Unbound Chapter Five Hundred And Seventy – 570

Chapter Five Hundred And Seventy – 570

Thanks in part to an impromptu festival, everyone made it out of Elderthrone with little effort. Vess was more than a little surprised at thatthe guards they had posted at the walls werent ones to slack off, after all. Yet every one of them had been distracted by one thing or another.

Did Karys set this up? she wondered. Vess had spotted Henaari, giants, and Yttin among the distractors, leading their fellows along the wall or giving them food and drink. She might have been alarmed were it not for the excitement and joy that radiated from Elderthrone. Remarkably effective.

Yes. The metal man is quite adept, Yintarion sent along their bond. He was still curled away between her collar and her fur-lined cloakeven his mental voice was muffled and drowsy. Please, little Dragoon. Keep your thoughts quiet. Dragons require their rest.

Of course, Yin. Her Companion had eaten yet another deep river fish early that morning, and it seemed his digestion was getting the better of him. Rest well.


The caravan came to a stop a short distance into the forest, settling between a pair of hills that kept them hidden from the walls. Just in case. They were fifty strong, all of them Claw members, and they moved with a preternatural stillness that Vess still found odd to witness. Their efficiency and professionalism was leagues beyond anything they had displayed before, back when they had first set out for Ahkestria. Admittedly only the best were allowed to accompany them on this mission, considering its importance and danger, but it just went to show how much Darius and Harn had put into their training.

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Vess stood at the front, with Harn, Beef, Hallow, and Evie to either side. Are we waiting for Felix?

Aye. And Pit. Harn was in full battlegear, though his armor looked a bit different. Darker. At ease!

The Claw relaxed around them, their tight formations softening slightly as small conversations sprouted up among the soldiers. Whether they were Human or Goblin, Henaari or Yttin, they all wore a set of armor with similar elements: dark plate etched with scales, nondescript cloaks, and dark helms of a strange design. All of it had the faint haze of enchantment to her Elemental Eye, but she hadnt the expertise to even begin to identify what sorts. Analyze picked out the details of their make, but only on a surface level. Leviathan bone. You have made good use of it, Harn.

Hm. Its a damn good material. Stronger than steel, able to hold an edge like nothing short of orichalcum, and it takes enchantment like a dream. He tapped his own chest. Upgraded my own set with it, in fact. Was worried my Born Trait wouldnt interact with it properly, but turns out those bones are more metal than not.

I hate to be rude, but what is your Born Trait?

Aint rude, kid. Resilient Steel. Harns frog-mouth helm peeled backward as if folding into itself, leaving his head completely bare and exposing his self-satisfied grin. Despite the name, it lets me have a limited influence over any kinda metal I can touch. Its a Mana and Stamina hog though.

I thought the armor itself was enchanted?

It is. That just expands my control into something a bit more like a shapin Skill. Lets me control a bit more, at the cost of even more Mana and Stamina. He pulled one of his twin axes from his belt, and it too was made of dark Leviathan bone. The bearded axe head rippled, gaining a spike along the back before returning to its normal look. Useful in a pinch.

Hey thats like me, Beef said, his deep voice breaking slightly in his excitement. He hurriedly lifted up a sharp war pick and conjured a spiked maul around its length. Mines a Skill though.

Chitin, right? Harn asked.

Yeah. Wait, no. Keratin now, according to the Skill evolution. Beef went to scratch his head, but was stymied by his orichalcum helm. I uh, dont know the difference. Ones bugs. The other isfingernails?

Gross, Evie said.

Wait, no. Imagine I said something cooler, Beef pleaded. Its likehorns! And claws!

Too late, Beefy. Now please put your Fingernail Smasher away, its upsetting the soldiers.

Vess turned more toward Harn, ignoring Beef and Evie. Is the bone easier or harder to control?

Harder, and the cost is a good deal more than my high steel set. He shrugged, sliding his axe back into his belt. Worth it.

Considering how unstoppable the man had proven in the past, Vess was inclined to agree. Is that why you were so drawn to smithing?

Harn grinned. Part of it, yeah. Mostly it was justmakin things is nice, when all you do is destroy.

You a philosopher now, old man? Evie asked, turning away from the Minotaur and rubbing her hands together from the depths of her thick fur cloak. Beef was behind her, clutching his weapon to his chest like an overprotective mother. I hate waiting. I dont care how good my resistance gets, this cold is in my bones.

You have an ice core, Evie.

And you have a buncha wind, doesnt mean you cant hate how it messes up your hair.

Vess laughed and held up her hands in surrender. Point made.

Good. Ugh. Whyre we out here, when we could be Shadowgatin across the Continent? Ill take some Void beasts over all this snow.

There is no gate that opens near the Rimefang Mountainsat least not one we can open from this side, Vess explained. We hope to rectify that on the return trip, so long as we can find the paired gate and restore it. A couple of the remaining Shadowgates showed a series of mountains in their designs, but they couldnt be certain if any were correct. Vess had once seen an ancient map of her own Territory, etched into metal older than their current Age, and it showed lakes and mountains where none now existed. The Shadowgates were many times older than that mapthere was no telling how the Continent had changed. That is partly why we brought so many of the Claw with us. They can scout far more efficiently while we travel.

And whatre they plannin on doin? Evie asked, nodding at the grip of men and women in heavy woolen travel clothes and fur cloaks a touch finer than anyone else’s.

Vess didnt have a clue. The Chanters had joined them moments after their group had left Elderthrone. Ten of them including Zara and Isla, they hadnt spoken to them at all. Instead they were simplywaiting.

Harn shrugged. I dont really like the idea of them comin along, but theyre strong. Thatll be a help.

You trust em? Evie asked. When Harn didnt answer except to grunt, she looked to Beef. What about you, big guy? Islas your minder, right? You trust her?

Beefs jaw clenched, but he didnt answer either. Instead, the small rock Homunculus at his side did. MichBeef does not feel comfortable with them at this time.

You neither, huh?

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Evie. Enough, Vess interrupted. If we are to travel together, then it will be better if we can all get along.

Oh cmon, Vess! You cant tell me

Elemental Eye is level 79!

Invisible to most, the sound-ward around the Chanters burst apart, releasing a series of alarmed shouts from within. The Chanters stumbled back, clearly surprised to find a dark figure at their center, a man whose eyes gleamed like motes of fire.

Ah, Felix. Just the man weve been waiting for, Zara said. She was one of the few who had not moved; just her and the elderly Mauvim.

Hey, Zara.

How did you breach our ward? one of the Chanters asked. An Elven man named Laur. I was holding that and did not feel you at all.

Felix just shrugged, and Vess fought off a smirk. Darius might have been training him with swordplay, but he was a student of Harns, through and through. He turned to Mauvim. Why are you all here? I gave some pretty specific instructions to Zara earlier today.

The stooped woman leaned on her cane and peered up at Felixs face. You demanded that we stay put, while you leave on a dangerous mission into lands unknown. We cannot condone that, Lord Autarch. You are too important.

Felix raised an eyebrow. Are you forbidding me from going to rescue another Unbound?

The old woman squinted. We wouldnt presume to do so, Lord Autarch. We must offer the choice of our protection, however. It is our duty.The danger presented by the Continent is desperate enough, not to mention the threat of the Corrupted.

My choice is to go without any of you.

Mauvim bowed. I will respect that choice, just as I hope you will respect mine to send these Chanters on a journey of their own. They too have business within the Rimefang Mountains.

Clever. Mauvim was circumventing Felixs approval while still allowing him to save face. She wasnt a fan of the tactic, but there was little Felix could do against it.

Yin roused at her neck, stretching his little claws. Mng. What is?

The Chanters are outmaneuvering Felix.

Hmph. Useless.

Vess looked down to see Yins lizard-like face peek out of her cloak. What is?

All of it. What is cleverness before the might of a Dragon?

A massive surge of pressure dropped onto them like a hammer from the heavens. Vess gasped in surprise and she wasnt aloneher friends and the Claw members stumbled, though all retained their feet. The situation was far different for the Chanters, however.

Every single one of them had been brought to their knees.

Felix stood over Mauvim, his eyes truly burning now. Licks of red-gold and crackling blue-white snapped outward as branches snapped from nearby trees and the snow itself was pummeled into a perfect circle. The limits of that circle stopped just shy of Vess and the others. His SpiritThey werent even feeling the full brunt of it, just the overflow.

The Spirit of a Dragon, Yin said, approvingly.

I tried being nice about it, but I dont have the patience for politics, Mauvim. The words came out as more of a growl than words. I told you my choice. I thought that was sacred to you?

Wesimplywished to help.

Hmph. You want to help? Fine. A silver cord swam out from Felixs palm, coiling around and around as the loops formed a complicated knot. Ill bring two Chanters. Ill choose who, and they will follow every order I give them while on this journey. Agreed?

The pressure let up, and two Chanters rushed forward to help Mauvim to her feet. She waved them both off and stood under her own power, cane bending alarmingly. She eyed the Oath in Felix hand. That would give you a great deal of power over my people.

It does. If it helps, I swear not to endanger their lives without their consent. The silver knot changed, thickening. I cant have distrust among those with me.

Very well. Mauvim took his hand, and the silver knot suddenly tightened between the two of them. Neither of them so much as twitched. I imagine you will wish Zara and Isla to accompany you

No, Felix interrupted. I need an expert in wards, an expert with Dwarves and their culture, and both need to be good in a fight.

I am a dab hand with wards, but no expert, Zara said. I would suggest Laur in my stead.

Vess raised her brows. Did they plan this?

Excellent, Felix nodded at the Elven Chanter, who looked more than a little poleaxed.

And I am quite versed in Dwarven culture, said the tattooed Tzfell. She gestured to her Dwarven features. As you might suppose.

Vess might have imagined it, but Zara twitched her chin and Felix clapped his hands. Perfect. Will you take the same Oath?

They both agreed to it, and soon were hunched over as the Oath settled into their Spirits. Beneath Vess hood, Yin just laughed.

Perhaps cleverness has its place, too.

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