Unbound Chapter Five Hundred And Forty Four – 544

Chapter Five Hundred And Forty Four – 544

Felix was good to his word. After everyone had gotten dried off, hed marched them to the riverbank and conjured a boat out of roots and vines. Well, boat was a generous description. Felix had shaped a wide, uneven barge with a shallow belly and short railings. It was rough and kinda ugly, though a few patches of moss had flourished along its deck.

Hm. This was definitely easier in the Passage, hed muttered, before gesturing everyone to board.

The giants proved difficult to accommodate, but no more so than Felix himself, who almost sank the barge when he stepped on it. Normally, Pit would have found that funny, but when his paws got soaked his first instinct had been to jump into the skyonly to have his back flare in terrible pain.

You okay? Felix asked. They were a ways across the river now, battling the swift currents with magic. The Goblin was in the back, pouring some Skill into the rear of the barge while the two giants used their icy weapons as paddles.

Fine, Pit said. He looked at his Companions feet and snorted.

What? Felix lifted one of his boots, and the Cloudstep beneath them crackled. This was the easiest solution. Im too heavy for a bunch of logs.

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Mhm. Surprised it could hold them.

The giants? Theyre really light for their size. Felix looked at the two warriors, a chain of new thoughts sparking behind his eyes. I wonder how many Evolutions they have. You think its rude to ask? No, right?

Pit let his friend wander away with thoughts pleasantly occupied and restrained a groan of relief. Busy is good. He worries too much.

They moved down the river, and Pit tried to enjoy the calm. The water was a constant murmur bordering on a roar, deep enough that there were no rapids or large rocks to bash their boat against, but so strong that it took all of the Shadows concentration to keep them on course. Pit sat on his hindlegs and all fours, but no position took his mind fully off the pain across his shoulders. It was a burning that never stopped, no matter the potions he lapped up or the salves the healers poured on. Whatever that High Guard had done with his damn sword, it wasnt getting better.

And he blames himself. Pit rubbed a russet paw against where his cheek met his beak. Silly boy.

My Lord? Is that it? Errol asked.

Felix stopped his pacing. Oh! Yeah. The entrance is there.

Ahead of them loomed a large island, situated right in the center of the river. A thick, mini forest dominated it, hung heavily with white powder and blue shadows. It was rocky and rough, but there was a low, snowy slope alongside the eastern-most side that they immediately pivoted toward. The current was considerably stronger around the edges of the island, but with a little help from Felix they were able to beach their barge a few minutes later.

Pit ambled off, for once enjoying the cold snow against his pawsit was a welcome distraction. Behind him, Felix let the barge collapse, the logs and vines rolling free into the river as the crew trudged up the slope.

Alright. According to my map, the entrance is a ways into those trees there. Felix pointed toward a stand of pale goliaths of bark and green needles. Stick close and keep an eye out. I dont sense any monsters we should be worried about, but, well.

He didnt need to finish the sentence. They had all experienced just how unpredictable this world could be, and the Shadows perhaps more than most. Protecting someone that got into as much trouble as his boy did was incredibly stressful. Worth it, though, he added with a fierce growl. Felix shot him a look, but Pit ignored it.

They walked a time, the giants blazing a trail through the waist-high snowdrifts and everyone else on high alert. Not Felix, though.

Weird how we had to come to an island to get to the next Passage. Why is the entrance here? Is there a reason?

Dunno, Kress admitted. You said these are spaces between the Realms, yes? Then perhaps it is like crockery.

Felix blinked. Im sorry?

The Human mage flushed. O-oh um, I mean, like when you drop a plate? The crockery breaks, but it does so in patterns based on how it fell. Maybemaybe these Passages formed the same way?

Felix was silent but Pit let out a contemplative trill. Thats interesting.

It is. Hm. If thats true, then how did they break in the first place? Did the Realms collide? Felix wandered ahead, already lost in thought.

The mage stared after him, looking a little uneasy. Is heIt was just a guess. I havent the expertise to speak on such topics. I dont think he should consider it so seriously.

Pit laughed, a low warble in his throat. Then say nothing. Felix thinks it’s interesting, so it is.

Oh. The mages Spirit blossomed as confidence and a measure of self-satisfied warmth grew within her. Alright.

Pit chirruped noncommittally and their procession returned to a companionable silence. They passed a stand of ash trees and the snow lessened considerably, allowing them to spread out from their single-file line into the forest.

What is that? Pit slowed his stride, sniffing at the air. That smells

It was familiar, but in a way that Pit couldt place at all. A vague sense of comfort and warmth bounced through his thoughtsmemories of himself nestled against his mother, tucked in her fur and feathers as she flew above the Foglands. Now that it was conjured, Pit could almost see it, and each whiff of that intoxicating scent pushed the memories into sharper relief.

Were here.

Pit drew to a stop, belatedly noticing that all the others had gathered around Felix in a loose semi-circle. His Companion raised a glowing hand and slashed open another portal, this one a silver-studded expanse just as the last.

Ok, Felix said. Errol?

Of course, my Lord. Kress and Devi, enter with both eyes open and secure our landing space.

Aye, sir, they responded in unison. The Human mage and Risi Warrior stepped through, vanishing as if theyd sank beneath inky waves.

A handful of minutes later, the giant poked his head back through. We are good, sir. It is very quiet, but we havent seen anything come out of the waters.

Errol smiled. Very well. My Lord? After you.

Waters, huh? Felix rubbed his hands together, his eager curiosity contagious. A grin pulled at Pits expression too. I gotta see this.

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Inside it was much the same as the last Dark Passage. The sky was dark and nearly devoid of stars, an oppressive silence hung over the world like a shroud, and their group found themselves on a barren stone island. However, the mountains were replaced by a wide, rushing river that seemed to expand in every direction for miles. In the cloying dark, not even Felixs senses could pick out the shape of its banks.

Once again, Felix had created his flying boat. Unlike the log barge hed made back in Nagast, the craft all but leaped into shape the moment Felix began, as if it were a mold he simply filled up with magic.

Curious, he mused. Felix ran his hands over the railings as they got underway again. Is it because of Chthonic Traveler and Labyrinthine Wing that its so easy to make stuff here?

Lucky for them that it was so simple. Not ten minutes after taking flight, the little island was swarmed by strange, writhing shapes. Voidbeasts. He recognized the feel of them, if not their exact type. Never seen them before.

Voracious Eye!

Name: Umbraflail

Type: Voidborn

Level: 65

HP: 4309/4309

SP: 3327/3444

MP: 340/0

Lore: Drawn to sources of Mana, these creatures are an evolution of the common Tenebril by reducing the amount of Mana required for them to survive. This means they have begun to subsist on pieces of the Void itself, which has turned their flesh strange and greatly increased their aggression.

Strength: More Data RequiredWeakness: More Data Required

Oh, neat. Felix relayed the details to his team. Lets keep away from them. I canyeah, theres more in the water. We need to get higher.

Manaship Pilot is level 37!

Felix did just that, navigating their unnamed vesselSailwhale! Pit insisted, againfurther away from the rivers surface. Below, Felix could sense those Umbraflails moving about, gathering in groups large enough that he could never fully make out the shape of them. Like Tenebrils they seemed to be mostly made of tentacles, which they used to swim through the waters and push of the numerous ice floes that bobbed in the mighty currents.

Heavy winds buffeted them, strong enough that several times the sharp gusts would produce a shower of multi-colored sparks from the crystal above their heads. Felix wove through them as best he could, guiding the ship among the chill weather with increasing skill. It was likely due to Labyrinthine Wing, but he started to find their path incredibly easyeven as he instinctively knew that if they fell beneath those dark waters, they would not rise again.

The journey was oddly longer than the last leg. Perhaps that was because of a lack of reference pointsit was all water and bobbing icebergs as far as the eye could see. They moved, clearly, but to Felix it felt like running on a treadmill. However, when the exit drew near, his Skill made him aware of its location like a beacon in the dark.

Another island, this one covered in frost and small, stunted trees. Felix guided the ship down as gently as he could, but still ended up grinding the bottom of the wooden whales belly into several splintered trunks. Folks jerked and stumbled, the vessel coming to a rough and ignoble stop.

Pit gave a reproachful chirrup and Felix grinned. Sorry about that. Were here.

The Shadows climbed off the ship just behind Felix and his Companion, gathering behind them as he ripped open the exit portal with a glimmering fist. The wind immediately went wild, both around them and from within the portal itself.

Holy crap, whats going on there? Felix asked. Just inside the portal the light swirled in a riot of blues, greens, and white as a bone-deep chill rolled like fog into the Passage.

The Hoarfrost, Veddi said with a long inhale. Thats the Wildfrost. Id recognize that scent anywhere.

Home, confirmed Devvi.

Wildfrost? Pit asked.

Big storm that roves the north. Moves like an animal, hunting the weak and uplifting those strong enough to face its wrath. Veddi grinned, his steel-colored teeth gleaming in the arctic light. A potent sign for your arrival, my Lord.

Lets hope so. Ill go first, this time. Felix walked up, ignoring lieutenant Errols protests, and stepped through the portal.

Snow dominated his view, a lace curtain that immediately blinded him to all but the razor-sharp wind that was so cold it cut through a good portion of his resistance. His Garment rippled, responding to his needs to become a heavy, fur-lined coat and breeches, and Felix took several cautious steps forward.

Honestly, this is kinda nice compared to the bleak river. His legs crunched in knee-high drifts as he made a small circle around the portal. I dontAh. People.

There were many nearby, two groups, perhaps five hundred yards to the north. His Perception was a bit stymied by the dazzling swirl of wind and snow, so it was his Affinity that caught their presence. Moreover, it snagged on immense quantities of aggression, anger, and pain.

Behind him, the portal flared as his Shadows and Pit pushed through. Stay together, theres something going on.

Pit shoved his way to Felixs side, ears laid flat against his head as he squinted into the storm. What is it?

I think A scream ripped across the sky, louder by far than the howling wind. A fleet of creatures tore through the falling snow, incredibly fast and trailing tails of purple-white Mana. Shields up! Defensive positions! Felix ordered.

The creatures are distracted! screamed a voice he recognized. It was from one of the group up ahead. We attack now!


No! They are ours, traitor! Witches! Loose thy power!

All at once, Felix felt a concussive whump as Skills were launched en masse. Through the chaotic storm and the wheeling monsters in the air, he couldnt keep track of the kinds of attacksonly that his people were dead center in the way.

God fucking damn it.

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