Vampire Summoner’s Rebirth: Summoning The Vampire Queen At The Start Chapter 427 You’ve Brought This Upon Yourselves...


"So this is the kid, huh?"

"He really came back, that person spying those two kids was right…"

"Now, stand still, you cursed brat."

The three men that Kyle had never seen before slowly walked towards him, pointing knives and even a bag.

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"W-What is happening?!" Kyle asked. He tried to look for ways to escape but he was surrounded. Kyle was clumsy as well, and was unable to fight, even less adults. "Mom?! Dad?!"

He cried to his parents, but they seemed to not be willing to help him. His father even grabbed the axe he often used to chop wood back then and pointed it at him, smiling like a madman.

"Kyle, you should had ran away… Now, we can’t go against the chief." Said his father.

"I’m sorry, son… But I cannot let you go. You must… die." His mother said, smiling desperately. Her face was filled with… insanity.

Kyle’s entire world began to crumble apart, as he felt completely scared. Suddenly being grabbed by a man behind him. He struggled, trying to run away.

"Stop! W-What are you going to do to me?!" He cried, struggling until a knife pierced one of his small hands, the pain was unbearable as he screamed in agony, crying desperately. Despair was taking over his entire mind.

"AAGGGH…! S-Stop! Shtop!" he began to scream, as the old man that stabbed his hand quickly pointed a knife to his throat.

"Shut the hell up you damn monster." He said. "We’ll burn you in a cross as an offering to the Holy Spirits…"

"After you die, we’ll be finally freed from your curse! You’ll pay for all these years you made us go through such agony!"

"It is all your damn fault! You should had ran away already, now prepare for your fate, you monster!"

"No! Stop! Noooo!"

Kyle began to scream, as he was being pushed inside a bag. Another knife reached his back, piercing his little body, and then another stabbed his left leg, making him bleed and scream in pain.

"Stop! It hurts! Sniff…! No! NOOOOO!"

"As long as we don’t kill you get we can stab you as much as we want!"

"Stay quiet you damn brat!"

Kyle cried, asking for help to his parents. But the two seemed completely unaffected by his screams, by his pain, by his tears… They looked at him with tired eyes, filled with hate and resentment… It even felt as if they were saying "Serves you right".

"Mom…? Dad?" Kyle cried, but there was no response. "Eller… gest…"

Kyle suddenly lost consciousness over the pain he felt, as his body was about to be thrown inside the bag.

"He fell asleep? This damn brat…"

"Well, I’m sure he’ll wake up after we burn him."

"I can’t wait to hear his screams as he burns…"

"Serves him right for cursing us…"

The two parents of Kyle looked at the three men nervously.

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"S-So will we get the money?" Asked the father.

"We brought him to you, right?" Asked the mother.

"Yeah, you’ll get your money so you can keep drugging and drinking yourselves to death…"

"Pathetic parents for a monster of a child I guess."

"At least they finally gave up in the idea of raising this monster."

As Kyle fell unconscious, he heard these words very clear.

"He’s a monster, there’s no way we had a monster as a son… He’s not our son, it must have been some sort of demon that got inside of my wife, but she’s fine now."

"Yeah, I-I don’t know what I must have been thinking… I was probably cursed by someone before, that’s why that thing came out, but he’s no child of mine… I-I don’t know why I was so stupid before, I should had… realized it long ago."

His father and his mother spoke, hurting Kyle’s heart even more.

"I can tell, a monster like that would had never come out of a human…"

"Yeah, that kid’s really a monster."

"We gotta hurry and burn him before he grows stronger…"

The young Kyle was already inside the bag, as his eyes opened. All the emotions he once held, all the attachments he once had for these people… they all suddenly banished. A strange force, or perhaps, his truest nature as a Necromancer finally resurfaced.

Even when Ellergest tried so hard to make him someone that was a good person… there was simply no use anymore for being a good person. And neither to fear his own powers anymore…

Tears flowed from his eyes, as his Spirit suddenly emerged, like a ghost, right outside of his bag, and freed him.


Swinging its scythe, in a single second, the man holding Kyle was sliced in half, his scream of agony barely could be heard as his death was almost instantly. Blood and guts spreading all over the floor.

The people inside the house suddenly felt as if time stopped. Their faces were filled with horror at what they saw. The Reaper itself, the spirit of death himself, had come, and taken the life of a man in front of their eyes.


"What the…?!"

The two men that came to pick up Kyle suddenly fell to their knees, looking in horror at the white-haired boy slowly standing up from the ground, walking outside of the bag he was thrown into. His eyes were glowing bright red, as he was covered in blood… his eyebrows furrowed with resentment, and a calm anger.

"You’ve… brought this upon yourselves."

With a mere thought, his Reaper moved swiftly, looking down at the two attackers over the floor, its hollow eyes glowing menacingly…

"W-Wait… Wait a second! I was paid to do this! This is not my fault! I swear! I…!"



A single slash, and the man’s entire torso was sliced in half, his two halves fell over the floor, covering the entire house with blood and guts… the sickening smell of blood spread out, filling the entire house.


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