Vampire’s Slice Of Life Chapter 276 - Activities (2)

Chapter 276 - Activities (2)

Lith and Emilia readied themselves for the second competition. The track had been cleared and the whole ground plus the track was now made ready to be used for the second competition of the day—the treasure hunt.

The duo was in their sports outfit and were led to one corner of the stadium by the maid from the cafe earlier. As they reached the corner, the maid asked them to sit on two chairs present there.

She then handed out two objects to the duo and said with a smile, "sir, madam, these are the artifacts that you’ll need to wear for the entire duration of the competition. Once the competition is over, they will be deactivated on their own and you can have your senses back."

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One object seemed like a simple black blindfold and the other was a small black strip. It was obvious as to what artifact was present for what purpose.

Lith looked at Emilia and before he could discuss it with her, Emilia had already begun to put a blindfold on herself.

Lith was left with the black strip and holding it in between his fingers, he wondered where he was supposed to put it.

The maid could tell what Lith was thinking and so she explained with a smile, "sir, that strip has to be placed horizontally on your Adam’s apple."

Lith nodded and placed it where the maid had asked him to. He looked at her and said thank you but no voice came out and he realized that the artifact was showing its effect already.

The maid simply smiled looking at Lith’s response and after giving him a bow, she sat down on a chair present a few meters away from the two.

Lith looked at Emilia and noticed that she was sitting straight and seemed to be in a serious mood. To know why she was like that, he decided to ask her while also finding an excuse to test his communication skills without speaking.

Lith grabbed Emilia’s palm, making the latter turn her head towards him. He ignored that and drew letters on her forearm that read,

"Why so serious?"

Emilia first cleared her throat to grab his attention and said, "are you going to communicate with me in this way?"

Lith nodded in understanding but then hit his head and thought to himself that she probably can’t see him nod.

Emilia could see Lith but she chose not to. She shut her vision off so that she could participate fairly in the competition. Also, cheating would only result in her having less fun and so she didn’t even use her spiritual sense to look around.

Lith coughed and said that he’ll be communicating in this way but no voice came out as usual. He realized his blunder again and hit himself once again. He then drew letters on Emilia’s forearm again. It was a simple yes.

Emilia nodded understanding that and said, "alright. I’ll teach you a few things for normal words such as yes, no, there, here, etc., so that you don’t have to write them again and again. Here… this is how they are…"

Emilia taught Lith a few things and after Lith was done understanding them all, he practiced them for a few times. He rubbed Emilia’s palm, her forearms, tapped her on the middle back, lower back, and shoulder blades in specific patterns and orders and learnt a lot of gestures.

A few minutes later, the maid got up and asked the two, "sir, madam, are you two ready to go? The treasure hunt shall begin in five minutes from now."

The two got up and nodded their heads. Emilia held Lith’s hand and the two walked towards the competition area.

Lith felt a bit awkward as Emilia held his hand as he was not used to being this close to her but it wasn’t too much of a problem to him since he was now a man having experience with not one, but three ladies.

Lith’s awkward feeling didn’t last long and he pretty much treated their handholding as something normal and nothing too exaggerated.

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The two reached the center of the stadium and the maid left the two alone. There were also a lot of couples present around the two and all had similar artifacts like Lith and Emilia on them.

There was a stage present just a few meters from the duo and as the maid had said, five minutes later, a host walked on the state and said in an excited tone,

"Couples, are you excited for the amazing treasure hunt that is about to happen?"

"Yeah!" The couples yelled.

"I CAN’T HEAR YOU! I SAID ARE YOU READ!?" The host shouted this time, into the mic.

"YEAAAHH!" The couples shouted with more energy this time.

Lith and Emilia were an exception to this however. They did cheer but not as loudly as the others.

"Alright then! The entire stadium is your playing ground! Get to hunting! Haha!" The host laughed his way off the stage after saying so. The stage disappeared as well with him.

The place where the stage was present just a few seconds ago, it became of interest to the couples. They went there to see what could be available there but Lith and Emilia didn’t move from their place yet.

Lith was thinking on where to go since everything looked unsuspicious and the treasure basically could be anywhere. He and Emilia thus stood still and were in their own thoughts.

Soon, Lith realized that it was pointless to think so much and since there were no hints, he should just toss a coin, pick a direction and move there at random.

Just as he was about to do that, Emilia tapped him on his shoulder. Lith looked at her and as he did so, Emilia brought her face close to his.

She tried to bring her mouth close to his ear but since she was blindfolded and couldn’t see, she accidentally had her lips graze Lith’s cheek.

Lith didn’t mind it but Emilia sure did and felt a bit embarrassed. But she was a powerful and mature angel and didn’t show her embarrassment on her face. Her thoughts went into disarray due to this and she thought,

’I probably kissed his face… but that aside, why do I smell of roses from him? And why is the scent so rich and fragrant? No, no, no, Emilia, what are you thinking!? Think of the situation on hand!’


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