Unbound Chapter Twenty Eight - 028

Chapter Twenty Eight - 028

Harn scowled.

Things weren’t going how they were supposed to.

The fog rolled, thick as ever, but now it covered a treacherous ground covered in ice. Ever since they entered these city ruins, bigger and bigger chunks of the path had been coated in the stuff, as if something was walking around and freezing all it touched. To Harn’s knowledge, there was no record of a creature capable of this, not in the Foglands.

Something’s changed. Harn made eye contact with Magda, seeing his own uncertainty reflected there. What’s going on here?

Madga had been increasingly reclusive during this trip, leaving most of the training to him. If he were being honest, that is how Harn preferred it anyway, since two captains can muddy orders. But Maggie and Harn had worked together for nearly five years now, and they had worked out all the kinks of their partnership. Usually the duo would take some trainees into a dangerous area, bring them close to death to activate their Reveal before pulling them out and eliminating any threats. They’d done this close to two dozen times now, and while they had some higher profile trainees this time, nothing should have changed.

But then Callie went missing.

Calesca Boscal was their third member in the beginning, but had left a few years back to pursue a promotion. She was Silver Rank just as they were, but her skills as a finder of lost things gave her an edge in the Guild’s acquisitions department. She’d go to remote locations, scout them, find any treasures she could carry and report back on the rest. The Guild would send others to get the remainder, while Callie would get shipped off on another mission. It was perfect for her, and she had seemed truly happy.

Maggie hadn’t liked it.

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The two of them had a complicated history, and their on again off again relationship was part of the reason for Callie taking the job. At least in Harn’s opinion. Never one to mix his personal life in his job, he saw the warning signs long ago and stayed far away from it. It all blew up quite spectacularly but Maggie still carried a torch, that was clear.

Harn stepped up toward Magda, speaking in a low tone. "This is getting bad. Reminds me of Neven in all the wrong ways."

Magda nodded absently, her eyes scanning the fog. "It’s too quiet."

Harn fingered the axe blade at his waist, thinking. "I know--listen, Maggie-"

"-there’s nothing here!" Came the furious whisper behind them. Harn turned to see Atar leaning aggressively toward Evie and the Duke’s kid, arms spread wide as if to encompass the whole area. "It’s been hours! They said this was filled with monsters that would push us to our limits! HAH! We haven’t seen a beast greater than a mouse since we passed that ravine!"

"Shut it, Sparky," Harn growled. The kid was getting on his nerves, even if he was making some good points. "There are--"

"No!" The kid puffed himself up, his face red from outrage and hands balled into fists at his hips. "You’re not in charge anymore! You don’t even know what you’r--"

"I said quiet, fool!"

Harn heard something. A soft crunch not coming from their own boots.


"What was that?" Atar asked, his voice finally softer.


"That?" Harn asked, unsheathing his axe and rolling his shoulders to loosen them up.


Four hulking humanoids loomed in the fog, easily twice their size, blue skinned, and covered in crude metal armor. They hefted large metal clubs and axes, a dangerous gleam in their dark eyes.

"That’s a monster, Sparky." Harn grinned under his helmet, his blood rushing through his veins as his Brawler’s Physique was unleashed. "It’s time to hunt."


I can’t believe it.

Felix had huddled in the shadow of the ruined home for almost ten minutes now. He felt paralyzed, alternately looking at his Quest update and the giantfolk that were still visible through the window. Not only did his Home Sweet Home quest list the Risi as threats to be eliminated, but also the Archon? That big golden douche with the pet sandwurm?

This quest is trying to kill me, he decided. How--what possible way did he have at his disposal to--

Felix took a breath.

It’ll be...fine. I-I can figure it out.

Felix crept back toward the window, careful not to touch the sill which was slowly being covered in the encroaching frost. One of the Risi were agitated, and the other seemed like they couldn’t be bothered. He could use that.

Think. Use the environment against them. Felix scowled as he inventoried his available Skills. He had built up quite the diverse range of tools, so he had options. I just have to make the most of them. Gotta lure them away, handle them one by one. Those muscles suggest high Strength, and those weapons...

He Analyzed the nearest club, a great beast of a weapon at five feet long and nearly a foot wide at the tip. Like a brutal iron spike, it tapered toward the handle, shaped into a rough pyramidal shape. His range had extended since hitting Apprentice Tier, pushing him well past twenty feet.

Name: Crude Iron Club

Type: Bludgeoning

Lore: Made of crude iron, it is a raw and rough weapon, being both extremely heavy and poorly balanced. But it is brutally effective.

Ok. I can use that--

A high pitched scream cut off his thought. A third Risi warrior stomped into the square, carrying over his shoulder a squirming figure wrapped sloppily in a huge rope. The giant dropped its captive roughly onto the ground, where they hit the ice with a clatter of metal armor. The captive stopped moving, and Felix sucked in a breath. He ducked low as the giant turned toward his direction, and he motioned for Pit to stay back.

"Lathu. Ikta na raatu!" The newcomer roared. Felix peered up and saw the blue-skinned humanoid gesturing to several slash wounds on its arms and legs, where the armor didn’t protect as well. It was gesturing back the way it came, and for the others to follow. The uneasy giant wanted to follow almost immediately, bounding over to the new arrival like an eager puppy. Felix narrowed his eyes. It was hard to tell with their craggy features and white beards, but it seemed like that one was much younger than the rest, less experienced. The younger giant turned toward the other, who was still sprawled on the ground attempting to take a nap.

"Atcha, Jurvo! Klepas ta nata!" Young urged Lazy to get up, gesturing with his hands. Lazy ignored him and rolled over, muttering something in their tongue that Felix couldn’t make out. The meaning was clear, however, and the newcomer pointed at the unconscious captive and back at Lazy. They did this repeatedly, vigorously, until Lazy waved them off and nodded. The other two left, quickly jogging out into the dark.

Felix’s heart was in his throat. This was perfect, but only if--

Thunderous snoring began to fill the square. Lazy had fallen asleep.

Hell yes!

Felix crept outside the fallen building, coming as close to the outer corner as he could without passing into the square. Asleep or not, he didn’t want that giant to have a chance at line of sight on him. At the corner, the captive was just within range of his Analyze.

Name: Unknown Human Woman

Race: Human

Level: 19

HP: ???/???

SP: ???/???

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MP: ???/???

Lore: Humans are adaptable and prolific breeders. They can be found in many corners of the Continent.

Strength: Strength, Agility

Weakness: Endurance

She’s human! There are people here! The sudden relief he felt was palpable, so powerful it almost made him dizzy. For a period of time, Felix feared he had entered a world of monsters, that this endless terror field was all there was.

He just hoped she survived that body slam.

I have to get her out of there, before any of them come back. Eliminating the Risi is secondary compared to that.

Felix crept back into his shelter and started to plan.

He could use Stealth and sneak his way over to her, untie her and carry her away...No. Too slow, too much of a chance of waking the giant. And besides, was he strong enough to lift a full grown woman wearing what looked like plate armor? He didn’t know, and Felix sure as hell wasn’t going to gamble at this point.

He could use Stone Shaping to...make a barricade? Felix shook his head again. Too loud, too Mana intensive despite his internal Mana control.

Reign of Vellus could work, pulling her to him. Felix was still amazed at the changes in that spell. The evolution of that spell gave him some insights into how it worked, and while it could now push or pull, it still tended to discharge big gouts of electricity toward its target. There was probably a way around that using Fire Within, but not without practice and time he didn’t have. The other giants could be back at any moment.

Felix had other options, but nothing was perfect. Plans and tactics rattled through his head, ideas that could work or fail depending on this or that variable. One thing remained constant, though: he would have to untie her first and go from there. The sleeping giant...well he’d have to make sure he didn’t wake up. But first priority was the captive.

I’ll have to go with option one.

Felix looked over at Lazy, busily snoring away. The giant had pushed together its thick ice fiend ruff forming a pillow and had its long blue arms in a tangle. A club similar to the others’ was resting within easy reach, standing up and leaning against the ice-covered stone wall. His Perception could pick up the Risi’s heavy, steady breathing and even the faint burbling sound of drool pooling in its open mouth. With a grimace, Felix refocused.

Pit was next to him, and Felix kneeled down toward his friend. He couldn’t speak, worried to wake the giant, but he tried to somehow...push his thoughts toward the tenku. Companion Pact worked something like that right?

Stay back. Stay safe. Watch out for danger.

Pit...just looked at him blankly, tilting his birdlike head.

Felix sighed, silently. He could feel the warmth in his chest; the connection to Pit he’d been endowed with just a few days ago. He touched his chest and pointed toward the unconscious woman. He pointed at Pit and then at the ground. Pit looked between his hand and the ground several times before plopping himself down--rather grumpily, if he were being honest.

Sparing his friend a smile, Felix crept out of the shelter. He made sure Stealth was activated as much as possible and stepped out into the open.

Despite being as quiet as he possibly could be, Felix felt like each soft pad of his foot was agonizingly loud, his leather boots crunching against the ice. But he reached her without incident.

Stealth is level 22!

Up close, Felix could finally make out the captive’s features: she was breathing, and she was a young girl, maybe twenty years old. Younger than him by a fair margin at least, with dark brown hair and slightly darker skin. She was wearing a strange collection of enameled steel plates and flexible leather pieces. It looked really expensive. She didn’t have a weapon he could see, but that made sense. She was a captive after all.

Maybe she’s a mage? Felix’s eyes lit up at the thought. Now that’d be something. Maybe she can tell me--

A sudden snort sounded and Felix went absolutely still. Carefully, he turned around and was relieved to find the giant still sleeping. It had just rolled over.

Whew. Gotta hurry.

Felix tried to untie the rope. But it wasn’t tied. It was just wrapped tightly around the girl, held mostly in place by her own unconscious weight on top of it.

Shit. I can’t hold her and untie her. Felix tapped his lips before swallowing carefully. I’ll have to improvise.

Acid Stream

Felix formed a small globe of green liquid in his hand but did not push it in any direction; instead he let it pool there, spinning like a tiny planet above his palm. The spell fought against him, wanting to be released but he flexed his Willpower and it stopped. Then, very carefully, he dragged the orb across a thick rope section. With a hissing sizzle and three seconds time, the rope dissolved and fell apart. He did a silent victory dance in his head and kept on moving. It took nearly two minutes, but he had cut her loose without getting any of the corrosive liquid on the girl.

He had just pulled the last of the ropes off her body when he heard the faint crack of ice behind him. His Perception suddenly blaring in warning, Felix turned just in time to see a massive metal club swinging for his head.

Felix jumped back, using the same motion to kick the unconscious woman away from him and Lazy. She slid across the ice with the force of his push, fetching up against the wrecked building where Pit was hiding. That was all the attention Felix was about to afford however, because the Risi started swinging again.

The giant was strong, so strong that his swings felt like standing too close to a subway train. All wind and metal and instant death if he stepped in the wrong place. Felix backed up, again and again as he dodged around the Risi Warrior’s brutal attacks.

If just one of these attacks connect, it will destroy me. Felix was sweating, but the giant wasn’t even breathing hard.

Then Felix saw Pit drag the poor girl into the ruined building, and a weight lifted off his chest.

Felix rolled out of the way of another strike, came to his feet, and leaped off of a ice-coated boulder. He jumped back toward the giant, making it to eye level before he let loose a Corrosive Strike. Except, Felix didn’t stop to realize that once you were in the air you could no longer maneuver. The Risi knocked him from the sky with a swipe of its metal club, smashing him into the ice and stone with a cracking report.

Felix hit hard, and felt his bones creak. The ice beneath him shattered, and he saw his Health drop by 40%.

Fuck! He spit up blood onto the ice.

Armored Skin is level 3!

Armored Skin is level 4!

Felix felt a sudden rush of wind behind him and he rolled to the left quickly, barely evading another strike of the club. Coming to his feet, he squared off and fired an Acid Stream at the giant. The acid hit the Risi square in the chest, sizzling and bubbling against the metal armor, but failing to eat through it.

"Tch," Felix clicked his tongue, annoyed.

Reign of Vellus!

The giant, who had taken two steps toward him and was winding up his club, was sent stumbling as Felix tugged on the Risi’s unsupported left leg as it stepped forward. Felix rushed forward and swung a vicious uppercut.

Corrosive Strike!

His fists, enhanced with his acidic magic, blasted a large dent into the giant’s chest plate. Lazy even popped up momentarily into the air, and Felix followed up with a jump-assisted double-fisted slam onto the giant’s back.


Lazy hit the ice hard, shattering it further as frozen chips scattered up and into the air. Felix panted with effort, his arms almost numb from the vibrations of striking the giant’s hard skin.

The giant, however, simply stood back up. And grinned.

"You suck," breathed Felix. Then he charged back in.

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