Valkyrie’s Shadow Legacy of the Plains: Act 4, Chapter 2

Legacy of the Plains: Act 4, Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Immune, immune, immune, hmm…

In the glittering chambers of the Guild Treasury, Ainz Ooal Gown sifted through cabinets filled with data crystals.

Why are they arranged like this? Did we really have so many of these?

For some reason, the data crystals in the cabinets – while neatly sorted – all conferred effects that Undead were immune to. He went from cabinet to cabinet, trying to figure out where everything else had gone.

Negative Energy Damage, Level Drain, Attribute Damage, Poison, Disease, Confusion, Fear, Paralysis, Curse…

Puzzled, he stood back from his search.

I guess I have to call that guy…

『Pandora’s Actor.』

『Ainz-sama! I am overjoyed to–』

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『I’ve been looking through the mid-level data crystals in the treasury, but it looks like everything’s been reorganized.』

『Ah…that was me. I was sorting them by order of utility for this new world, then I thought it would be convenient if I arranged our stored materials that way. We have a tremendous supply of data crystals of that nature, and the vast majority of the peoples in the region are susceptible to their effects. I was hoping to gain your permission to configure new pieces of equipment.』

It was exactly the reason Ainz was in the treasury, except he was headed to a place where everything would be immune to those effects. Swept up in his excitement over visiting the mysterious Katze Plains, he had decided to put together various items to test on the plentiful Undead there. By doing so, he could conduct an in-depth comparison of this world’s mechanical systems to those of Yggdrasil. Perhaps he would uncover previously unknown weaknesses or advantages possessed by the Undead, and thus himself.

After he had completed his study, he figured that he could give the items to the Adventurer Guild as powerful showpieces to boost their appeal to the masses. He could even market them as Runecrafted equipment if he could find the right item frames…

Ainz turned his attention back to the Message.

『Out of curiosity, what did you have planned for that equipment?』

『Powerful showpieces for the Adventurer Guild – after personally testing them out, of course. We could place them in the point catalogue to give them something to aim for and boost their appeal to the masses. Since the data crystals utilized are all of the same nature, they should be extremely potent in the hands of our Adventurers while presenting a minimal threat to the Sorcerous Kingdom should they somehow be lost or turned against us.』

『Umu…well, it’s not a bad idea. Just don’t make them too easy to obtain. Where did you put the other data crystals? The ones that are effective against Undead targets.』

『Shall I return to the Treasury to guide you, Ainz-sama?』

『No – it’s fine. Just tell me where they are.』

He followed Pandora’s Actor’s directions, making his way deeper into the treasury. It wasn’t long until he found what he was looking for.

Demiurge should be getting started soon…I think he predicted that Roble would send a delegation to us a few months after that. Should I prepare some holy weapons for them? It might get me on their good side…

In his time exploring the New World, one thing Ainz had learned was that the people here had a hefty appetite for magic items. Even those that would be considered low-tier in Yggdrasil easily swayed hearts and minds. Cosmetic effects that ultimately did nothing could awe and overwhelm the sensibilities of veteran Adventurers and experienced craftsmen alike. Still, there was probably a limit to how far he could go: if a sword did nothing but glow, people would figure out how useless it was eventually.

Holy, Good, Light, Fire, Acid…should I throw in some attribute bonuses? Resistances? What sort of metals should I use for the frame? I wonder how much Star Silver we have stockpiled…using a little bit wouldn’t hurt…

As he wandered around picking up crafting materials, Ainz discovered that there was less Star Silver than he expected so he decided against using it. His bony hand drifted over a pile of Scarletite bars.

No, that’s probably overkill. All of the Undead I’ve run into would be instantly vaporized by the touch of a Scarletite weapon.

Ainz sighed over his conundrum. He naturally wanted to make the most effective weapons possible, but it was an unreasonable use of materials that they still had no way to replace. As far as he knew, alloys fashioned from Adamantite were the best that this world had to offer.

He reframed his thinking and tried to figure out what sort of items he could create with the data capacity of an item frame fashioned from Adamantite. In the end, he still picked up far more than he had initially intended to use.

Well, that’s just how it is, I guess. Let’s have some fun with this!

Next, he would need to head to the Great Library of Ashurbanipal and browse through Nazarick’s collection of item frame data. Once he was done there, he would have the Blacksmith NPC – no, it would be better to have Pandora’s Actor use Amanomahitotsu’s form to craft everything.

On his way out of the treasury, an item sticking out of a nearby pile of gold coins caught his attention.

Hm? This is a…bow?

Ainz reached out and pulled it from the pile.

Oh, it has one of those item frames that could pass for having runes. Lucky~

“「Appraise All Magic Item」.”

Ultimate Shooting Star Super…uwah, who came up with this name? No, this is just the kind of ridiculous naming that the people around here seem to love. I wonder who left this here – was it something one of us used when we were lowbies?

A wave of melancholy passed over him as he delved into his memories of Yggdrasil. He could tell right away that it wasn’t something a dedicated archer like Peroroncino would have used.

Its data allocation was far too haphazard – it was more like a stat stick. Beyond that, Ainz had no clue who it might have belonged to. In all likelihood, it was a cheap pickup or even a hand-me-down. Melee types would use weapons like this as a ranged option in situations where they couldn’t get in close to their targets or needed to pull mobs from a distance. The name was probably an attempt to entice prospective customers to buy it.

Still, it could be used here. More than that, it was probably a bow more powerful than anything that the people of the region had ever seen. He nodded to himself, tossing the weapon into his inventory before teleporting out of the Treasury.


After spending far too much time working with Pandora’s Actor to optimize all of his ‘Runecrafted’ weapons, Ainz made some last-minute checks of his inventory and equipment. Anticipation welled up within him as he walked out of Nazarick and cast Message.


『Yes, Ainz-sama?』

Shalltear’s reply was a mix of tension and excitement, but it was probably for completely different reasons from his own. Ainz cleared his throat.

『My preparations are complete. How are things on your end?』

『All has been prepared, Ainz-sama! We are ready to depart at your order. Shall I open a Gate for you?』

『Umu. We should be on our way. Thank you for your hard work.』

The portal of Shalltear’s Gate opened before him, and he stepped through into an unfamiliar place. It then occurred to Ainz that he didn’t know where Shalltear had prepared for their departure. Before he could attempt to get his bearings, her silvery voice chimed through the air as the Gate closed behind him.

“Announcing the arrival of His Majesty, the Sorcerer King!”

He stood facing an artificial waterfront with several channels. Cargo cranes stood over a multitude of berths. Rows of warehouses were arrayed behind him and a bridge ran overhead on tall stone columns. Across the water to the south, a line of towers connected by a massive wall blocked his view.

“Your Majesty,” a familiar voice drew his attention to the side, “welcome to Corelyn Harbour.”

A tall noblewoman adorned in cobalt and silver spread her skirts out in an elegant curtsey before him. Behind her, a row of attendants lowered their heads in unison.

“Countess Corelyn,” he replied with a regal nod. “Your work never ceases to impress. I believe the last time I was here, there was only the highway and an old bridge over the river.”

“All this was made possible through the cooperation of many,” Countess Corelyn replied. “Your Human subjects, the members of the Royal Court, Undead servitors, Dwarven architects, engineers and masons – it is an achievement shared by all of us, and otherwise impossible if not for Your Majesty’s vision of a harmonious realm.”

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“Umu,” a genuine smile filled his skeletal expression. “Excellent. Excellent, Corelyn-dono! This is exactly the sort of thing I desire to see in the Sorcerous Kingdom.”

“His Majesty permits you to raise your heads,” Shalltear said from beside him.

As one, Countess Corelyn and her retinue rose to face him. The young noblewoman beamed radiantly at his praise. An aura in Ainz’s Arcane Vision drew his attention to a middle-aged man standing behind the Countess’ right shoulder. He wore a black and silver tabard over enchanted plate mail. His shield, weapon and accessories all glowed faintly with magical power.

Ainz couldn’t say that it was weak by Yggdrasil standards. If the man was around level 20, his equipment would be considered level-appropriate. The entire panoply had a uniform quality that greatly overshadowed what was used by elites of the Empire’s First Legion. All things considered, it suggested that he had come from a nation far more advanced than the Baharuth Empire – at least from a military standpoint.

“A new member of your retinue, Corelyn-dono?”

“Ah, allow me to introduce you,” Countess Corelyn turned and gestured towards the man. “Captain Marcus Cavallaro, from the Slane Theocracy. He is the leader of the Paladins assisting with temple duties in Corelyn County.”

“Your Majesty,” the Paladin Captain offered a crisp salute. “I am humbled to stand in your presence.”

Not bad. If this is what a Paladin Captain is like, we shouldn’t have any problems working with the Holy Kingdom. He seems like a perfectly reasonable fellow.

“Welcome to the Sorcerous Kingdom, Cavallaro-dono. Please extend my greetings to the rest of your subordinates, and thank them for their efforts here.”

“It is an honour to serve, Your Majesty.”

Ainz’s gaze ran over the Paladin Captain, Countess Corelyn, and her attendants. Beyond them, he could see a number of warehouse workers loading wagons drawn by Soul Eaters. Unlike the vast majority of citizens in E-Rantel, they did not shy away from his scrutiny or flee from his presence. Instead, they seemed to straighten under his gaze and redouble their efforts.

I’ve been working for months to get the people in the city to warm up to me. This is my first time in this new town, yet everyone is acting almost normally.

He wondered why this was. Was it because of Countess Corelyn – the influence of some Skill or Ability that was a part of her build? Or was it something else? It would be nice if he could have the people in the E-Rantel acting the same way.

“I hear you have a grand adventure awaiting you, Your Majesty,” Countess Corelyn said. “Please do not hold yourself back on our account.”

Ainz froze for a moment, then his soft chuckle filled the air.

“My anticipation was that obvious, hm?”

“It does sound rather exciting,” the Countess smiled slightly, “and Lady Shalltear’s energy has been quite infectious.” f𝚛𝗲𝐞𝐰e𝗯n𝗼v𝗲𝚕.𝚌o𝐦

“Well, I can hardly deny what you say. Thank you for your warm reception, Corelyn-dono.”

“Your servant is honoured,” Countess Corelyn lowered her head. “Please enjoy your time together with Lady Shalltear. We look forward to your safe return, Your Majesty.”

Something about the Countess’ parting words seemed off, but Ainz was too excited to get going to think about it. His gaze settled on the single ship in the harbour. After examining it carefully from a distance, he breathed a sigh of relief. He half expected Shalltear to have turned it into a painfully conspicuous affair with hearts and streamers and all manner of romantic imagery. Save for what he assumed to be his seat, which seemed out of place with the rest of the vessel, everything else appeared quite normal.

At least Albedo won’t come flying down in a fit of jealous rage.

He checked the skies above, just in case. The early autumn air was crisp and clear of any clouds. Aside from the occasional Elder Lich patrol flying overhead, there was little else of note.

“So this is our transportation…”

“Yes, Ainz-sama,” Shalltear’s voice rose from his elbow. “Does it please you, arinsu?”

The crimson points of his eyes ran over the humble vessel; its mended sail, fluttering banner, and carefully maintained hull. A Death Warrior wearing a dark bicorne stood at the tiller and a crew of Skeleton Warriors manned its oars. Six Vampire Brides were lined up before the gangplank. They bowed deeply as he approached.

“Umu, it has an adventurous feeling to it,” he replied. “You have done well, Shalltear.”

“Y-your servant is unworthy of your praise, arinsu!”

A pretty blush appeared over her cheeks, and she turned her gaze away to fidget in silence.

Ainz boarded the ship, making his way towards the stern where a rich black carpet led from the edge of the hold to the canopied seat. The walls of the canopy were rolled up, providing an unobstructed view of the surroundings. The Skeleton Warriors saluted crisply as he walked by, and the Death Warrior prepared for their departure as he took his seat.

It was then that he noticed another figure standing at the bow of the ship: a tall woman with long, chestnut hair. She held a longbow in her left hand, and her attention appeared entirely focused on the channel ahead. Ainz thought he might have seen her somewhere before, but turned away from him as she was, he couldn’t be sure.

He glanced to his side, where Shalltear stood near to his armrest. She had changed out of her black ballroom gown and was now in her crimson plate mail. The point of her Pipette Lance gleamed from where it stuck out from under the shadows of the canopy.

“Shalltear,” he said as the ship was released from its moorings and started to drift forward, “who is that standing at the front there?”

“A local noblewoman who became my vassal,” Shalltear replied. “Baroness Ludmila Zahradnik. This Knarr that we’re using belongs to her, arinsu.”

Ainz raised a hand to stroke his chin.

“Zahradnik,” he murmured, “where have I heard that name before…ah, the noble who joined the Adventurer Guild. If I recall correctly, she had a previously unknown Skill, but she lost it.”

The image of Pandora’s Actor in the woman’s form flashed through his mind. He cringed at the memory of his attempted activation of the Skill. By its description alone, Ainz thought it was something that Touch Me would have latched onto immediately.

“She has since regained it, Ainz-sama,” Shalltear said. “Baroness Zahradnik also has quite a number of accomplishments to her name. She was the first local leader to embrace Undead labour, and her work in their implementation has provided crucial data to the administration, arinsu. The resolution of the issues in Fassett County was also spearheaded by her. She has been invaluable in many other things, assisting in the establishment and ongoing development of the Sorcerous Kingdom’s transportation network, leading and training contingents of the Royal Army and laying the foundations for institutions involved in magical research, education and the integration of magical technologies in the lives of the citizens. As an Adventurer, she has advanced to Mithril-rank and serves as both a proctor and trainer for the Guild. She was also instrumental in bringing the Frost Giants to our side, and her territory has not just Humans, but various Demihuman races living peacefully together.”

Ainz nodded slowly as Shalltear listed off achievement after achievement. His gaze drifted back to the woman far to the front.

Who is this superwoman?

It occurred to him that this noblewoman had not come to present herself at his arrival, nor when he had boarded the vessel. However, the out-of-place behaviour was swept aside by the sheer number of notable accomplishments she had left in her wake.

“…how is it that I haven’t heard of any of this?”

“Albedo’s doing, most likely,” Shalltear replied. “Baroness Zahradnik is my vassal, so her achievements would be counted as my own, arinsuka. At best, her results have been distilled into statistics in those dreadful reports of hers.”

He frowned at the notion. Would Albedo do that? He knew how competitive she could be – especially when it came to her rivalry with Shalltear. Then again, Albedo was almost universally disdainful of outsiders, often equating them to livestock only valued for what they could yield for Nazarick, so the latter was just as likely.

Though he couldn’t be certain of the reason why Baroness Zahradnik’s feats hadn’t received any apparent recognition, it still seemed terribly unfair for an individual who had achieved so much.

“Has she been properly compensated for her work?” He asked.

“She’s quite humble, arinsu,” Shalltear answered, “and rarely shows her desire for anything. The Baroness is content in performing her duties, developing her territory and ensuring her people are well cared for. I have offered her a few things, to varying degrees of success.”

“This sounds suspiciously similar to Countess Corelyn.”

“They’re childhood friends. The two of them are very close, arinsu.”

Shalltear’s lips turned up suggestively at the last. Ainz loudly cleared his throat.

“Everything else aside,” he said, “is there a purpose to her being here? You mentioned something about wanting to discuss the future of the transportation network.”

“Yes, Ainz-sama,” Shalltear replied, “I feel that our efforts in the south haven’t received as much attention as they should. There is tremendous untapped potential ready to be harnessed here, according to Countess Corelyn.”

“I see,” Ainz nodded thoughtfully. “I suppose she’ll be getting off before we enter the Katze Plains.”

“Forgive my presumption, Ainz-sama, but I thought it better that she accompany us for the entire journey.”

“Won’t that draw unwanted attention from the Undead?”

“That shouldn’t be the case,” Shalltear said. “She is also Undead, after all.”

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