Vampire’s Slice Of Life Chapter 53 Reviving the Purple Night Wolves

Lucy grabbed Lith’s waist and directly cast Short jump and teleported to the floor where Ren’s dead mother was. They arrived to find that the wolves were biting onto the flesh of the dead mother wolf.

Lith covered Ren into his jacket and Lucy killed all those wolves with a snap of her finger. She casted a spell called ‘Fire break’. It was a rank 7 spell which could cause fire to burn you from inside out. Since it was a low level spell, it didn’t need to be cast.

Soon, the wolves turned into ashes and were blown away from a wind spell from Lucy. She went to Ren’s mother and casted ‘Reverse Health’ spell on her. It was an advanced spell of Life element. It could only be casted by rank 8 and above.

Soon Ren’s mother’s body was in perfect health but she was still dead. Lucy took out a dagger from her spatial ring and went a little away from Lith and bent down to carve a magic circle on the ground.

Lith looked at his sister’s big and perky butt and had the urge to grab it and spank it but he controlled himself. It was not the correct situation and he was also curious to see how resurrection from death looks like. It was the first time he would watch something like this and he was very curious.

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Lucy had noticed Lith’s stare on her butt and she wondered why he hadn’t grabbed it yet, considering the fact that he had started to become shameless like her mother and what she was doing was very easy to do if you have enough strength. He should be knowing this because she had taught him. He could as well lower her pants and thrust his dick inside her pussy and pound her while she was carving. ‘Wait! What am I having such thoughts?’ Lucy thought to herself. She too, like Lith, was starting to become shameless like her mother due to Lith’s and Lilith’s influence.

She subconsciously swayed her butt purposefully to provoke him and carved the inscription on the ground. She was subconsciously hoping for her little brother to pound her then and there. Although consciously she would deny such things and think of herself as nothing but an innocent lady.

Lith found his big sister way too much for him to handle but curiousity got the best of him. He really wanted to see resurrection even if he knew it in theory. He calmed down and thought what he would do to his big sister later after this was all over.

Soon, Lucy finished drawing the magic circle. It only took her five minutes to do that. She then chanted certain spells and ancient words to revive the dead and soon the magic circle started glowing in a dark blue light. She took the body of Ren’s mother and put it in between the circle.

Soon, the dead body started twitching as if it had turned alive. A few minutes later the body started convulsing and soon the body got up onto it’s feet and


It gave a very sad cry loudly, mourning for the loss of it’s pack and leaving her regretting for not being able to protect it’s child. The wolf then looked around and found that it was alive and healthy. It got confused but then it noticed two people and also a familiar scent from one of the person. She didn’t know what had just happend. She was attacked by other wolves and was supposed to be dead but now she was in this place and there were two people looking at her.

“Calm down. I have resurrected you from your death. You were dead once and now you are alive because my little brother wanted you to. Your child is safe with him. My little brother protected him and he has now become his pet on his own accord.” Lucy explained calmly as if it were a trivial thing.

The beast was angry after hearing the words of Lucy when she realised that her child was taken as a pet but she soon calmed down. It was a beast with a bloodline on par with the Werewolves. It understood things better than those other wolves or creatures who only lived on their instincts.

The wolf thought that being a pet for such a being who could make it come back from dead was not a bad thing. She thought of Lucy and Lith as very strong people who could ensure the safety of her child. She didn’t want more than her child to be safe. It was a mother’s most primitive instinct to care for her child. Thus, her anger subsided and she then calmly looked at Lith and Lucy.

Lith was bewildered by the Wolf’s reaction. The Wolf’s anger calmed down a little more quickly than he thought. Although he knew that it was bound to happen if he explained himself well, he didn’t know it was this easy. This purple night wolf was surely very intelligent.

Lith then looked at Ren and said gently

“Hey, I’ve brought your mother back from her death. Don’t you want to see her?”

The baby wolf was puzzled at Lith’s words. He didn’t know how it was possible but he turned to where Lith was pointing and was shocked. Ren started crying and struggled out of Lith’s hands and went to his mother.

The baby wolf and the mama wolf now had a very touching reunion. They both howled in mixed emotions. There was pain, joy, sadness, grief and most of all, relif. They were relieved to find each other alive. Soon, they both calmed down and Ren snuggled into his mother’s embrace.

Lith looked at Ren and his mother and said “do you want your pack to become alive again?”

Ren’s mother looked at Lith and howled indicating her gratefulness and thanking him for his kindness.

Soon, Ren’s mother shared her memories with Lucy on where her pack had been dead at and they one by one revived the dead. They found some wolves to be half eaten or rotten or even their bodies were shread into pieces. Nevertheless, ‘Life Gather’, an advanced Life element spell of rank Saint was very useful in this. Even if there was a single piece of flesh left, the body could be fully restored by it. For rotten flesh the spell used was ‘Reverse aging’ which was rank 9 and ‘Life Gather’ if it was scattered.

Some wolves got revived and Ren’s mother explained the situation. They were intelligent creatures and could understand and make logical decision and thoughts and thus were grateful to Lucy and Lith.

Ren’s pack had around 50 wolves with no beta or alpha wolf. It was a weak group of omegas who were roaming around, looking for shelter to stay safe. Out of 50 there were only 22 who were able to revive successfully which included Ren’s mother.

After successfully reviving everyone they could, they were now standing at a grassland. Lith and Lucy were sitting and the purple night wolves were sleeping, sitting or roaming around them. They found Lith and Lucy as people who could keep them safe as they considered them powerful. They had no idea the dead could be resurrected, so they thought only powerful beings could do that. Thus, they chose to stay with Lith and Lucy.

“Big sis, I am planning on letting them be in the dark rose forest. They’ll be safe there. Dark rose forest, although has many magical beasts, we can assign a territory for these wolves and let them stay there and make them stronger until they can roam around the forest freely. We can have this big batch of wolves to ourselves and Ren would be happy too after he gets to know that his pack is safe. What do you think?” Lith explained calmly.

“As I’ve said before, I ll always support you no matter what you do, dear. Raising just a bunch of these wolves is no problem at all.” Lucy smiled and said.

“Thankyou, I love you big sis.” Lith said and hugged her. He was half the size of Lucy and so when he hugged her his face was stuck in her big assets.

Lucy smiled and caressed his hair just like their mother. After a while she said

“Oh but I cannot teleport such a big bunch into dark rose forest you know?”

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“Oh. It seems like we need to contact mother for it.” Lith said in understanding.

“We can call Hecate and let her do the work.” Lucy said.

“No, let it be. Mother is free and she would also like to see our faces. You know right, how much she was reluctant to part with us when we were venturing out.” Lith explained. He felt that his mother would be mad at them if they asked Hecate for help and not her.

She would miss no opportunities to spoil them or see them and if this opportunity, where she could meet them again, was taken from her by Hecate, Hecate would be in deep trouble for just doing her job.

Lith didn’t explain too much about this and just called his mother.

Royal castle, Evernight city.

Lilith was sitting on her bed and was watching the tv show which her children were binging with her a few days before. She sort of liked the show and now that she had nothing to do, she started binging on it. Soon, her phone rang.

She looked at her phone and after finding that it was her baby who was calling her, she immediately picked it up and said in a teasing tone

“Already missing your mama, baby?”

Lith on the other side said shamelessly

“Yes, mom. I miss you very much. Come over and give me a kiss.”

Lilith didn’t even think twice and teleported instantly to where Lith was. She looked at Lith hugging Lucy and his phone in his hands. She went over to them and hugged both of them. She then gave a deep kiss to Lith and then one to Lucy.

Lucy flicked Lith’s forehead and said

“You shouldn’t lie to mom.”

Lith looked at her and smiled and said “Who said I was lying? I really missed mom. Although I said that, I didn’t expect her to come over so quickly.”

Lucy didn’t say anything and nodded her head. Their mother didn’t even question them if they wanted to see her or not and immediately came over. When someone says they missed them, they shouldn’t do this action. They should just say ‘I miss you too’ and stay where they are.

Lith then looked upwards where his mother’s face was and said teasingly

Lilith listened to her son’s shameless accusation and smirked and said

“Who said I only came here to kiss my kids? What if this old lady came over to do something more?”

Lith made a fake shocked expression and said

“Waaah, hold your horses lady. You shouldn’t do something without consent of other’s”

Lilith had the same smirk and said

“Since when did this lady need anyone’s consent for anything? I will now do something very immoral with two little kids.”

She then grabbed Lith’s little brother and Lucy’s boobs and started doing immoral deeds for a few seconds with them.

“M-mom, we are in public. Also, there is another reason we called you for.” Lucy said in embarrassment.

Lilith stopped her immoral actions and squinted her eyes and looked at Lith and said

“Is that so, young man? Did you have ulterior motives when calling your mother.”

“Yes. This young man indeed had ulterior motives but this old lady fell for the trap without even this young man needing to make his moves.” Lith smirked and said.

Lilith chuckled and ruffled Lith’s hair. She then asked with a smile

“So? What was the other reason for calling mama?”

“You see those wolves over there mom?” Lith pointed at the purple night wolves and said. He then explained everything about Ren and about raising the purple night wolves.

“Oh, I see. Alright then, I ll take them over with me.” Lilith smiled and said.

“Thankyou, mom. I love you” Lith said and gave her a kiss.

Lith explained the situation to Ren and Ren’s mother. He took Ren with him and let the wolves go to dark rose forest. Ren happily stayed with Lith. He was told that he could meet them from time to time, so he happily stayed with Lith because he felt much safer with him. He also wanted to grow strong and Lith had said that he could become strong with him, so he stayed.

Lilith kissed her children goodbye and teleported along with the purple night wolves.

Lith along with Ren in his arms and Lucy went to Langerhan city to stay at an inn and the episode with the wolves came to an end.

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