Vampire’s Slice Of Life Chapter 547 Can’t Have Fun Now

Few hours later.

Emilia’s office, Abalax World Academy.

Ring… Ring…

Lith was sitting together with Emilia on the couch, sipping on some tea and chatting with her when his phone rang.

Checking who it was, Lith said, "Oh, seems like they’re here."

"They?" Emilia asked, only to realize, "Oh, you mean, Ralph and Dennis?"

Lith nodded his head and picked up the call.

As he had guessed, the two had arrived and were asking Lith to get them inside the sky island.

"Wait a bit, someone will get you." Lith answered and cut the call.

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He then looked at Emilia, who simply nodded as she knew what Lith was going to ask her.

Emilia took out her phone from her ring and texted Sel about it.

As she finished, Lith asked, "So, when is the ceremony going to begin?"

Emilia looked at the time on her phone and answered, "In two hours."

Lith nodded. He then looked at her and said with a smile, "It’s enough time to have some fun."

"What fun?" Emilia asked.

Lith smirked and went close to Emilia to answer her. He held her hand and caressing it, said looking her in the eyes, "You know, the usual."

Emilia, no matter how innocent she was, being with Lith for so long, she had a rough idea what thing he was hinting at.

Her face started taking on a shade of red as she thought of the various scenarios that might happen right now and right in this place.

But she shook her head and slightly distancing herself from Lith, said with a cough, "Don’t think about such things. My students are going to visit me any minute. It’s very risky."

Lith tilted his head and faked a confused expression. "Why is it risky?"

Emilia, looking at her husband’s confused face, didn’t know if he was serious or joking. But still, to clarify, she said softly, "W-We can’t do those things now. Maybe at n-night."

She then faced away, not wanting to look Lith directly in the eyes and got back to sipping on some tea.

Lith, shaking his head, said in response, "I can’t do it at night as everything would be dark."

Emilia’s hand shook a bit as her embarrassment was starting to be visible.

She put the teacup down and faced Lith. Closing her eyes, she said, giving up, "Fine. Do as you please then."

She then made her lips into a pout, ready to get kissed.


A few seconds passed but nothing happened.

Surprised, Emilia opened her eyes, only to see Lith looking at her with a neutral expression.

Emilia blinked her innocence filled eyes, not understanding why Lith hadn’t begun doing what he wanted to do.

Lith, after having Emilia’s attention, said pointing outside the window, "Babe, I was talking about roaming the academy like in the past with Ralph and Dennis and having fun. What did you think of my words to do those actions?"


It took Emilia a few seconds to process what Lith had just said and finally after understanding it, her face heated up and instantly became red.

Her embarrassment peaked so much that if she wasn’t an Emperor Rank, she definitely would’ve felt dizzy.

’What was I even thinking…’ Emilia thought to herself and hid her face behind her palms in shame and looked away from Lith.

’Shame on you Emilia…’ She thought to herself while hiding her face from Lith.

Emilia was so embarrassed right now, she wanted to do nothing but dig a hole and bury herself deep in it, never to come out and show her face to anyone.

She was starting to question what was up with her mind and as her thoughts were taking this turn, they were stopped when she heard someone let out a suppressed laughter.


Emilia turned to look at the source, only to see Lith cover his mouth and hold in his laughter.

She stared at him, not understanding what was up and before she could ask anything…


Lith couldn’t hold his laughter anymore and wheezed. He beat the sofa’s armrest and laughed hard while holding his belly.


Emilia couldn’t understand what was up at all.

"HAHAHAHA! Look at you! Your face!"


He took out his phone and clicked her picture, her red face clearly visible in it.

Lith then looked at the picture, and then at Emilia’s face and…


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He began laughing uncontrollably again.

Emilia, after connecting the dots, finally understood that Lith was just toying with her.

Her face turned red in shame once again but in just a split second, something snapped in her and a vein popped on her forehead as she became annoyed.

Instead of feeling more embarrassed, Emilia smiled and with the same annoyed face, looked at Lith and called out,

"My dear husband…"

Lith, who was laughing uncontrollably, turned to the side as Emilia called him out.

"...HAHA…hah… ha— OH SHIT!"

Emilia’s face appeared really scary and he knew it was a bad omen!


Lith immediately got out of his seat and teleported towards the exit to run away!

"Heh. Do you think you can escape?" Emilia got up from her seat as well and said looking towards the running Lith.

Emilia cracked her neck, as if preparing for a big fight, and extending her hand forwards, she said with an evil chuckle, "come back to me my husband, I miss you."

Lith, who had already distanced himself and was running in the corridor, away from Emilia, was still able to hear what she had just said.

Going down ten floors from her office, he yelled back, "NO THANKS! I AM G—"

"NOOOooo …oo . . .o…"

Lith’s voice trailed off as he was pulled up towards Emilia’s office and that was last thing that was heard by him in the corridor of the academy.


Ten minutes later.

Below the Sky Island.

"Hmm… What’s taking so long for His Highness to pick us up?" Dennis asked, kicking rocks on the ground and playing with them.

Ralph, floating on air beside Dennis and reading a book, said, "The security in the academy is tight. Give it some time."

"Cheh. I am bored." Dennis, kicking the rock, said again.

He had been kicking the same rock for a mile straight by now. He was just that bored.

Ralph didn’t reply. He simply continued to read the book.

After a while, the two felt elemental fluctuations near them and soon appeared Sel out of a vortex.

Looking at her, Dennis and Ralph smiled.

Ralph got down from the air and in the meanwhile, Dennis said, "Miss Sel, long time no see! How are you? How is teacher?"

Sel, having a neutral expression on her face, said calmly, "I’ve been good and Madam too is."

"Hehe. Sounds good to me!" Dennis made a pun, which neither Ralph nor Sel understood.

He was still happy to make such a pun and chuckled at his own joke.

Ralph sent his regards like a formal person to Sel and also asked her to send his greetings to his teacher.

Sel replied, "You’ll be meeting Madam soon, you can tell her yourself. Come with me."

Without wasting more time, Sel took the two into the Sky Island.

As they passed through the big metallic gate, Ralph and Dennis were hit with a wave of nostalgia as they saw the academy once again.

This was the same place they had been together almost a decade ago and had fun adventures.

As the two passed the gate and were closing in, Dennis pointed towards a spot and said,

"Look Ralph, that was the place we said farewell to His Highness. It’s the place that gave birth to the first drop out!"

Ralph looked at Dennis and said with a frown, "Why did you have to word it like that?"

"What do you mean word? Did I say something wrong?"

Ralph shook his head and facepalmed. He then said, "Don’t speak until we meet Lith. Or I am pretty sure you’ll end up calling some trouble upon us."


"Please be quiet until you reach your teacher’s office. People around don’t know that there are visitors here. If they do, there’ll be a commotion." Sel said to the two.

"Oh, okay." Dennis agreed readily without questioning further.

He wouldn’t listen to Ralph but he sure would listen to Sel.

Ralph’s opinion didn’t matter to him. He thought Ralph was stupid.

Ralph, looking at Dennis, felt as if he was being bad mouthed by him. But he didn’t say it out loud as he didn’t have evidence and quietly went with Sel to the office.

Soon, the three reached the office.

As they were close to the door of Emilia’s office and were about to enter, they heard...

"Noooo! Don’t torture me like this!"

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