Vampire’s Slice Of Life Chapter 68 Supreme Ranks Meet

Royal Castle, Nightingale.

Lith was sitting on a chair in Lilith’s bedroom and was looking at her getting dressed up. There was only a week left for the entrance test but Lith was in no hurry at all. He would teleport and go there so it’s no problem at all.

Lilith got fully dressed and she was about to leave. She was wearing a simple black dress which was a bit conservative. She wore silver earrings and her hair was tied up in a bun. She looked very elegant and graceful in such a simple dress. She wore black heels which were not too short nor too long. Only her nape was a little visible and half of her forearms and half of her legs. It was definitely very conservative as very less skin was exposed.

“You look very beautiful as always, mom.” Lith said with a smile.

“Thanks, baby.” Lilith walked over to Lith and kissed him and said.

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Lucy came inside and looked at her mother. She smiled and asked

“Are you going somewhere, mom?”

“Yes, dear. I told you before, didn’t I? The Supreme ranks meeting which occurs every 25 years is today and it will be probably more than a month or two long. Though, I ll try to come back sooner if there’s nothing of importance.” Lilith explained once again to her kids.

She had already told them about it a few months back but Lucy being busy as a substitute Queen and taking care of Lith, forgot it. So, she once again explained.

“Oh! Right, right, I completely forgot. Anyway, have fun, mom.” Lucy walked to Lilith and gave her a peck on her lips and said.

Lilith chuckled and gave a kiss to Lucy on her forehead and said

“Take care of yourself and also your little brother, dear. I’ll come back before Lith’s entrance test.”

Lucy nodded and went over to Lith, sat behind him and put him in her lap while stuffing his face in her big bosoms. She wrapped her arms around his belly and said to Lilith

“Don’t worry, mom. Everything will be fine and you don’t have to rush to come here.”

“Yes, mom. Have fun and don’t worry about us. We’ll be fine.” Lith said smiling.

Lilith smiled and nodded. She had no plans on staying at the meeting for longer. She wanted to watch her baby’s performance in the entrance test and nothing mattered more than that. She was only attending the meeting today because Lith had insisted her on doing so.

Lith thought that his mom might miss out on things if she was only taking care of him. She hadn’t even gone out in almost fourteen years, as far as he knows. She needed to go out and have fun and so, he insisted on having her go and attend the meeting.

Lilith walked out of the bedroom and Lith looked at Lucy and said smiling

“So, big sis, what to do now?”

“What else? Come I’ll teach you some advance general knowledge.” Lucy said smiling.

Lith’s smile froze. He looked back and saw his sister’s smiling face and it looked more like a devil’s smile than the gentle smile of his big sister. It was bad news if she was about to teach him something because she was too ruthless. He would get beaten up if he made mistakes. He didn’t want to study!

“N-no!” Lith said in a slightly resistant voice.

Lucy smiled evilly looking at her little brother who was resistant to study. He always hated studying and she knew it. There was only a week left for the test and she wanted him to be perfect. He still had some areas that he needed to improve upon and she wouldn’t let that go. She chuckled and flew away while carrying him in her arms.

Lilith walked out of the bedroom and onto the highest rooftop of the castle. She looked around and saw the familiar and common sight of the surroundings of the castle. The castle stood on top of a very high cliff. Below the cliff was water or more precisely, the Dark Rose forest Lake.

Surrounding the castle in all directions, a few kilometres away from the area where the castle stood on the cliff, was the Dark Rose forest. There were tall trees, bushes, grasses and more importantly, dark roses almost everywhere growing wildly in the forest. The roses had made a fence around the edge of the forest adding to the beauty of it. The darkness of Vampire continent, along with the gloomy and dark forest with dark roses, the still lake and the little silver and crimson brilliance from silver-crimson moon was very stunning.

Though Lilith had seen it almost everyday, it still seemed beautiful to her. She wasn’t a emotionless, cold and detached from the world type of woman. She understood the world the most and she appreciated it more than anyone else. She was a god and she behaved like one in front of everyone except for her children and friends. She didn’t purposefully behave like that. It was natural to her. Becoming a God wasn’t easy and the various experiences and predicaments had made her act like one subconsciously and very naturally.

She doesn’t have a switch that makes her turn motherly in front of her children or like a god in front of others. It occurred naturally. She loved her children more than anything and she didn’t even care about other people, why would she be gentle or kind to them? Thus, behaving like a god was only natural.

After looking at the scenery for a while, Lilith took a deep breath. She opened her majestic and sacred wings and flapped them once. Just one flap and she vanished from the spot she was in. Lilith wanted to stretch out and fly for a bit. She hadn’t made use of her wings in a very long time and thought it would be nice to look around and fly over to the destined place of the meeting.

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Lenz Tower, Espat.

Lenz Tower was the tallest and the most dazzling and Exquisite looking skyscraper in the whole world. It was the headquarters of the Council of the Neutral Continent. It was located in Lenz city which was named after the Lenz Tower itself. So calling the city as Lenz city or saying Lenz Tower meant one and the same thing to everyone. The Lenz Tower was located in the Espat country in Neutral Continent.

There were a total of five countries and Espat was one of them and also the biggest and located at the center of the other four countries.

The Supreme ranks meeting was being held at the highest floor of the Lenz Tower. It was solely reserved for them and nobody dared to enter inside or more correctly, nobody could enter inside. To enter, one needed to inject a little bit of the Supreme rank aura into the lock of the door of the highest floor and nobody could do it except for the Supreme ranks themselves. It was made by Florencia Rain, Queen Mother of the Witches. Also, cleaning and maintenance of the highest floor was automatic and done by magic circles.

The highest floor was 10,000km above the ground. The skyscraper was only one tenth the height of the World Tree. To make it even bigger, a lot of man power would be needed even with the help of magic and many Emperor ranks and Supreme ranks themselves would need to work, which they clearly didn’t want to and so, the tallest artificial building in the whole world was only 10,000km long.

There are a few ancient taller buildings than this, but they are in the other dimensions and so, Lenz Tower was the tallest in the main world.

Currently, at the highest floor, there laid a big brown round table. There was a black carpet laid on the ground. The walls were white and the ceiling had lights in a rectangular manner all over it, making the room well lit. Touching the round table were nine soft and comfortable black chairs. Away from the table in a semicircle laid many arch shape sofas. They too were soft and comfortable.

At the round table sat 8 people. There were 4 men and 4 ladies. The 4 men sat together and the 4 ladies sort of opposite to them. There was an empty seat in between two ladies.

Starting from left side of the empty seat there was Dragon Empress Mayzin, Demon Queen Lucifer, Heavenly Emperor Alex Paladin, Dragon Emperor Dagassi, Werewolf King Anderson Fenrir, Human Ancestor Darren Whitter, Queen Mother of Witches Florencia Rain and finally, Elven Queen Agalea Grace.

These eight people almost made up a circle but one seat was left empty and so the circle wasn’t completed. On the empty seat’s left side was Mayzin and on the right was Agalea and in between both were the above mentioned people.

Surrounding the big round table, there were many other Supreme ranks. These were the people who called the ones sitting at the round table as seniors. They attend each meeting and take tips and advices from the seniors. Previously, they were only 7 but now the number as gone to 8 due to the addition of a new Supreme rank. It is the one who was taken as a subordinate by Darren Whitter when he got beaten to half death by Alex, Agalea and Darren himself.

There were two or three people sitting at one sofa and in front of the sofa was a rectangular table. The table had a certain white coloured magic circle. One tap onto it and food and beverages would be served. Similar circle was present in front of each person on the round table.

These people were discussing about certain affairs or mainly chatting normally. There was no animosity in between them and they were talking normally.

While they were chatting, the door to the meeting room opened and everyone’s attention was onto the person that came in. The atmosphere became very heavy as the person entered the room. Even though they were all Supreme ranks, they still felt such a heavy pressure. The only exceptions were Lucifer, Mayzin, Agalea and Alex.

Lilith had entered the room and her aura leaked naturally. She had always retracted her aura when she was around her children but when she went out, it would naturally flow out of her. She would control her aura around her kids and when she went out, she would let go of the control. She didn’t feel uncomfortable in retracting her aura and she would let it go only because she wanted people to know of the place they belonged and not do anything stupid in front of her.

Previously, a new Supreme rank thought that Lilith was a Supreme rank like him and it would only be slightly difficult to beat her but if he could, he would then have a way with such a peerless beauty. So, lust and greed took better of him and he assaulted her and as an end result, got himself wiped off the face of the world and the reincarnation cycle itself. After that, his whole gene pool was killed and Lilith had made sure that none of them could ever reincarnate.

A single mistake costed the man very dearly and everyone in the meeting room at that time had never dared to underestimate Lilith even in their wildest dreams. Each newcomer would be educated well by everyone else present to not mess with Lilith or even dare to look at her. They warned the others because of fear that Lilith might attack them too in rage. It was better to be safe than sorry.

Lilith too had learned her lesson clearly that, even though she had become a God, she needed to act like one or certain fools would not know their place.

Her aura affected everyone present except for her friends and also Alex. Alex was exempted because he had good relations with Lilith and also because he was Lucifer’s grandfather and was very kind to her. Alex and Lilith weren’t friends but they weren’t strangers to each other either. They could be said to be acquaintances of each other due to Lucifer being the middleman. Thus, he too was an exception like Lilith’s other friends.

Except these four people who sat calmly in their place and looked at the entrance with a smile, the others had a cold sweat on their back. They had all experienced it before but they still couldn’t help but feel a little fear whenever Lilith arrived. They knew that offending Lilith was not a good thing and Death could only be the best case scenario in such a case. As for the worst case scenario, they didn’t even dare to think.

The newcomer, the subordinate of Darren Whitter, Arbour Linn, also had cold sweat on his back. He too felt fear like everyone else when he looked at Lilith walking towards the empty seat from the entrance. Only now did he understand why he was warned so much by Darren to not offend the Vampire Queen.

That’s right, his boss, Darren Whitter, never said Lilith’s name to him and only called her by her title, that is, the Vampire Queen. Only now did he understand as to why even his boss never dared to take her name lightly. He could clearly feel that this beautiful woman which now sat at the empty chair was very strong. Even stronger than the three people who attacked and beat him to half death. She alone could kill him, he felt it himself.

Arbour was very stiff and tensed. Not only him, everyone else too was the same. The other people who were present during the time a Supreme rank got killed by Lilith in this very meeting room still had some lingering fear and the ones who weren’t present, only had respect and awe for Lilith as they could feel that she was very strong. They viewed her as their idol and source of their worship.

Lilith sat on the empty seat and looked around. She could clearly see everyone was tense but she didn’t bother to ask them to relax. She didn’t do anything to them to feel so stiff and tense and she had only released her aura.

The ones who felt very fearful of her were the ones who had some impure thoughts about her and they would always think up of the various scenarios in their mind about what would happen to them when they acted on such thoughts. The results of their own made up scenarios would only make them more fearful.

The others who had nothing but respect and awe, Lilith didn’t bother with them either. If she gave them attention, they would ask her many questions and annoy her to death. Thus, Lilith sat quietly on her chair and didn’t say anything to others.

One important point that Arbour noticed in the room was that Lilith’s chair was the very head. She had no one facing her with their backs and from this alone, Arbour realised how much respect everyone showed to her. Or on the contrary, he thought that no one wanted to offend her even in the slightest and thus she had her seat at such a place.

Lucifer looked at Lilith, who, like always, didn’t even bother to ask the other people to relax or say anything to initiate a conversation. She smiled and asked

“Hey, Bitch. Shouldn’t you say Hi to me when you come over?”

Arbour felt very tense. He almost had the feeling that Doomsday could arrive any time now. He felt more stiff and tense than before. He looked at Lucifer and thought

‘Lady, if you want to die, why involve the others?’

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