Vampire Summoner’s Rebirth: Summoning The Vampire Queen At The Start Chapter 381 Eleanora's Growth And A New Useful Material

Chapter 381 Eleanora’s Growth And A New Useful Material


While my party was eating a resting for a ten minute break, I looked into my Grimoire quite intensively. Eleanora was diverting their attention from me so I could have some time for my own thoughts without getting interrupted every second.

Now… what do I increase this time?

I am quite tempted to keep adding more Strength, but right now in this situation, magic is king. If I can strengthen my magic and burn those undead with my Scarlet Flare, then it would be more efficient to increase my Intelligence. That would also make my memory clearer, which can help me recall my past life with even more detail…

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However, increasing Agility doesn’t look that bad either, especially when it is one of those stats that had been slugging down before the others. If I give it a nice boost, it could compare better with the others.

Hm… dividing the stat points wouldn’t be that good, the more stats I pour into a stat at the same time, the better the results. If I divide them too much and add to too many of them at once, I will barely notice the changes.

Well, let’s go for Agility for now, I feel like I don’t have to worry too much in dealing magic damage when I have such a strong magic glass cannon such as Elizabeth with us.

[You have exchanged 50 Stat Points, you gained +50 Agility]


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Suddenly, I felt as if my muscles tensed up for a few seconds, but quickly calmed down. It wasn’t the same pain as when I increase Strength, it was slightly relieving, to be honest. Without realizing it, I had become incredibly light. Although that feeling quickly faded away.

“I see, so these are the effects of increasing Agility by a large amount…”

As I saw Eleanora speaking with the rest about their fighting styles, I checked her own Status. She had grown stronger, quite a lot, in fact.


Name: Eleanora.

Spirit Race: Half Vampire.

Spirit Type: Blood/Dark

Spirit Realm: Rank 1 (Peak Stage)

Level: 16/30

< Health Points: 1434/1434 >

< Strength: 1103 >

< Agility: 902 >

< Vitality: 601 >

< Intelligence: 507 >

< Dexterity: 955 >

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Link Skills:

[Link (Blake): [Hard Worker: Level 5]

Passive Skills: [Half-Vampire: Lv3] [Charm: Lv3] [Spirit Link: Lv2]

Active Skills: [Assassination: Lv4] [Illusion: Lv3] [Stealth: Lv3] [Spearmanship: Lv3]

Magic Skills: [Blood Edge: Lv4] [Shadow Sneak: Lv3] [Blood Bat Transformation: Lv2] [Blood Threads: Lv2] [Shadow Trap Creation: Lv2] [Blood Aura: Lv2] [Blood Enslavement Contract: Lv1]

Title Skills: [Vampire Queen: Lv3] [Demon Slayer: Lv2] [Progenitor Vampire: Lv1] [Undead Slayer: Lv1]

Available Stat Points: 130

Available Skill Points: 160


She was the only one I could properly compare my stats with, and well… She was as insane as I imagined her to be. Her stats were incredibly high at Level 16. Her Level Ups were always synchronized with mine, so she was always at my same level. At this Level, her Strength Stat was already way past 1k. Her stats had increased a lot after she reached Peak Stage of Rank 1 as a Spirit, earning as much as +100 to both HP and Strength and +50 to everything else… that added with her high growth and everything else made her incredibly strong and lethal.

She was a strong spirit, and it didn’t bothered to me at all that she could have several stats higher than me. That was the whole purpose of spirits after all, to be vastly stronger than their masters and offer them incredible strength so they can survive this world with their help. This also affected our ability to do Spirit Link, and even her power to transform into a Spirit Weapon. The more stats she had, the stronger she would be in this form.

Nonetheless, she had a lot of saved Stat Points and Skill Points she had yet to use. Her Skill Tree, unlike mine, was immense and filled with an amazing variety of different Skills. However, because of this, it was quite hard for her to focus on something and she had a hard time deciding things. For now, she was fine, but later she should really put some more time into administrating these points, or I’ll do it myself.

“Well, this is next…”

I looked into the pile of Spirit Orbs we had gathered, alongside ashes. These ashes, despite their simplistic appearance, were a very sought-after material for alchemy, known as [Purified Ashes of the Fallen].


[Purified Ashes of the Fallen (Rare Grade)]

The ashes created as a result of purifying powerful Undead who held accursed spirits within their bodies. These ashes contain great amounts of Spiritual Essence and Soul Essence within them and are highly sought after for the performance of high ranked alchemy. They can be used for either the creation of potions, magic items, and even the enchantment of equipment. These ashes contain the Holy Element, which is specially strong against Demons and Undead.


Indeed, despite having come from an Undead, they’re an incredibly pure item that contains the Holy Element within them! Merely using them on potions can enhance their power greatly. Making them very strong healing potions or mana potions. I can also use them to enchant equipment and grant them the holy element, which was particularly stronger against Demon and Undead.

Although I have a Cursed Weapon, I had also thought about crafting a Holy Weapon. Cursed Weapons are good, but against Demons they’re not that strong. If I could get a Holy Weapon for such occasions, I would be able to deal with both situations at the same time.

Unlike Cursed Weapons, Holy Weapons are imbued with the power of Holy Light and the Light Spectrum of Elements, capable of channeling elements such as wind, fire, earth, and water instead of the Cursed Weapons that can only channel darkness, death, illusion, nightmare, blood, and so on.

Maybe in the near future I could make myself a Holy Weapon of some sort, but if possible, something small that doesn’t bring too much attention, like a dagger…

Ah well, for now, I should concentrate in my other haul of items, the Spirit Orbs.

If I am not mistaken, if I absorb these… I could quite possibly acquire Undead-type Familiar Spirits!


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