Vampire’s Slice Of Life Chapter 1023 Ripple In The Soul

Chapter 1023 Ripple In The Soul

?One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six.

With each second passed, a Giant rumbled their way out of the many portals in the training hall.

The spacious and large room which could house a small town did not have room for a single extra pair of feet after a minute.

Imprisoned in metallic ropes, it felt as if ants in an anthill were surrounded by a bunch of anteaters. The size difference was astounding..

"Morgur, this guy’s tongue is quite sharp. I need it to make a blade."

The old Giant Baldur squinted his eyes and said while stroking his rough beard.

’What a polite way to order someone to kill.’

It was Lith’s first time hearing such a thing, making him think, ’Adventures are great. Not only do you obtain great experiences, even your vocabulary, and treasure stash would increase exponentially.’

’Heh. I can have a better vocabulary to curse people and enough treasures to even woo aunt. What a win-win situation.’


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Some restless Giants didn’t know the immensity of heaven and earth. Despite having eyes as big as wine barrels, they failed to see the silverhead standing calmly and watching them.

They hit the ropes and broke it, then charged right at Lith.

The hall rumbled and the cavern shook as if there was a magnitude six earthquake.


"These bastards!"

"Cover Gunther!"

Sheng, Ji, and Ojas yelled respectively.

Their life flashed in front of their eyes as the Giants unfurled their attacks, but true to their camaraderie, they erected a barrier around Gunther and themselves, in hopes of protecting everyone.

Lith was enveloped in this barrier too.


Lith appreciated the guys in his heart, but the barrier would only hinder him. He used his extensively used spell Short Jump and moved out of the barrier, standing right above the heads of the four guys.


A rainfall of gigantic weapons first shadowed over Lith, then crashed down at him.

A pitch black blocked the attacks. Lith didn’t move even an inch from his spot, as if the attack wasn’t powerful and it wasn’t air by rock hard ground he was standing on.


Lith said one single word in a soft voice.

Magenta-colored flames erupted from his sword and engulfed the entirety of the room like the aftermath of a lighter being thrown into a room full of gasoline.


"My hand! My hand! My hand!"

"My hair!"

"My eyes!"


Ear-piercing shouts resonated in the room as pure Destruction energy devoured the many Giants.

Due to restraining himself, Lith only burned the outer layer of the Giants’ skins and did not do life threatening damage to them.

Their clothes were burnt to a crisp while their skin was charred black.

Some weak-minded Giants ran in panic while some failed to make heads about their current predicament.

Baldur, the one who had sneered at Lith, was now staring at him with wide-opened eyes.


His alcoholic state was nowhere to be seen, neither was his unkempt beard or tanned skin as he looked like one of those Ink Death fellas that had once attacked him.


Lith said with a disgusted look as he looked at the naked, burnt man.


Lith swung his sword as he said one word.

A faint white arc of light shot from it and covered the whole room. It disappeared just as quickly as it had appeared.


The Giants gasped in surprise as they looked around and at themselves.

"What happened? My body… my clothes…"

It was all back. They were back to their normal health.

Baldur was dumbfounded and looked all over himself like others. He patted everywhere like he was searching for keys in his clothes’ pockets.

"I have no such kinks as watching naked, burnt, macho men despairing. My interests only lie in beauties who have nothing hanging beneath their waist."

As shameless as ever, Lith made full use of the fact that nobody recognized him as the Vampire Prince. Gunther and his group did, but that didn’t matter much.




Silence descended down in the room after Lith’s statement. Only the sound of small rocks chipping off from the ceiling and hitting the ground were heard by all.

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Lith placed his hand on the side of his neck and cracked it.

"Why are you so silent, Baldur? Did you not want my sharp tongue?"

The silence became heavier, but the faint sound of Baldur clenching his fists and many Giants gnashing their teeth didn’t go unheard by Lith.

"Heh. The deflated balloon look is so shitty to look at." Lith said honestly. "I hoped to have gotten some challenge here, but you all idiots are around Saint Rank or Half King in strength at best."

"If you were planning an ambush, you should’ve at least bought a few high ranking people. This is a big base, you know? There are stronger Giants in the vicinity who could come and crush you at any time."

Lith said his honest thoughts. Why stupidly come unprepared like that? He knew this race was full of muscle heads, but there wasn’t even a single person who could use their brain? Seriously?

Even Dennis could figure out that when you’re trying to ambush somebody, always go all out!

Lith’s words were a sharp knife that stabbed at everyone present. Some closed their eyes as their hands trembled while Baldur too clenched his fist hard enough to have blood drip out.

Bastard! If they knew there was a monster like that here, they would’ve brought some high ranking elder!

All the elders of Malros’s faction were away from this shithole. Baldur and his group had come prepared!

There wasn’t supposed to be anybody present, yet how did they miscalculate the presence of such a strong being?

Who was this amethyst-eyed bastard!?

Baldur felt such rage that he felt like gauging Lith’s amethyst eyes and paying them in a brothel as amethyst coins to buy some prostitutes.

His hatred from him was so strong that…

Lith caught on.

Lith literally felt a ripple in his soul when Baldur stared at him with complete hatred. It was the same as someone throwing a stone in a calm lake. In this context, the stone came from Baldur.

"You know…"

Lith took a step ahead.

The metallic ropes were destroyed by the opposing Giants themselves so he was free to move.

"…I am starting to hate you."



Lith slammed the flat side of his sword on Baldur’s head, making him fall on his knees and throw up a mouthful of blood.



The Giants that were in a daze for so long finally reacted when they saw Baldur on his knees.

"Stand where you are if you want to leave this place in one piece."

Lith wasn’t in a good mood. It felt as if he had eaten something bitter. It was strange because he hadn’t felt something like this before just from someone’s hateful gaze.

Mouths were shut, feet were stuck, and the Giants remained unmoving as they felt Lith’s explosive King Rank aura.

It wasn’t that the ones in this room hadn’t seen a King Rank before, but the aura of Lith’s was… it was even scarier than the Chief. They may lie about not fearing him, but their bodies were true to its instinct.

Lith looked down at Baldur, who had blood coming out of his eyes and a few broken teeth.

He tried to not hit him hard, but the annoyance he felt was too much.

"Baldur. I’ll forget everything and leave this place to let you do what you want."

"Huh?" Sheng’s confused voice came out from the barrier.

Him and the rest were watching Lith’s every move. Initially they were shocked to find him having such an easy time, but then they thought it was the Vampire Prince. There was no way he didn’t have any artifact to protect himself!

The shock had then intensified when they saw Lith subdue Baldur in one swift hit. Still, they thought it had something to do with an artifact.

Despite all the shock, the biggest one so far they experienced was from the comment he made just now.

’…will forget everything and leave…’

They thought of the same thing.

Was the Prince going to betray them like this? Was there no significance to the bond they had?

Oblivious to their thoughts, Lith waited for Baldur’s response.

When he heard nothing, Lith rubbed his eyes in disappointment.

"Baldur, don’t make me do this." Lith didn’t want to do something cruel today. "I am trying my best to walk on the path of virtue. I’m trying to get away from killing and stuff. If you tell me exactly what you were thinking a while ago, I would go away."

Baldur didn’t respond and stared at Lith with his bloodshot eyes.

With his barrel-like eyes, he tried to find the true nature of Lith’s words while staring right into his amethyst ones.

"Baldur. Last chance. Will you speak or not?"

Lith knitted his brows and said dangerously.

"Contr..act… sign a contract… I’ll speak."

Baldur wasn’t a fool to take the other party’s words at face value.

"Okay." Lith accepted immediately. He snapped his fingers and a golden scroll came out of his space ring and unfolded itself in front of Baldur.

"Say the terms. I’ll accept it. But remember…"

Lith thrust the tip of his sword at Baldur’s neck, making him feel a prickling sensation.

"…If you fail to say the truth or speak of half truths and hide something… I’ll make sure…"

The sword pierced deeper into Baldur’s throat, making blood leak out and having him suffocate.

"…not only you, your entire bloodline is wiped out."

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