Vampire’s Slice Of Life Chapter 271 Video Erased

Chapter 271 Video Erased

In just half an hour, the video of Lith’s farewell spread like wildfire on the internet and became a very hot topic. The most popular one was a tveet made by a person and it got fifty million views already.

However, things didn’t last for long and that tveet was taken down immediately by the website where it was published. Not only that, all things related to Lith’s farewell were removed one by one on that website by the staff working there.

In just another thirty minutes, Lith’s farewell video was erased from all major places on the internet and there were no traces of the video, just people talking about it on blogs and forums and wondering why such an event had occurred.

Ten minutes later, hackers from around the world spammed the video into various places just for fun and to mess with governments present around the globe. But soon, those videos were erased as well and the hackers were hunted down.

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In another fifteen minutes, Lith’s video spread across the dark web. But just as it did, it got removed in that instant itself and the people were sent a virus that corrupted their devices and erased all soft copies present.

The dark web was owned and run by the same organization whose part the Nine Roses Hotel chain was. The organization being Scelestus which was also the world’s biggest underground organization.

Scelestus ensured that no one posted this video on the dark web anymore and the ones who repeatedly tried to do so despite having their devices corrupted, were assassinated by their assassins.

In less than an hour and a half, such a major thing happened in the world and the vast majority wasn’t even aware of it. Only the ones who were regular on the internet knew about it.

Half an hour later.

Lith’s farewell video was erased completely from the internet as well as offline. But there were still some problems that lay. The major one being the people who had the memory of the video.

It was almost impossible to find each and every one who watched the video and erase their memories and so, to solve this issue, a lot of big organizations came together.

An emergency meeting was held and it was decided over here that they’d let go of this matter and not escalate it even further. They arrived at this conclusion when they got a letter from the Royal Clan of the Vampires itself.

The vast majority of the people globally once again became clueless as to how the Vampire Prince or anyone from the Royal Clan looked. Only a select few had seen his face and thanks to the video being taken from far, not many were able to see it clearly.

While all of this was happening, Lith was hunting monsters and beasts in Kunlor Forest to get some money for himself.

He may not know it but at present, it wasn’t just his mother who had his back. There were several people who were into play and worked in the background to ensure his safety.

But he was yet to discover who these people were and he also had no idea that such a big thing had happened due to him. Without doing anything, it was due to him that many people worked hard and there were also some extreme cases where people were killed.

Lith, oblivious to all of these, was currently moving in the second level of Kunlor Forest.

He was walking above soil covered with leaves that fell from the tall trees around him and was on high alert. The place he was in was the territory of the killer bees.

Lith was in search of the honey of these bees and if possible, to take the queen bee along with him.

The honey had good medicinal properties and usually could be sold anywhere for at least ten silver coins for a one litre jar. Just one teaspoon, which roughly amounts to 5 ml, mixed in hot water, helped cure people having common health problems such as cough, cold, fever, sore throat, etc.

It was for this reason that the honey was sold well. There were a lot of children and people below Rank 6 who needed this. Catching such common problems wasn’t rare for the mortals.

As for the queen bee, it could help raise a honey farm and that would in turn make a lot of profit. So many were in need of it.

Lith soon came across a tall tree that had a black beehive attached to one of its branches. The bees seemed to be going in and out of it.

Lith stopped in his tracks and hid behind a tree to watch the bees.

The bees moving in and out meant they were working and they were very well prepared in case someone attacked them. It was big no to attack them at this point.

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Lith thus waited and didn’t attack them. He waited for the worker bees to get back into the hive and rest. During that time, the beehive was vulnerable and one could easily attack it.

There was also the strength of the bees. Lith couldn’t figure out if they were Tier 1, 2 or 3, and thus didn’t attack immediately. If they were Tier 3 or below, he could easily attack them and take the honey, but if they were of a higher tier, things would be a bit problematic. It was better to be cautious and wait it out.

While Lith was waiting patiently in the forest, in the academy he left a few hours ago, there was an upheaval.

All of the students and staff who were present during Lith’s farewell were asked to be present at the academy grounds. They were about to be checked and strict action was going to be taken against the ones who recorded Lith’s video and posted it on the internet, despite many warnings given before.

There was an upheaval regarding this and many students were complaining that it was just a normal thing to do and there shouldn’t be such severe action that should be taken against students.

It was just a video, they argued.

The academy made a statement stating that they had strictly warned many times in the past to not record and post videos of the Vampire Prince on the internet. Their warnings were ignored and the students who were about to be punished were subject to the academy’s rules and conditions.

The protesting students then went quiet when this statement came to them. They too realized that the academy had indeed warned them before to not do this, and they basically broke their rules.

But not all students were this understanding. There were some extremists and these were the students who had a rich and influential family background. These students still argued that it was just a video and such strict actions shouldn’t be taken.

The academy officials were having a headache when they crossed paths with these students. This report was sent to the principal, Emilia, and she was currently going through the same.

Sel had brought her this report and was sitting in a relaxed manner on the sofa in Emilia’s room. She was having tea and waiting for Emilia’s further orders.

Emilia was reading the reports in a calm manner. Such things weren’t something that she considered too important. After reading for a few seconds, she put the papers down and looked at Sel.

She noticed her having tea and relaxing on the sofa. Emilia wanted to give her further commands but looking at her relaxing, she decided to not do so and let her be. She felt that Sel deserved a small break and so, Emilia ignored her and continued to work on something else.

A few minutes passed and at this moment, Emilia got a call on her office’s telephone. There was a small screen on the telephone and Emilia noticed that it was a call from CNC.

Emilia picked it up and put the earpiece towards her ear while a screen was projected in front of her. On the screen there was an old man wearing black robes and looking at her in a calm manner.

"Miss Emilia Liwet, it has come to our notice that you made a big decision related to the academy without our consultation. We ask you to come to the council by 11 am tomorrow." The old man said in a neutral tone.

Emilia sighed and said, "I’ll be there."



The call got cut at this moment and Emilia sighed once again.

"Those geezers keep bothering you, madam. Do you want me to do something about them?" Sel put her teacup down and asked Emilia in a neutral tone.

Emilia shook her head and said, "no. They’ll someday learn it the hard way and realize the things they are doing. Also, watch your language, Sel. Don’t talk like that in front of those people. You can get punished."

Sel nodded and picked her teacup back. She took a sip and said, "even though they are experienced and powerful Emperor Ranks, their ego is way too inflated. I can understand what madam is asking me to do."

Emilia slightly smiled and shook her head. Sel was very blunt most of the time and didn’t fear to speak her mind out. Though she was an angel like her, she was a bit different. She spoke what she thought without sugarcoating things.

Emilia got up and walked towards Sel. She lightly patted her head and said, "don’t talk like this in front of others. You’d be in trouble. Come, let’s go, we have some issues to solve in the academy."

Sel felt warm and happy when Emilia patted her head. But she didn’t show it on her face and there was no change in her usual poker face. She gulped down the tea and walked behind Emilia after gathering her things and the two left to administer things in the academy.

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