Vampire’s Slice Of Life Chapter 648 Lucas’s Frustration

Next day.



Lucas punched the wall in his room while screaming on top of his lungs due to frustration. The reason being the encounter that happened yesterday.

Although Lucas didn’t remember much of it, the system told him a few things and with what he already knew, he realized he messed up real good this time.

The time when Lucas had planned to reveal himself and have an encounter with Lith was way ahead, approximately thousands of years later. But it all happened so soon and he wasn’t ready by any means.

Lucas didn’t know why, but he had a feeling that he would definitely be watched by the Vampire Prince and whatever he was planning may foil even if he didn’t do anything.

All the hard work he did until now was all for naught and caused him even greater frustration.

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Lucas had been punching the wall for quite some time due to this.

"Why was I hasty!!?? Why!?!?!"


"I should’ve waited for a few years! I shouldn’t have plotted anything so soon! Fuckkkkk! I messed up!!"

After a while of taking his frustration out, Lucas finally calmed down and started thinking rationally while sitting on the bedside.

"Okay, there was no notification of the apocalypse getting closer. There was also no mention that he was interested in me. All this damned system said was that he checked me out. Later he just let me be and left."

"This is so weird, but it also makes sense why he left

Me alone. What’s the use of having someone who would fall unconscious so easily. Also…"

Lucas contemplated things for a good while. Once done, his stress went down tremendously and he decided to lay low for a while and do nothing eye-catching. This was the best approach to this situation and he could also properly focus on his cultivation in this meantime.


A few weeks passed.

Lith went straight to the Elven Royal Castle once done with things along with Ren. He helped Agalea out like usual, played with Alea and also made some subtle moves on Agalea. It wasn’t something serious but light teasing that got her flustered.

In the matters of romance, despite being an experienced lady, Agalea would blush due to Lith’s teasing. She would hide it but Lith’s amazing senses would always catch a glimpse of them.

His relationship with Agalea and Alea both had improved greatly. He knew this would happen if he hung out with them more often. All things had fallen into their respective places and it now only depended on Lith when he would make a move on Agalea to make her his own.

Lith didn’t want to rush and take things slow. Haste makes waste was a proverb he was sticking to and due to this, continued to do his things normally.

Lith provided Agalea a solution to her problems by asking her to show the elves their place. This way, they would stop taking her lightly, and he even asked her to kill off a few who may have greatly disrespected her.

Agalea was surprised by this but when Lith clarified and gave her a reasonable explanation, she felt it made sense. But she didn’t agree yet and said she’ll ponder over it.

Lith let her take time and continued to help her.

A month later.

Most of the work in the Elven Royal Castle was done. Lith planned to take a break and in this break, he decided to take Emilia on a date, more correctly, their honeymoon.


Emilia’s Office, Abalax World Academy.

As usual, Emilia was absorbed in work and was busy writing on some papers that lay on her desk.

Her surroundings were calm and quiet, her blonde hair bathed in the sunshine coming through the office window, and her beautiful face had a neutral look on it.

It was a peaceful day.

However, just a few moments later…



Emilia was startled for a split second due to the door suddenly slamming open. But then she lowered her guard when the familiar handsome tall silver-haired husband of hers appeared in front of her eyes.

Lith danced his way towards Emilia after calling her out and as he reached, took her hands and spun her around, eventually making her dance together with him.

"Hey! Hey! What is this?" Emilia protested while complying with the dances Lith was making her do.

Lith laughed happily and giving her a wink, said, "It takes two to tango, babe. Do you not know?"

"I kno- wait! Don’t spi-"

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Lith didn’t wait.

He spun Emilia and didn’t let her finish what she was saying.

The two tangoed for a good while and stopped when Lith pulled Emilia in his embrace and gave her a deep loving kiss.

"What’s with the sudden visit?" Emilia asked, after breaking the kiss and being in Lith’s embrace.

Lith smiled and having his arm wrapped around Emilia’s waist, said, "wifey, don’t you think it’s time?"

"Time?" Emilia didn’t understand.

Lith nodded. "Time for our honeymoon. We’re married now, remember?"

"Oh…" A slight blush spread on Emilia’s face. She turned her face to the side to hide the embarrassment and said, "right. Honeymoon…"

"Yesssss." Lith hugged Emilia tighter and swayed side to side. "This means seggs. Lots and lots of seggs together, hahahah— ouch!"

Emilia pinched Lith’s stomach and interrupted his laughter. "There was no need to say this."

Lith laughed again. He grabbed Emilia’s butt and raising her up and hugging her, said, "let’s go now, shall we?"

"Like this?"

Lith nodded. Without giving Emilia another chance to question, he teleported away.


Werewolf Continent.

Lith and Emilia teleported out in the middle of nowhere. Everywhere around them was a desert and nothing else.

Looking at the surroundings and the desert, Emilia asked, "Werewolf Continent?"

She wondered why her husband suddenly brought her to this continent since both had little to no relations to this place.

Lith was a Vampire and this race disliked the Werewolves. As for Emilia, she was a Seraph and would naturally not prefer places that belong to the creatures of night.

Lith, understanding what his wife was wondering, nodded and said, "We’ll have a good time here."

"HERE!?" Emilia got out of Lith’s embrace and said in shock. They would do ’that’ thing here? In the middle of a desert!?


Lith stared at his wife with visible amazement. He then shook his head and said, "your imagination sure is wild, wifey. But no, we aren’t having sex here on this hot sand. Let’s go to our destination now."

"…" As realization dawned upon Emilia, her face flushed once again and she turned silent.

Lith smiled and shaking his head again, held Emilia’s hand. He then walked in a certain direction and after a while, reached the desired spot.

"Alright, we’re here."

"Hmm?" Emilia looked around and found nothing but sand. There was no difference between this place and the previous one where they teleported.

Lith smirked. Without giving an explanation, he took a step forward and stomped his feet on the sand.


The sand burst below his feet and a giant depression appeared.

Out of the depression soon rose a mighty and ancient dark gate, having many inscriptions and carvings from ancient Werewolf language.

Emilia was confused. She didn’t understand what was happening. To know more, she spread her spiritual sense out, only to feel nothing from the gate.

Lith, feeling Emilia’s aura around him, said, "It’s no use, wifey. This is a secure and hidden place. Not even an Emperor Rank can detect it."

"Oh?" Now this was something interesting in Emilia’s opinion.

"Let’s get in. It’ll be even more amazing." Lith held Emilia’s hand and walked towards the gate.

Reaching it, he put his hand on it and spread his spiritual power.

The inscriptions lit up one by one after absorbing Lith’s spiritual power and once the whole gate lit up, it creaked and opened up slowly.

As it fully opened up, Emilia’s face turned to that of shock and she couldn’t help but say, "this…"


[Ancient Civilization found!]

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