunder. The arguing ground to a halt.

You wish to claim a place as our leader? The floating Witch asked. She clearly held some rank among the Kin, because no one tried to talk over her. You cannot. You are an outsider. A Human. The Kin cannot place you above ourselves, not after what the mortal Races have done to us. But, she said, dragging the word across her lips like a bared blade. If you truly have the Frostfathers favor, then let us see it. Claim the Kingsrock, well and truly. Claim it as the first High Chieftain once did, Ages past.

Excited murmurs rippled through the assembled tribes, and more than one Witch nodded in agreement. Felix frowned and motioned his giants closer. What are they talking about?

A legend, Naberius hissed. She bared her teeth at the floating Witch, and if she had hackles Felix was sure they would be lifted. A myth.

It is our oldest story, Mother Vepar told him. The first of us came upon the Kingsrock and were proven worthy. From atop it we ruled for an entire Age, before treachery and deceit sent us falling to the earth. It was then that we spread into the southern lands, where we spent many centuries.

And when we returned, the Kingsrock was no more than stone, Kimaris added. No Kin has been able to get the Kingsrock to respond. Reaching this place, conquering the challenge of undead has been our test since our history began. No Champion has ever opened the Gates of Gloaming.

Authority, Felix realized. He looked to the Kingsrock, to the soaring towers far, far above it. Ribbons of glacial light still wreathed it, reminiscent of Laurs wardings. Even if he flew up to it, Felix had doubts hed get through that way. Still, he set that aside as Plan B.

Fine, he said to the tribes. Give me a second.

The floating Witch smiled wide and gestured imperiously toward the Kingsrock. As you wish, mortal.

Felix walked to the giant monolithic structure, motioning for his friends to stay back. Pit was still rolling those corpses, and Harn was with his soldiers, but Vess and Beef slowed their steps, clearly having planned to come help. Evie, however, was reclining against a bundle of supplies that had spilled onto the ground.

She gave him an encouraging thumbs up. Go get em, champion.

The Kingsrock was mostly cylindrical, though it had variations to the structure, as it appeared to be entirely natural. Appeared so, at least. With Skills like Stone Shaping, Felix was positive hed never know natural formations from magically manipulated ones ever again. Still, something about the Kingsrocks imperfections seemed genuine; a rough surface here, a crack there. Right where the rounded shape of the stone bowed inward, he found a faint impression of large stars carved into it. Nymean stars, progressing from two-points all the way to twenty-seven points. They rose up and over in an arch, as if framing a giant eighty foot tall doorway. Yet the forty-foot space between them was simply a blank wall of solid stone.

His hip buzzed.

Felix grasped his Inheritors Will and unsheathed it in one smooth motion. A bronze light unfurled from it while two glyphs shimmered urgently upon the flat of the blade, near the hilt. He knew those glyphs well, though they hadnt been used very often.

Etheric Division - The first of several arrays. The blade may cut through spellforms and Mana formations at the Inheritor’s request, but it is gated by the advancement of the Inheritor.

Etheric Unification - Nymean power resonates with the Blade, drawing other sources of Nymean sorcery toward itself.

The weapon twitched in his hand, the tip lining itself up with the empty plane of stone. It wanted him to move.

Felix listened, letting the sword guide him into a strange series of positions. It was only after the third one that he realized they were stances, similar to the three Forms hed learned from Darius, but alien too. The blade jerked, buzzing higher and faster, and Felix struggled to catch up. He scrambled, flaring his stats to meet the weapons demands, until it gave a keening wail and Felix thrust forward a final time.

The Inheritors Will sank into the stone up to the hilt.

Ancient inscriptions rippled across the Kingsrock, spreading from his sword to encompass the entirety of his vision. The area immediately before him illuminated with a bronze light, turning flat stone into a carved relief in seconds. Towering mountains before a setting sun, heaving ice, swirling clouds, and raging beasts that looked very similar to a Razorspine. At the center, where his sword was embedded, a deep incision split the stone, forming two massive doors.

Felix pulled his Inheritors Will free, and the entirety of the Starfield Steps shook. A note of pure, unadulterated Harmony sang from his blades edge, and the glyphs atop it were like miniature suns in his hands.

Holy crap, Pit sent. Felix agreed.

Ta falla! Outta the way!

A burly Frost Giant surged through the crowd and charged at Felix. He swung his huge axe, but Felix dodged it with easethe mans focus was on the doors. Im High Chieftain! Not you!

The guy was fast, Felix had to admit that. He ran to the newly-formed doors at incredible speedand crashed into them hard. The giant bounced back, wards flashing with rainbow light as he was tossed unceremoniously to the ground.

The crowd erupted with bellows, and more giants began to charge.

Felix shook his head and took a single step toward the doors. He put his hand against them and lightly shoved.

They swung open, light as a feather.

Authority Recognized, Inheritor!

Be Welcome, Autarch of Nagast!

Be Welcome, King of Ahkestria and the Leviathan Depths!

Be Welcome, Champion of the Long Night!

Pit crowed. Hows that for proof, Witches?

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