Unbound Chapter Five Hundred And Forty - 540

Chapter Five Hundred And Forty - 540

To Felix, it felt like he was diving into his core space. The only difference: he was not in control.

He was suffocated in darkness and a spiraling, fluting concerto. A touch not his own swept over his channels, tracing out every inch of the pathways in his arms, legs, torso, and head. It was a ticklish whisper that burned as it moved, a riot of pain following in its wake. The agony took root in his Body before it speared outward toward his Mind and Spirit too.

Felix tumbled, his sense of self smothered. It wasnt until he felt a net of searing flame coarse across his chest that he realized they had entered his core space proper. He wanted to scream, but couldnt even take a breath, his throat clogged and lungs plugged up. He saw nothing, but felt the sharp ends of his Divine Tree immolatebefore it all stopped.

The magic tangled, the blaze caught within the skeletal branches of his Tree, snagged by the crystalline lattice on the exterior and held fast. The magic surged, again and again. The pain redoubled, but it could not free itself, could barely move at all. Felix could see nothing. Hear nothing. Yet the yawning grasp of a dark blacker than shadow was felt, an eager maw hunting for its meal, as the abyss below reached up and consumed the magic entirely.

Felix landed in a crouch as he came back to himself, senses returned just in time to witness the wreaths of smoke vanish from around his body. The tiled flooring was cold and his hands were feverish, as if hed placed them within a bonfire not seconds before. Felix pushed to his feet and glared at the illusory Geist.

Knowledge stood, hands at its side, his expression betraying nothing more than a faintdiscomfort.

Felix! Felix youre back. Karys gently grasped Felixs shoulders. The armored Nym all but lifted him into a bear hug so tight, Felix felt his bones creak. Are you hale?

IIm fine, man. Im fine. Felix slipped from Karys grasp, but found his head was aching hard. WhatKnowledge. What did you do to me?

I performed a delving. It folded its hands before its long belly. Your core space and Aspects were contentious. The delving took longer than expected.

Felix looked at Karys. How long?

Youve been entombed in that things spell for six glasses.

Six hours. Felix couldnt believe itthe experience had lasted all of a few minutes. Why?

Knowledge was silent.

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Felix snorted, annoyed that hed been expecting anything else. Karys? Whats been happening in the time Ive been under?

Nothing much of note, though I did have to fend off Zaras inquiries. Oh, and the Manaship is prepared for travel to the north, as you requested.

Zara was here?

She approached the Inner Sanctum, but I told her you were contemplating a matter of state and she backed off. Karys held up an object in his thick, golden-metal hand. She left you this.

It was a letter, sealed with blue-green wax and stamped with a symbol of waves. Or perhaps flames. Felix took it. Feels light. Did she say why she needed me?

You missed another meeting with the Chanters.

Ah. That. Felix tucked the letter into his jacket.

Yes. You have been avoiding them a great deal, Felix. Zara is a stalwart ally and a powerful asset. If you do not mind me asking, why are you not meeting with them?

Felix waved away the question. Not important. Ill go see her after this and apologize.


Knowledge, he said, pointedly ignoring Karys chastising tone. That little delving hurt a lot. Am I worthy?

My delving was incomplete due to interference within your core space. There is an anomaly at the base of your

Im aware. Felix gritted his teeth. So youre saying I still cant use this thing?

You Knowledges words were dragged out in a strange way. Like a chord played too long. ...may.

Oh shit, really? Does that mean I have this core manifestation thing? Felix asked.

Unclear. There is much about you that I cannot quantify properly. Perhaps with time, a lack of interference, and a deeper delving that would be possible.

Felix narrowed his eyes, and his vision tinged the slightest bit blue and red. If his glowing eyes shocked the weird illusion, it gave no evidence. So I can use it but, what? I might die?

Correct. Based upon my assessment, if you choose to embrace the Pool of Halcyon Oaths, there is a 90% chance of your survival.

Thatsnot bad? Felix said, looking to Karys. 90% is an A- back home.

A what? Felix, if there was only a 1% chance of your death, I would caution you against attempting this thing. Karys Spirit thrummed with worry and something else. Something muffled. You would put all of your Territory at risk for this.

Anger. Hes mad at me. Felix swallowed, vaguely uncomfortable. Karys was such a gentle, kind soul that hearing anger, however hidden, was like missing a step when climbing a set of stairs. The man was trying to hide it, but Felix could read its rapid, heated tattoo just beneath his Spirit. Before either of them could speak, Knowledge piped up again.

As a Territorial Lord, you would of course have some protection from the process. With that, your chances of survival rise to 95.2%.

Felix chewed at his lip, thinking it over. And the benefits? What does embracing the pool get me?

Knowledge lifted his little, furry chin. To embrace the Pool of Halcyon Oaths is to embrace the totality of your Territory, deepening your connection to your people, the land, and the Grand Harmony that presides over all.

That was not truly an answer, Karys pointed out. Deepens connections. Is there a material benefit, or is it simply one of Harmonics?

Knowledge looked at Karys, and Felix realized it was the first time. The little illusion had so far only ever looked directly at Felix, and never with such distaste. Chancellor Karys Taiv. Former Eidolon Exult. Abdicator of guardianship of the Caryatid Anima. You do not have the Authority to ask such things.

Felix didnt need to listen to Karys Spirit to know those words had cut at him. Knowledge. Answer whatever questions Karys has for you. Hes to be given the same information you would give to me.

The weird Memory ghost snapped its attention back on the Autarch, returning to its neutral expression. As you wish, Inheritor.

Answer the question.

Knowledge spread its hands, but the movement was odd, as if it were a marionette operated by an arthritic old man. The answer is both and neither. One takes from the Pool precisely what one earns.


The Pool is a crucible, meant to forge the worthy with the raw potency of Creation. If one survives the challenge, command of ones Territory will grow. How much is determined by the individual.

Is this what the Shadowgates were based upon? Felix asked.

Knowledge paused, as if recollecting something. It was only a moment, then it continued to speak. The Shadowgates were developed as replacements for the benefits of the Pool of Halcyon Oaths. They are lesser artifacts, a work around to avoid the risks posed by the Pool.

You were right. Theyre connected, Felix said to Karys.

Ah. That is good to know. The golden giant straightened up. And the allusion to a crucible and earning ones rewardsthat seems to be reflected in the lore entry. Finding oneself anew.

Yeah. Felix had done that before, during his Omen Path, and wasnt keen on replicating the experience. So either risk my life to gain a nebulous benefit or play it safe and never know whats inside. Thosere my choices.

So it would seem.

A slow chirrup interrupted Felixs circling thoughts. Pit, still within his Spirit, gave a sleepy yawn. What is going on? Why are you afraid?

Did that wake you up? Felix frowned. Im contemplating a bath. 𝔣𝔯𝔢𝔢𝔴𝔢𝖇𝖓𝔬𝖛𝔢𝔩.𝖈𝔬𝖒

Terrifying, Pit shot back, dry as a raspy croak.

Felix sent a bundle of sense images and his recent Memories. It was a technique theyd been getting better at as their bond deepened. Pit had always been good at it, but Felix had only recently gotten better than garbage at the technique. He left out the painful delving experience. No one should have to go through something like that.

Pit sucked in a sharp breath, sleepiness banished beneath a surge of excitement and worry. Were doing it, right?

Its dangerous.

But rewarding?

Probably. Definitely if this guy is to be believed.

Let me out.

Youare you sure?

Dont baby me, Pit said sternly. I can walk just fine.

With a flash of light, their Convergence ended and Pit stood beside Felix and Karys in all his glory. He was the size of a sleek race horse, albeit one that looked to be the merged offspring of a raven and a fox. A large, bushy tail lashed behind him and four heavy paws clenched at the stone tiles, while a bird-like head topped with tufted, feathery ears and two bright, golden eyes regarded the pool before them.

Felix tried and failed to avoid looking at the stumps on his friends back. His huge, beautiful wings were gone. The stumps were no longer bleeding , but the bone and muscle that gathered at Pits back were exposed to the aira gruesome wound frozen in stasis. A great deal of healing from Isla had stopped the damage the damned High Guard had caused, but recovery was slow thanks to some god awful quality to the attack. Impossible, according to Isla, though she at least had the mercy to say that when she thought Felix wasnt in earshot.

Felix intended to prove her wrong.

Either way, agonizing over this issue wasnt solving his numerous other problems. Kimaris still needed assistance, Zara needed to be spoken with, the alchemy apprentices needed to be checked onthe list never stopped.

Pit stepped forward, pushing his face close to the edge of the pool. Ghost. What is the best thing we can get out of this?

Knowledge looked to Felix, but said nothing. Felix rolled his eyes. Answer Pits questions as if they were coming from me.

As you wish, Inheritor. It turned to Pit fully. The greatest boon offered by the Pool of Halcyon Oaths is a greater freedom of movement within ones Territory.

Like the Shadowgates? Pit asked.

It is a similar process.

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Pits ears perked up and an eager joy rolled from his Spirit. That sounds useful.

That sounds like teleporting, Felix said. Or something close enough. Thatd be huge. If I had that, how hard would it be to reach the edge of my Territory from here?

If you received the deepest level of connection, such a journey would take mere instants.

Hot damn. Felix looked to Karys, unable to help his Spirit reverberating with Pits excitement.

The old man was already shaking his head. I am familiar with that look, Felix. Please do not kill yourself in there.

You know me. Felix stepped closer, fighting off the vertigo that assaulted him again. How do we do this, Knowledge?

The Memory construct waved a hand. A section of sigaldry around the pool faded, and Felixs vertigo rapidly diminished but curiously did not vanish entirely.

That is an effect of the pool itself, Inheritor. Step carefully.

Felix shot the construct a glance, but it seemed engrossed in the pool itself. Pit. Youre sure you want to come?

The tenku snorted and tossed his horse-sized head. Are you sure you could survive without me?

Felix grinned. Cmon, then. His Companion vanished in a flash of light, settling as a solid weight within Felixs Spirit. Karys, on the off chance this takes a while, make sure Aenea checks on the apprentices graduation projects. Shell have to grade them herself.

Very well, my Lord. Karys winced but stepped closer to the pool anyway, enough to lean down to Felixs side. If you perish here, recall that more than just your life is at stake.

That sobered him, and his confident smile was hard to maintain. Right. But with this, we could protect the Territory even better. Trust me, Karys. Felix patted his golden pauldron, scales ringing against the metal. Im hard to kill.

The first step into the pool was the worst. Dizziness assaulted Felix, almost catapulting him face first into the goopbut he held fast. He had taken off his boots and gauntlets, even his Garment, at Knowledges direction. Same with his weapons and Veiling Amulet. No items beyond himselfand Pitcould enter. The liquid felt like nothing when he finally plunged his clawed foot onto a shallow step, and only when his second foot sank deeper did he feel a deep, bone-aching chill. His third step was into nothing, surprising Felix for an instant, before he began to tread the thick water.

What now? Felix asked.

Knowledge pointed. Straight down. You must submerge. Embrace the pool, Inheritor.

Felix could already feel the liquid pull at him. Reflections cast up against his face and shoulders, the placid surface still undisturbed despite his frantic kicking below. It was a challenge to remain above the surface, despite his Strength. Hoo boy. Man does this feel like I jumped the gun a bit. How deep is this pool?

As deep as necessary.

Encouraging. Felixs shoulders went deeper, and Pit trilled in concern. Heres hoping I get out, yeah?

As a Lord, you have a vastly better chance of emerging from this challenge, Knowledge said.

You said that. My Authority gives me a shield.

No. Because to become a Lord within a Nymean Territory, one must be a Grandmaster already, if not a Paragon. The delving was interrupted, but it seems your stats are up to the task too. That advancement will form the primary bulk of your buffer. Approximately 88% of it.

Hes not a Grandmaster! Karys shouted. Pull him free!

Oh, Felix said, as the liquid rose up over his neck. His jaw. He couldnt move. Oh shit.

The pool swallowed him whole.

There was light below the surface.

Silver-chased and fluttering, a ponds reflection on a sunny day, it wrapped around Felix like a blanket. The pool was deep, way too deep, and despite his Perception and Manasight he could not perceive the bottom. There was only the silver light.

A current wrapped around him, surging downward at a sudden, incredible speed. Felix yelped, bubbles escaping his throat before he could help himself. The liquid tried to press inward, through his lips and teeth, but he held it off.

Sunken Ward!

Within him, the Skill thrummed to lifebut it failed before it ever left his core.

I cant use my Skills either, even in here, Pit added with a worried squawk.

A sudden roar filled their ears, a familiar one. It was the sound of a waterfall, except it was so colossal that it consumed every direction Felix looked. The current pulled him along, thrusting the two of them ever deeper, and no matter how he kicked against it, Felix could not escape. So he made a choice.

In it to win it, Pit.

He dove down, swimming with the riptide. His progress flashed by, faster and faster as he went. The roar increased sharply in volume, until it was sight and sound and texture, until he passed through a door the size and shape of the horizon itself.

A cascade of silver water fell from the other side of that threshold, becoming an incomprehensibly vast river that carried him relentlessly forward. Beyond it spread a world of floating mountains, blasted plains, and a sky as dark as a moonless night. There were no stars, only a single moon upon the black. A moon the same argent tone as the pool itself.

Felix knew this place. He feared it.

Felix. This is where the gods saw you.

He remembered that meeting, and others, all too well. The gods were nothing to trifle with, though hed managed to evade the bulk of their wrath time and again. As the river carried him forward, Felix felt a terror welling inside him he couldnt quell. He knew that moon, remembered it with preternatural perfection, and he was hurtling toward it faster than hed ever flown with Adamant Discord.

Felix! Thats Sivas moon!

The celestial body was ten times the size it would be on a normal night, filling the sky until he could make out a vast collection of details on its surface. Chains of blood and golden light criss-crossed its surface, sunk into craters and wrapped around the curves of its strange form. No, he realized. Thats not a moon.

They fell closer, carried still by that powerful current, until he could make out the details that had seemed so incongruous with a true moon. Ridges and valleys, rounded shapes that resembled limbs and wings. How could he have not seen the wings? There were thousands of them, all different in size and shape, yet none of them moved. The golden chains held them fast, bound with hooks and barbs, guaranteeing a terrible price if they so much as twitched.

Its not looking at us, Pit sent.

True to Pits words, eyes the size of cities interrupted the nightmare mass of flesh and swollen joints. None were focused on Felix, nor the river around him. Instead, they were fixed on a distant blue orb. Another, powerful sensation of vertigo hit Felix as he realized they were staring down at the Continent itself. The whole world.

Its sosmall, Pit sent.

Upon Sivas back was a series of huge bones that rose up at a forty-five degree angleribs with gristle and too many tendons. The skin was split, and instead of muscle or blood there was only a boundless, convoluted knot made entirely of silver wire. It was a maze of impossible proportions, as huge as a country and layered over itself so many times that to traverse its circumference would take a lifetime.

The river flowed, pulling Felix nearer the bound goddess and the cluster of silver wire. Even without access to Voracious Eye, he knew those threads.

Its called the Pool of Halcyon Oaths, you absolute numbskull, he berated himself. Of course Siva would be attached!

The Goddess of Luck and Fate and Oaths was one of many old gods, now banished from the Continent for whatever reason. Felix hadnt bothered to ask them, and he wasnt going to start now.

Felix? Felix, something is happening. Pits voice was laced with a rising panic. Something is wrong.

Before he could even ask, Felix saw it. Before his eyes, his hands began to melt, sublimating from flesh into spools of diaphanous silver light. His feet too. There was no pain, just uncompromising certainty as his very proximity to the goddess was ripping them to shreds.

Hold on, Pit! The pieces of Felix that were still him fought against the change, and he could feel its effect slow by the smallest of margins. So small it might have been only in his imagination. The silver light that was once his hands and forearms slipped away, pulled down toward the surface of the goddess.

Felix! Everything is

Pit! A glimmering ghost of silver ripped free of Felixs chest, already unspooling into a cascade of chaotic threads. No!

A piece of him reached out, through the endless dark and after his friend. Threads upon threads, Felix could almost feel through them as they tangled with Pit, and he hauled with every ounce of Strength he had.

Its a crucible. A test. A test of what? His Mind whirled, faster than it ever had before. Their struggle slowed, seconds turned to minutes as he flared his Fiendforged Mind for all it was worth. Its about connections. Bonds. Felix casts back, but he is alone in the blackened skies and blasted terrain, falling toward an eldritch moon. I cant sense anything. I cant use my Skills. Ia detail below caught his eye.

The cords, bound like muscle and sinew, spread across Sivas back.

Inside. Its Authority! My connection to my

Felix threw his attention inward, his legs and arms unraveling like mistaken knitting. He shoved that detail from his thoughts, utilizing the bulk of his Willpower to do soignoring horrors had become something like second nature to him. Instead he cast about inside, where the millions of connections and Links were tethered. Here, in this place, Felix could feel them like live wires that sparked with electricity.

Everyone. I need you now, he said, pushing his Intent toward the connections. All of you.

Felix grasped them all, seizing with a tumult of incredible potency. Still, he forced his broken Body to move and with a mighty kick, launched himself down.

Toward the moons surface.


Eyes rumbled as they shifted, and he felt a familiar gathering of Will. Felix ignored it, pushing himself harder even as his legs vanished. He drew closer, the silver lines of the labyrinth below gleaming in the endless dark.

Cmon! Were not dying here!

Will and Intent grasped at connections and the evaporating threads of his own existence, held them fast as he plummeted.

Skein of Fate!

Though it couldnt escape his channels, Skein of Fate was there, humming in Felixs chest even as his torso unspooled around him. Siva shifted, and reddened lines of inquiry flashed from the horizon toward him, but his fury severed them before they could find purchase.

A scream of surprise and rage met his audacity.


No more than a head, a thought, Felix lunged forward. As a net of silver threads descended, glimmering like razor wires, the tendril that was him brushed against the world-sized labyrinthine knot.


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