Unbound Chapter Four Hundred And Seventeen – 417

Chapter Four Hundred And Seventeen – 417


The Highest Flame’s tendrils flickered and vanished from his channels. Atar fell, hitting the ash hard enough for something in his knee to snap. He sprawled into the scorching soot, too consumed with pain to pull back from it all. Worst of all, the curse within his legs sped upward, no longer held at bay by the Flame’s influence. It raced up his calves, knees, and lower thighs...before halting again. The screaming sands and howling lightning of the storm around him sputtered and failed, before going silent. Then, between one breath and the next, it was all gone.


The words rolled off Atar, as senseless as the growling of a sandwolf. His pain consumed him. The curse might have vanished, but the imploding hole just above his navel was ever-present. Magma burned in his veins and channels alike, while within his core space it was a worsening vacuum. His core was cut off from the greatest source of his strength and it flickered, dwindling and dying as half-visible threads were shorn free of its base. He had chosen this fate, to sever his alliance with the Highest Flame, to deny Her in the throes of death.

I don’t regret it! he bellowed silently. I reject all that you are, Flame!

Immense cracking resounded through his Body, audible to only himself. A void opened up within him, a yawning darkness beneath the sigil-carved flooring of his core space. Fire and oil spilled into the crevasse, swallowed utterly as the screams that tried to tear from Atar’s chest. Blackened blood pooled on his tongue, foul and burnt by raging forces inside of himforces that would leave nothing left of Atar V’as in the end.


His partner was so close, beyond the ash and still-blinding heat and flames. Fire raged upward, the white hot center of the Urge expanding by two strides, licking at his feet. So close and so far. He would never make it away from the expanding Urge, or up the slope of the basin. The last brilliant orange thread snapped, and the crumbling depths of his core widened. He was alone, cut off from his long-earned power, and unraveling from the inside out.

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Yet in his despair, another thread was revealed. A bond he’d thought undone along with his old Oath...yet which glimmered in brilliant silver around the splintering remnants of his core. It thrummed, pulsing with sounds that he almost couldn’t hear, until his Affinity snagged upon it.

Do you accept this power?

Atar did not hesitate. YES!

Attempting To Establish Sympathetic Link...

Tier III Link Already Established.

Essence Redirection Allowed.

A swirl of System notifications crowded Atar’s vision, but they were trumped by the swell of searing heat that slammed into him. That cable of silver shunted power through a huge distance and into his core space, a torrent of raw violence that ripped through him. Yet it did no damage to his injured internals, in fact the opposite: where it met the flesh curse it overwhelmed it with an inexorable tide, smothering it by its sheer density and weight. Atar wheezed at the sudden cessation of pain, numbed by the whiplash of sensation, and saw his core shift in hue. Its dimming yellow-orange flame brightened, expanding to fill its basin and turning a pure white edged in bloody crimson. The fire did not stop there, but followed the glut of Essence as it crystallized around his sundered internal space, until it felt as if Atar’s entire body burned with the purest of flames. 𝚏𝗿𝗲ew𝐞b𝐧o𝚟𝚎𝗹.com


Atar ignored it’s ranting, instead welcoming the power. If nothing else, Felix had a knack for survival. Atar wasn’t about to turn down a last minute rescue from the man.

Tier III Link Advanced To Tier IV!

The mage’s core shifted, too much to follow. The threadthe Linkwas now the same crimson-edged white as his core flame, and it had branched. A veritable spider’s web arced between his core and the smaller basins that once filled his internal space. Where a Skill was or had been, the threads looped and spun, holding them together just the same as it held together his central Altar. That deep well of power spread, coursing across his Skills until stone and sigil reformed, pressed together and sealed together with crystalline energies.

Deep crimson sigils puckered the floor, incorporating the repairing cracks and a spreading layer of faceted crystal. Mini-altars that had been all but shattered now pressed back together, shifting positions among the network of his core space, but reformed.


Skills Have Become Unmoored!


Tier IV Link Has Changed You!

Skills And Their Effects Have Been Affected!

All Choices Have Consequences.

Agony unlike anything before blasted through Atar’s Aspects. Mind, Spirit, and Body convulsed and broke apart, the spaces between filled and rearranged by threads and gleaming, unbreakable crystal.


Atar’s eyes opened to an obliterating storm, one that was savaging his people...but it was not the sand and lightning they had seen before, but a swirling inferno. Huge tongues of primal flame lashed outward, charring wood and stone and melting metal beneath its annihilating heat.


Still dazed from the roil of power within, Atar stared in mute horror as unprotected Temple Guards and Legionnaires alike were instantly turned to ash. A great many of the former had already died, as most of the Legion were cradled in green-blue shields. Much closer, a cocoon of bright yellow Mana shielded Alister and Fiammetta, though the Faun was swaying on her feet.

"Stop," Atar mumbled through the ashes around him. Despite the inferno above him, here it had all gone cold. He pushed up on trembling arms and leveraged himself until he could see the writhing center of the Urge. "Stop now!"

ATAR. BETRAYER AND FORSAKEN CHILD. YOU CANNOT HOPE TO UNDERSTAND THE STAKES. The Urge’s voice was loud, stabbing at him and everyone around them. Atar was numb though, so full up on pain that a little more made little difference. THAT WHICH HAS PRESERVED ME, THIS ENTIRE CITY, IS GONE! EATEN UP BY THE HUNGER AND BEAST! BUT YOU WILL ALL SERVE AS A REPLACEMENT.

"No we won’t you pompous idiot," Atar spat, his wits spooling back together. Notifications flashed at him, pushing into his awareness and tingling gut. "I won’t let you."

The Urge paused, then the sheer weight of her pressed down on the mage. Atar grunted as the air superheated and the metal basin beneath his feet turned cherry red. His Fire Resistance was not enough to protect him in the face of it all, but Atar lifted his chin to stare the Highest Flame down regardless.


The heat drove the air from his lungs, consuming it, and Atar gritted his teeth. His eyes and skin dried out, splitting along his cheeks and forehead, but he refused to waver. He choked out a word, pressing his tongue against the roof of his mouth for enough moisture. The fire mage grasped a potion at his waist. Most of it had boiled away in the heat, and the rest was a scalding mixture that hurt as much as it healed.

The Urge twisted, her inhuman body of flames peering at him. STILL YOU FIGHT. NOTHING YOU CAN SAY WILL CHANGE THE WAY IT MUST BE, ATAR V’AS.

Atar shoved his hands up, straight into the brilliant white flames of the Urge’s center. It scorched him, burning his skin and ligaments instantly, but he refused to let go. "Spiritual Immolation!"


Spiritual Immolation Has Been Affected By Your Tier IV Link!


Spiritual Immolation (Rare) Has Evolved Into Primal Firestorm (Epic)!

Level Has Been Maintained!

Primal Firestorm (Epic), Level 62!

An evolution of Spiritual Immolation, this turns your very flesh to primal flame for the duration, rendering yourself immune to fire damage for a brief period of time and greatly boosting the effectiveness of fire attuned Skills. Duration increases slightly per level.

Atar became elemental fire, his form held together by only his patchwork Willpower and infant Intent. The debilitating heat of the Urge was instantly negated, but the pressure of the Highest Flame did not subside. In fact, it only increased as the Urge’s surprised swiftly changed to indignation.


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"Try this one," Atar said, his voice somehow conveyed among his non-body. "Strength Ignition!"


Strength Ignition Has Been Affected By Your Tier IV Link!


Strength Ignition (Uncommon) Has Evolved Into Inexorable Enkindling (Legendary)!

Level Has Been Maintained!

Inexorable Enkindling (Legendary), Level 71!

An evolution of Strength Ignition, this Skill absorbed fire and heat Mana from one’s surroundings with even greater fidelity. Absorbed elemental Mana vastly increases your Strength, Endurance, and Vitality, turning a powerful mage into a potent warrior for a short period of time. Exhaustion follows the deactivation of this Skill. Amount absorbed increases slightly per level, duration increases slightly per level, exhaustion decreased slightly per level.

The heat and flameall that was entwined in Atar’s incorporeal fingertipswas pulled into him. Willpower met Willpower, Urge versus Human mage. Both injured, but the crimson-edged flame of Atar burned brighter with every passing second. Potency surged along his Link with Felix, and along with it came a weight that he’d never before experienced. A vast accumulation of meaning strengthened Atar’s grasp, dislodging the Urge’s resistance like the fingers of a recalcitrant child. With a horrible, screaming denial, the Highest Flame was pulled into Atar’s Body.

The Urge was gone, and so was her terrible firestorm.

"Atar! You’re alive!" Alister shouted. Heedless of the once-burning ash and scorching basin, the force mage leaped into the Altar and rushed to his partner’s side. "Your...your eyes are burning."

Atar blinked, his smile at seeing Alisterand even Fiammettaunharmed faltered. "My eyes?"

"You look like Felix," Alister said, slowly. He shook himself. "What did you do? Where the Urge?"

Atar opened his mouth to answer, but explosive pain split the skin at his shoulder, releasing a gout of white-hot flame. "Step back!"

Alister scrambled backward, and Atar buckled with the pain. The Urge was inside him, absorbed into his Skill...but it wasn’t gone. She raged in his core, fighting with everything she had. Legendary Skill or not, he couldn’t hold her. But he could make use of her.

"Crown of Ignis!"


Crown of Ignis Has Been Affected By Your Tier IV Link!


Crown of Ignis (Rare) Has Evolved Into Astrum Revelation (Legendary)!

Level Has Been Maintained!

Astrum Revelation (Legendary), Level 71!

An evolution of Crown of Ignis, this summons a mantle of burning flame that greatly enhances the potency and quantity produced by Stars of the Sovereign. Amount and potency of Stars are increased slightly per level, aggression and sense of superiority increased per level.

A seven-tined crown the size of the Altar basin manifested around Atar. From its burning white shape emerged a dozen Stars of the Sovereign, each one the size of a full grown man and crackling with crimson-edged violence.

"Atar? What’s happening?" Alister asked. He had lifted a hand against the intense heat and peered past it blearily at Atar’s heat-warped form. "We have to run! There are too many!"

"Too many?" Atar scoffed. The Urge’s frustrated screams were drowned out by a sneering dominance that settled atop Atar’s Mind. "Let’s fix that then."

Three of the huge Stars swept outward, enormous comets of pure destruction. Temple Knights and Paladins alike were caught in the burning ruination, which left flesh, wood, and even stone aflame in its wake. Atar laughed, amused that such idiots would dare stand up to him. The Paladins had all but retreated, some of the glow about them having faded. Atar hadn’t a clue why, and didn’t care. The invaders must be destroyed, no matter the cost, so that others would know never to touch his people. His city. His.

"Atar! Atar stop! Aim for the Manaships!"

The voice shouting at his side was rude and inconsiderate of his betters, but it made a valid point. Better to destroy their ships because...because why?

"The relays! Destroy the relays!" the familiar voice prodded, screaming now.

Ah yes! Atar lifted his hand, sending the rest of his Stars upward, shattering through the glass windows and streaking into the sky. Two Manaships, huge galleon-sized beasts, were hit from below and the crimson-edged fire sliced into its hull like a hot knife through butter.

The sky exploded, white flames turning to brilliant orange blooms that consumed both ships utterly. Atar laughed, head thrown back, and the scream from inside of him was squelched entirely.

None! None can resist my power!


That word was the only warning he had as a body of brilliant flame crashed into him. Atar screeched fury and drew his Astrum Revelation close. The swirling ring of power constricted on them both, containing the Grandmaster’s furious assault. "You dare steal the protection of our people? You fool!"

"I dare whatever I wish!" Atar shouted, reveling in his own audacity. "Sovereign of Stars!"

Smaller Stars of white flame manifested and flew at the grey-skinned mage. The man was hurt from his fight against Zara, but he countered the Stars with contemptuous ease. "You call that power? I shall show you and your hidden ally what it means to contend the heavens!"

A halo of terrible might surged up around the Grandmaster, and heat spread outward to begin liquefying the metal basin around them. It was potency enough to remind Atar’s delirious Mind why he basically ruled the city of Ahkestria. Atar only grinned however, prepping his new powers to counter his fool of a master.

Nearby, that familiar voice bellowed in fear and pain, and a true piece of Atar wrenched inside of him.


Kel’lyv surged forward, his glowing fist leading the way. Distracted for only a second, the bonuses of his Inexorable Enkindling already fading, Atar couldn’t dodge in time. Bright orange flame met crimson-edged white, and blasted it apart. The strike took him full force in the chest, and the two of them hit the cherry-red metal, bringing all of it down in a mighty crash.

Alister stood atop a pillar of force Mana, balanced precariously atop the slagged and crumpled Altar basin. His robes were covered in sootscorched away completely in more than one placeand his Body was little better off...but he didn’t care about any of it.

C’mon Atar. Get up.

From the center of the basin, there came a deep groaning. The sound of heated metal rapidly cooling, and then clambering hands pulled at its still-soft surface, dragging up a man in tattered robes. Alister’s heart fell. The man was bald and grey, and he dusted off his robes with disgust before looking up, right at Alister.

"Would that I had the time to teach you all the same lesson," the Grandmaster said, gesturing at the darkened depression he’d climbed out of. "But you do not matter. Only that boy."

The Grandmaster lifted into the air, his glow greatly diminished, but his Body wasn’t hurt at all. Alister didn’t care.

Grand Impetus!

A blast of force Mana surged out of Alister’s rapier, refined to a needle point, but the Grandmaster parried it with nothing but the edge of his bare hand. He didn’t even glance at Alister only altered his trajectory and hurtled off, through a battlion of retreating Paladins, smearing them into bloody chunks before vanishing.

"Damn you!" Alister shouted after him, then leaped down, into the cratered Altar.

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