Vampire’s Slice Of Life Chapter 641 The Show Begins

Demon Castle, Abyssal-Hell.

Lith teleported at the entrance of the castle once again, only to bump into Lucifer who was standing tall like an erect spear at the gates.

Lucifer, looking at Lith come to her castle again, knitted her brows and asked, "Why are you here again?"

Lith chuckled. "What? I can’t even visit my aunt if I miss her?"

Lucifer wrinkled her nose and replied, "It would’ve sounded nice had you not been here three days ago. Now it just makes me annoyed."

Lith took a step forward and smiling, pinched Lucifer’s cheek. "Cute."

Lucifer swatted Lith’s hand away and holding his collar, said with an angry look, "I swear upon hell that if you do it again, I’ll literally kill you. Literally. Take this threat seriously!"

Being pulled so close to Lucifer and also getting threatened, Lith felt absolutely nothing. Instead, he found Lucifer’s behaviour to be interesting and cute.

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Lith wrapped his arms around Lucifer who was holding his collar and hugged her tight. Having his face close to hers, he let out a hot breath onto her cherry red lips and gave a light peck to it.

"Very cute indeed." Lith nodded and replied.

Lucifer’s annoyance peaked, but the shameless deed Lith did also turned her on for reasons she didn’t know.

Who in the hell blows air on the lips!? Lucifer couldn’t understand. And not to mention, why did it feel hot??

Lith, looking at Lucifer’s confused reaction, smirked internally. His ability to change topics and confuse even higher level beings was getting better and better with each passing day.

"Anyway, jokes apart, I did things on my part in the Human Continent. All you need to do now is to let the Devils get out and hunt." Lith said, not joking anymore with Lucifer.

"Oh. So it’s for this reason." Lucifer finally understood why Lith was here. She knew it! She knew he wasn’t here just because he missed her.

Lucifer got annoyed again but Lith didn’t give her a chance to act on it. He picked her up like a princess and surprised her.

Before she could say anything, he told her that the show in the Human Continent would begin soon and that they shouldn’t waste time in chit-chat.

Lucifer’s annoyance got shoved to the side and she began thinking of the things that might happen in the Human Continent once the Devils were out.

Thinking of this kept her busy while Lith took his sweet time to reach her bedroom. Once there, he put her down on the sofa and sat beside her, turning on the tv screen and watching the events in the Human Continent.


Human Continent.

Once Lith had ’imparted’ knowledge to the people from the countryside, everyone began experimenting and challenging themselves to learn it and have a breakthrough.

Halfway through this process, once people saw changes within their body due to cultivating, their emotions went onto another high and without wasting a single second, everyone diligently worked hard to become an immortal.

Their hard work and diligence eventually turned into madness as they failed to see results quickly as time passed on.

Lith didn’t explain to them that the higher was their level, the less would be the frequency with which they could perceive the changes within them. He purposefully did that and the result of it was now showing.

Finding no changes within them and being hungry for power, the people resorted to doing things which Lith had specifically instructed them to not do.

Lith told the people that Black Magic had its consequences if used and that they wouldn’t be able to handle it. He didn’t tell them anything more than necessary.

The people thought that there was no way they wouldn’t be able to handle things. They had already become so strong, what could stop them now?

Thus began a rush for power all across the Human Continent in the countryside.

As the people cultivated Black Magic, they started seeing changes and feeling happy with it, continued on.

A month passed and the adrenaline was getting into people’s heads. They were starting to crash and this feeling was extremely agonizing.

Nobody wanted to suffer in such a manner and for this too, Lith had given the people remedy.

He told them that in case they ever were in such a situation, they should use summoning spells and contact beings from the ’outside’.

What was ’outside’ wasn’t clarified as Lith wanted to keep it a mystery and get people curious.

This worked too as eventually people began using summoning spells to contact those said beings and use their powers to get out of the suffering they were in.

Right as many summoning spells lit up…

Back in the Demon Castle, Lith who had Lucifer in his arms and was lying down on the couch, got up and focused on the screen.

An aerial view of the Human Continent showed many shiny spots and if one were to connect these dots with a line, they would get a complex geometrical shape similar to a hexagon.

The shiny spots were dim at first, but in just a few minutes, they flickered and soon resonated together, causing the entire continent to light up in the darkness of night.

"Good." Lith flashed a small smile. He turned to look at Lucifer and groping her butt, said, "It’s time. Do your thing, aunt."

Lucifer nodded. Still being in the lying position on the couch, she did a few hand gestures in front of her and created a small spell which turned bright red and vanished.

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"Done." Lucifer said.

Lith turned back to look at the screen and his smile only turned bigger as the resonating lights in the Human Continent flickered even more intensely.

"The show has finally begun."


Human Continent.

The ones trying out the summoning spells suddenly lost control of themselves. No matter how much they tried, they weren’t able to stop themselves.

The people around the summoners got scared and distanced themselves.

But alas…

In a matter of seconds, the summoners’ body turned into flames as they burned and let out an anguished yet sorrowful howl of pain, sending out shivers down the spine of everyone watching.



People screamed and ran in fear wondering what went wrong with the summoners to get into such a state.

Their worries were soon answered as out of the burnt summoners appeared huge beings with goat horns protruding from their heads.

Some of them didn’t wear any clothing on their upper body, while some didn’t even have a layer of skin on them and appeared terrifying.





So much noise from the running humans attracted the Devils’ attention and this caused some of them to take fancy and make the humans explode like fireworks.

The Devils, with their sharp fangs and unsettling appearance, ran towards the running humans and in no time, caught upto them and killed them by biting off their heads or directly piercing their hearts.

Devils knew how to kill properly in the fastest and most efficient manner. They had been doing this since ages in the Abyss and now that they were out in the normal world, they considered it as a time to test their skills.

All across the Human Continent, in the countryside, the Devils had been summoned by the Humans and were going on a killing spree.

Not only were the Devils eating people, abusing them, they also were sucking the spiritual power off of everyone and raising their magic rank.

In just a matter of a few hours, the Devils had gotten comparatively stronger and had an edge over everyone else who was coming to stop them.

News of the Devils invading the Humans spread like wildfire all across the globe by the time the Devils had killed and eaten half the Humans from the countryside.

It naturally reached the ears of the Human Ancestor and the Human Emperor Ranks.

The Human Ancestor, Darren Whitter, despite knowing everything that was transpiring, and watching the Devils eat his own people mercilessly, was helpless.

He as the Supreme Rank of a main race could do nothing about it as it were the Humans themselves who had summoned the Devils and brought things upon themselves.

Killing the Devils or even touching them would mean Darren would end up offending the Demon Queen.

At this point in time, he already had a bad relationship with the Vampire Queen, the Dragon Empress, and so on. He didn’t want to make another enemy and offend them.

With how things were, they all might just gang up and come attack the Humans if he did something stupid. It was better for Darren to sit back and watch as his own descendants got massacred as well.

In Raizen, an emergency meeting was called by the Human Emperor Ranks. They arrived in the Human Court but were told that the Ancestor was out on some business, which caused chaos in the Human Court as well.

No Emperor Rank would listen to another Emperor Rank in the absence of a higher authority. Everyone considered themselves equals and thus didn’t have a common ground on anything.

Things were haywire in the Human Court with people arguing and not acting civilized.

With such chaos happening in the court itself and nobody doing anything, the Humans were bound to all get wiped out.

Lucas, who was in the court already, felt the situation of the Devils was far too dangerous than it even looked, and these fools were unnecessarily arguing with themselves, making the situation even more dangerous.

Feeling it was enough and getting tired of the fools in the Human Court, Lucas got up from his seat and shouted,



A/N: Hi everyone, it’s my birthday! Send in your wishes, I’ll be very happy :)

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